Anatomy Flashcards
What regions of the mammalian brain still have a three layer cortex like turtles?
The olfactory and hippocampal cortex still have three-layers in mammals.
What are the basic interactions of the canonical neuronal circuit?
The basic interactions of the neuronal circuit are lateral inhibition, recurrent excitation, feed-forward excitation and feedback inhibition.
What portion of turtle neurons are pyramidal neurons?
80-90% of neurons in the turtle cortex are pyramidal neurons. (Ulinski 2007)
How large is the synaptic cleft?
Usually about 20 nm (Agnati 1995)
(Agnati 1995)
Review on synaptic transmission vs volume transmission.
What are three characteristics of volumetric transmission?
Slow transmission
Low effective concentrations
Primary sites
High affinity receptors
What sorts of extrasynaptic receptors have been found?
Metabotropic and ionotropic glutamate, peptidergic and monoaminergic extrasynaptic receptors have been found on neurons and astrocytes.
What did Schmitt propose?
Schmitt proposed that neurons evolved from cells with axon-like projections that released transmitters onto target cells.
What is one issue with using glucose as an indicator for the rate of glycolysis during hypoxia-normoxia transitions?
During hypoxia, G6P can accumulate and allow maintained glycolytic rate during reoxygenation despite no apparent use of glucose. (Anundi 1989)
(Anundi 1989)
Critical PO2 of isolated hepatocytes is close to 0.1 mmHg but 2 mmHg for mitochondria.
How is anaerobic glycolysis regulation different in liver than heart?
End products seem to inhibit glycolysis less in liver than heart. (Seglen 1974)
What is one issue with using glucose as an indicator for the rate of glycolysis during hypoxia-normoxia transitions?
During hypoxia, G6P can accumulate and allow maintained glycolytic rate during reoxygenation despite no apparent use of glucose. (Anundi 1989)