anatomy Flashcards
function of digestive system
2 roles: Digestion – function is to process food! Absorption – transfer of nutrients to circulation
gastrointestinal tract histology- mucosa
- The mucosa or mucous membrane lines the cavities of the body and surface of internal organs.
histology- laminate propria
-Lamina propria is a thin layer of loose connective tissue which lies beneath the epithelium. It contains inflammatory cells and provides support and nutrients to the overlying epithelium.
histology- muscular mucosae
Muscularis mucosae is the next layer deep to the lamina propria and is composed of smooth muscle and is continuous all the way through the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract.
histology- submucosa
Next is the submucosa which is deep to the muscularis mucosae. It is composed of dense irregular connective tissue and contains many blood vessels, nerves and also lymphatic vessels (which collects additional fluid aroud the body outside the vasculature).
histology- muscular propria
-The muscularis propria is also called the muscularis externa and comprised of inner circular muscle and outer longitudinal muscle. This muscle is smooth muscle and is responsible for peristalsis – movement of food and products of digestion.
histology- adventitia
-Adventitia is an outer layer of fibrous connective tissue surrounding an organ. In the gut, this would be at the oral cavity, upper end of the oesophagus in the chest, or thorax, and ascending and descending colon and rectum. A serosa would be that part of the tissue that is fixed, in other words the rest of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the serosa or serous membrane allows for reduction of friction.
miessners and auerbachs plexus
- nerve plexuses
- miessenrs: located in submucosa
- auerbachs plexus- between musuclaris and adventitia
brunners glands
secretes bicarbonate ions to neutralise the acid from the stomach
- found in submucosa
Peyer’s patches
- lymphoid follicles and form part of the immune function preventing the growth of dangerous bacteria.
- found in mucosa
Mucosa – stratified squamous (non-keratinising) epithelium (E), lamina propria, muscularis mucosae
Submucosa (SM) – glands (G) and lymphoid follicles (Ly)
Muscularis mucosae/externa (circular (CM) and longitudinal (LM)
- upper 1/3: skeletal
- middle 1/3: mixed
- lower 1/3: smooth
layout abdomen
- R. hypochondrium
- Epigastric
- L. hypochondrium
- R. lumbar
- Umbilical
- L. lumbar
- R. iliac fossa
- Suprapubic (hypogastrium)
- L. iliac fossa
1 2 3
4. 5. 6
7. 8. 9
Found in left hypochondrium/
epigastric region
Anterior / superior
- Lower ribs/diaphragm
- Liver
Posterior / inferior
- Diaphragm, spleen, kidney (L.), adrenal gland, pancreas
Greater omentum (fatty tissue) attaches to greater curvature.
Pyloric stenosis can affect the pyloric sphincter.
Presents with projectile vomiting, without bile (as that enters the duodenum)
stomach histology
Stomach is a hollow muscular organ and is responsible for the breakdown of what is ingested by enzymes and hydrochloric acid.
It lies in the epigastrium and the left hypochondrium.
rugae, stomach histology
Rugae – folds of the organ which can be seen with the naked eye. They help increase surface area and allow for the folding of the organ.