Anatomy Flashcards
sternoclavicular joints
saddle joints where the clavicles articulate with the manubrium at its superolateral angles
vertebral level of the sternomanubrial joint
vertebral level of the xiphoid process
the 2nd costal cartilage articulates with
the manubrium and the sternal body
the 7th rib articulates with
the sternal body and the xiphoid process
costochondral joint
synchrondosis between the rib and the costal cartilage
sternocostal joint
synovial plane joint between the costal cartilage and the sternum
1st = primary cartilagenous (synchrondosis)
true ribs
ribs 1-7 (vertebrosternal)
false ribs
ribs 8-10 (vertebrochondral)
floating ribs
ribs 11-12 (vertebral)
subclavian vein and artery function
supply the upper limb
costovertebral joint
synovial plane joint between the head of the rib and the vertebral body of the same number and the one above it
function of the tubercle of the rib
articulates with the articular facet on the tip of the transverse process of the vertebra with the same number
The costotransverse joint
dermatome of the sternal angle
dermatome of the nipples
inferior border of the deflated lung at the midclavicular line
rib 6
inferior border of the deflated lung at the midaxillary line
rib 8
inferior border of the deflated lung at the midscapular line
rib 10
inferior border of the parietal pleura at the midclavicular line
rib 8
inferior border of the parietal pleura at the midaxillary line
rib 10
inferior border of the parietal pleura at the midscapular line
rib 12
rib level of the cardiac notch
ribs 4-6
Here a needle can enter the heart without penetrating the lungs or pleura
the oblique fissure follows…
rib 6
the horizontal fissure follows…
rib 4
vertebral level of the superior point of the lung
when inflated, the posterior border of the lung extends to…
rib 12
muscle fibre orientation of the external intercostal muscles
infero-anteriorly (\//)
muscle fibre orientation of the internal intercostal muscles
infero-postereorly (//\)
muscle fibre orientation of the innermost intercostal muscles
infero-posteriorly (//\)
external intercostal muscles fill the intercostal space…
from the vertebrae to the costochondral junction.
the front is filled by external intercostal membrane
internal intercostal muscles fill the intercostal space…
from the sternum to the costal angle.
the back is filled by internal intercostal membrane
intercostal membrane
a thin aponeurosis
innermost intercostal muscles fill…
only the central half of the intercostal space.
the front is filled by the transvursus thoracis muscles.
the back is filled by the subcostalis muscles
contents of the neurovascular bundle (superior to inferior)
intercostal Vein
intercostal Artery
intercostal Nerve
location of the neurovascular bundle
in the costal groove/ sulcus below each rib, between the internal and innermost intercostal muscles
collateral branch of the neurovascular bundle
a small branch given off by each structure in the neurovascular bundle, located just above each rib
shape of the thoracic diaphragm
consists of a left dome and a (higher up due to the liver) right dome.
a clover shaped central tendon in the middle
attachments of the thoracic diaphragm
the xiphisternum
costal cartilages 7-12
vertebra T12
The central tendon is attached to the fibrous pericardium
The left and right crura (singular = crus)
tendons which bind the diaphragm to vertebral bodies L1-2
major openings (hiatuses) in the thoracic diaphragm, and their vertebral levels
inferior vena cava - T8 (through the central tendon*)
oesophagus - T10
aorta - T12
*so it cannot be compressed by contracting muscle
Due to the dome shape, more anterior structures are more superior
minor openings in the thoracic diaphragm are for…
azygous vein thoracic duct sympathetic trunks phrenic nerves vagus nerves
Phrenic nerves
motor and sensory nerves supplying the diaphragm (left and right domes, inferior and superior surfaces)
spinal level of origin of phrenic nerves
+ results of injury
injury to the spinal cord above these levels will result in paralysis of the diaphragm (+ need for artificial ventilation)
Injury below these levels may result in quadriplegia (inability to move all limbs)
anterior and posterior axillary folds
the ridges of skin covered muscle on either sides of the arm pit
muscles for forced inspiration
accessory muscles, e.g.
- muscles of the neck attaching to the sternum and upper ribs
- muscles of the abdomen that attach to the lower ribs
- upper limb and back muscles with rib attachments
the “voice box”
a set of cartilages, membranes and ligaments which produce sound from expired air
attachments of the larynx
superiorly - to the hyoid bone
inferiorly - to the trachea at C6
function of the epiglottus
prevents solids and liquids entering the pharyngeal outlet
laryngeal prominence
the “adam’s apple”
in the middle of the thyroid cartilage
cricoid cartilage
a ring of cartilage below the thyroid cartilage and above the tracheal cartilages
motor innervation of the lower respiratory tract
sympathetic + parasympathetic
- sympathetic fibres from upper thoracic spinal levels via the pulmonary plexuses (located at the termination of the primary bronchi)
- parasympathetic fibres from the vagus nerve
* Sensory fibres travel in both
blood supply (+drainage) of the lower respiratory tract
- The bronchial arteries arising from the thoracic aorta
- intercostal ateries
the bronchial vein drains into the azygous venous system
spinal levels of the trachea
C6 - T4 (where it bifurcates)
cartilage rings of the trachea
15-20 C shaped hyaline cartilage rings, completed at the back by the trachealis muscle
the cartilage ring at the bifurcation of the trachea
right bronchi
the right main bronchus bifurcates just before entering the lung.
the superior branch is the superior lobar (eparterial) bronchus
the main bronchus then becomes the hypartrial bronchus
tracheobronchial lymph nodes
exist around the bifurcation of the trachea and alongside the two main bronchi
Hilum of the lungs
the area on the mediastinal surface of the lungs where the lung root enters and exits
root of the lung
consists of... the bronchus/ bronchi (posteriorly) the pulmonary artery (superiorly) the superior pulmonary vein the inferior pulmonary vein
bronchopulmonary/bronchomediastinal lymph nodes
surround the pulmonary veins at the hilum of the lung