Anatomy 2 Muscles And Innervation Flashcards
Iliocostalis cervicis
Origin: angle of ribs 3–6
Insertion: transverse processes of c4–c6
Function: bilateral contracition=spine extension / unilateral contraction=ipsilateral flexion
Innervation: lateral branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves
Ilicostalis thoracis
Origin: angle of ribs 7–12
Insertion: angles of ribs 1–6 / transverse process of c7
Function: bilateral contracition=spine extension / unilateral contraction=ipsilateral flexion
Innervation: lateral branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves
Iliocostalis lumbarum
Origin: lateral crest of sacrum / medial end of iliac crest / thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion: angle of ribs 5–12 / transverse processes of L1–L4
Function: bilateral contracition=spine extension / unilateral contraction=ipsilateral flexion
Innervation: lateral branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves
Longissimus capitis
Origin: transverse processes of C4–T5
Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone
Function: bilateral contraction= extension of head and neck / unilateral contraction= lateral flexion and rotation of head
Innervation: lateral branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves
Longissimus cervicis
Origin: transverse processes of T1–T5
Insertion: transverse processes of C2–C6
Function: bilateral contraction= spine extension / unilateral contraction= lateral spine flexion
Innervation: lateral branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves
Longissimus thoracis (lumbar)
Lumbar intermusc. aponeurosis,
anteromedial surface of ilium,
Post sacroiliac ligament
Accessory and transverse processes
of L1-L5
Function: Bilateral contraction= Extension of spine
Unilateral contraction= Lateral flexion of spine
innervation: Lateral branches of post. rami of spinal nerves
longissimus thoracis (thoracic)
Origin: Spinous and transverse processes of L1-L5, Median sacral crest, Post surface of sacrum , Post iliac crest
Insertion: Transverse process of T1-T12, Angles of ribs 7-12
Function: Bilateral contraction= Ext of spine
Unilateral contraction=Lateral flex of spine
Splenius Capitis
Origin: Spinous processes of C7-T3, nuchal
Insertion: Lat sup nuchal line of occipital bone, Mastoid process of temporal bone
Function:Bilateral contraction =Extends head/neck
Unilateral contraction=Lat flex and rotat of head
Innervation: Lat branches of post rami of spinal nerves C2-C3
Splenius cervicis
Origin: Spinous processes of T3-T6
Insertion: Transverse processes of C1-C3
Function: Bilateral contraction =Ext neck
Unilateral contraction - Lat flex and rotat of neck (ipsilateral)
Innervation: Lat branches of post rami of lower cervical spinal nerves
Anterior/posterior cervical intertransversarii
origin: Sup border of transverse processes of C2-T1
Insertion: Inf border of transverse process of sup adjacent cervical vertebra
Function: Assists in lat flex of spine;
Stabilises spine
Innervation: Ant and post rami of cervical spinal nerves
Medial lumbar intertransversarii
Origin: Accessory processes of L1-L4
Insertion: Mammillary process of succeeding vertebrae
Function: Assists in lat flex of spine;
Stabilises spine
Innervation: Ant rami of lumbar spinal nerves
Lateral lumbar intertransversarii
Origin: Transverse and accessory processes of L1-L4
Insertion: Transverse process of succeeding vertebra
Function: Assists in lat flex of spine; Stabilises spine
Innervation: Anterior rami of lumbar spinal nerves
Levatores costarum
Origin: Transverse process of C7-T11
Insertion: Superior border/external surface of rib (one level below origin)
Function: Elevation of ribs; Rotation of thoracic spine
Innervation: Posterior rami of spinal nerves T1-T12
Interspinales cervicis
Origin: Superior aspect of spinous processes of C2-C7
Insertion: Inferior aspect of spinous processes of C1-C6
Function: Ext of cervical spine
Innervation: Posterior rami of spinal nerves
Interspinales thoracis
Origin: Superior aspect of spinous process of T2, T11 & T12
Insertion: Inferior aspect of spinous processes of T1, T10 & T11
Function: Extension of thoracic spine
Innervation: Posterior rami of spinal nerves