Anatomy Flashcards
To physiologically adapt to an unfamiliar environment and achieve a new steady state. For example, the body can adjust to a high altitude or a hot climate and gain an increased capacity to work in those conditions.
The uptake of nutrients across a tissue or membrane by the gastrointestinal tract.
Thin contractile protein in a myofibril.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
A high-energy phosphate molecule required to provide energy for cellular function. Produced both aerobically and anaerobically and stored in the body.
Fat cells stored in adipose tissue.
Adipose tissue
Fatty tissue; connective tissue made up of fat cells
Adrenacorticotropin hormone (ACTH)
A hormone released by the pituitary gland that affects various important bodily functions; controls the secretion in the adrenal gland of hormones that influence the metabolism of carbohydrates, sodium, and potassium; also controls the rate at which substances are exchanged between the body and tissues.
Spherical extensions of the respiratory bronchioles and the primary sites of gas exchange with the blood.
Muscle building effects.
Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS)
Synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone testosterone; used for their muscle building characteristics.
Anaerobic glycolysis
The metabolic pathway that uses glucose for energy production without requiring oxygen. Sometimes referred to as the lactic acid system or anaerobic glucose system, it produces lactic acid as a byproduct.
A steroid produced by the adrenal gland that is a precursor to testosterone and other androgens; has been used as a supplement to increase muscle strength.
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
A primary stabilizing ligament of the knee that travels from the medial border of the lateral condyle to its point of insertion anterolaterally to the medial tibial spine.
Axial skeleton
The bones of the head, neck, and trunk.
A naturally occurring amino acid formed within the body.
Beta cell
Endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas responsible for synthesizing and secreting the hormone insulin, which lowers the glucose levels in the blood.
The mechanics of biology and muscular activity.
Body fat
A component of the body, the primary role of which is to store energy for later use.
Bone formation
The process resulting in the formation of normal, healthy bone tissue, including remodeling and resorption.
Bone mineral density (BMD)
A measure of the amount of minerals (mainly calcium) contained in a certain volume of bone.
Branched-chain amino acid (BCAAs)
Essential amino acids that inhibit muscle protein breakdown and aid in muscle glycogen storage. The (BCAAs) are valine, leucine, and isoleucine.
A sack of fluid that is present in areas of the body that are potential sites of friction.
The smallest blood vessels that supply blood to the tissues, and the site of all gas and nutrient exchange the cardiovascular system. They connect the arterial and venous systems.
The body’s preferred energy source. Dietary sources include sugars (simple) and grains, rice, potatoes, and beans (complex). Carbohydrate is stored as glycogen in the muscle and liver and is transported in the blood as glucose.
A substance made up of amino acids that is highly concentrated in the brain and muscle tissue; may have many beneficial antioxidant properties.
A smooth, semi-opaque material that absorbs shock and reduces friction between the bones of a joint.
The main protein found in milk and other dairy products.
Hormone (e.g. epinephrine and norepinephrine) released as part of the sympathetic response to exercise.
A fat like substance found in the blood and body tissues and in certain foods. Can accumulate in the arteries and lead to a narrowing of the vessels (atherosclerosis).