Anatomy Flashcards
What is the origin and insertion of EO, IA and TA?
EO: Ant 1/2 of iliac crest to pubic tubercle
IO: Ant 1/2 of iliac crest, lowermost fibres from lateral 2/3 of inguinal ligament. To pubic crest in conjoint tendon.
TA: Ant 1/2 of iliac crest, lowermost fibres from lateral 1/3 of inguinal ligament. To pubic crest in conjoint tendon.
What are the two main branches of the internal thoracic artery?
Musculophrenic and superior epigastric
Where is the superficial and deep ring?
Deep ring: an out pocketing in transversalis fascia half way between ASIS and pubic tubercle
Superficial ring: Medial opening in EO aponeurosis
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
Floor: inguinal ligament
Roof: IO and TA arching fibres
Anterior wall: EO aponeurosis and IO laterally
Posterior wall: TA fascia and conjoint tendon medially
Where do the 3 layers of fascia around the spermatic cord come from?
1st from fascia transversalis–> internal spermatic fascia
2nd from TA and I0, with some muscle fibres from IO–> Cremasteric fascia
3rd from EO aponeurosis–> external spermatic fascia
What is the difference between a direct and indirect inguinal hernia?
A direct pushes through the posterior wall into the inguinal canal, where as an indirect is a protrusion through the deep ring into the inguinal canal
What is the origin and insertion of psoas major, QL and iliacus?
From vertebral bodies and discs of lumbar vertebrae to the lesser trochanter of femur. Sitting in paravertebral gutter
QL from lower border of 12th rib to posterior half of iliac crest, along tip of transverse processes
Iliac from iliac fossa to form a conjoint tendon with PM
Where do the 3 layers of thoraco lumbar fascia come and then join together? Whats in their compartments? Which two muscles do they anchor?
Anterior from front of transverse process
Middle from tip of transverse process
Posterior from tip of spinous process
Fuse in a line with tip of 12th rib
QL in anterior comp and PM in posterior comp
Anchors TA and IO (EO free edge)
Where do the kidneys sit? What are their dimensions? Where does it blood supply from?
Where do potential accessory renal arteries come from?
From T12-L3 in paravertebral gutters anterior to QL
10x5x2.5 cm
lateral branches from abdo aorta, drains into IVC direct
Accessory arteries from development as the kidneys ascending taking then obliterating blood supply from what ever level they were at.
How long are the ureters? Where would you find them on an x-ray? What 3 places would you find a kidney stone? Where is their blood supply from?
25-30cm, along tip of transverse processes in front of posts major.
Junction of renal pelvis, where tips over pelvic brim, entry into the pelvis
Blood supply just from whatever down its course.
What level of somitomere do somites begin forming?
Number 8, then goes caudally.
Which germ layers initiate and control limb growth? What congenital issue can result?
Mesoderm initiates limb growth
Ectoderm control limb growth forming an apical ectodermal ridge. Can get diplopodia if mechanical disruption.
Can get syndactyly if inefficient apoptosis of webbing
How does anus develop? Which germ layers are involved?
Begins as proctodeum sealed by choacal membrane (ectoderm and endoderm) Urogenital septum (mesoderm) then grows backwards separating allantois and hindgut to form two holes.
Where do pharyngeal pouches develop? What germ layer? What are some examples of structures they go onto form?
Between pharyngeal arches.
Eustachian tubes and thymus.
Which part of which germ layer does the heart come from?
What structure type does the heart begin as and how does it change?
From the splanchnic lateral plate mesoderm. Parts of outflow tract and midline from neural crest
Begins as two tubes that fuse in the midline. It then twists to form 4 chambers.
What is the most common congenital defect organ and an example within in?
Heart defects (1/200), ventricular defect most common (IVS not fully fused)
Where is the GIT rotation axis in development?
Around yolk stalk and superior mesenteric artery
Which germ layer is the kidney from?
What induces the metanephros? What is left of that structure?
- Intermediate mesoderm
- Mesonephros induces metanephros. Mesonephros duct left as wolfing duct–> vas def, epididymis and seminal vesicles
What week do the 3 germ layers form?
When is all major organogenesis complete by?
Week 2-3
Complete by 3 months (1st trimester)
What is the most common form of oesophageal hernia?
Sliding, where it takes part of stomach