Anatomy Flashcards
Latissmas Dorsi is supply by
Thoracodorsal n
Dorsal scapular n supply
Rhomboideus major and minor
Injury in poplitial cyst lead to injury in
Commen peroneal n
Sup laryngeal. N supply
Recurrent laryngeal n
Mucosa above vocal cord affrent of cough reflex
Mucosa below vocal cord and muscle
Pharyngeal mucosa supply by
Abdomen layer
Camper fascia fat Scrapa fascia fibrous External oblique inf medial Int oblique sup medial Transverse abdomen Fascia transfersalse Partial peritoneum
Branches of gastrodudenal artery
Rt gastroepiploic
Corda tympani branches of facial supply
Preganglion of submandibular and sublingual gland and take taste sensation of ant tongue
Parotid gland supply by
Otic ganglia of glossopharyngeal n
Lesser omentum conten
Hepatogastric ligament
And hepatodudenal ligament
Portal vein hepatic artery bile duct in which ligament
Hepatodudenal lig
Primary gustatory taste cortex in
Great saphenous vein
Short suphnous vein supply
Great supply medial leg which drainage in inguinal lymph node
Small for lateral aspect of leg drainage in popliteal fossa
Axillary artery anyrusem affect which part of breachial plexuses
Affect the cord
Lumbricus supply by
Interossies muscle supply by and do ???
Median and ulnar
Only ulnar and do addiction and abduction even the thumb