Anatomy Flashcards
what type of bones are humerus and femur
long bones
are there blood vessels inside the bone true or false
what bone that is attached to the omotransversarius muscle and distal portion of deltoids(?) is absent in the horse
number of ribs in horse
number of ribs in the dogs and ruminnats
number of ribs in the pig
what bones are there in the chicken that are not available in mammals in the pectoral girdle
what hyoid bone in not presnt in the dog
ceratohyoid bone
usual site for epidural anesthesia
lumbosacral space
- What muscle is commonly referred to as the “hamstring” muscle in cattle?
a. Biceps femoris
b. Semitendinosus
c. Gastrocnemius
d. Quadriceps femoris
The semitendinosus muscle is one of the muscles of the hindlimb in cattle that is commonly referred to as the “hamstring” muscle. It flexes the stifle joint and extends the hip joint.
- Which muscle is primarily responsible for extending the hock joint in rabbits?
a. Gastrocnemius
b. Tibialis cranialis
c. Extensor digitorum longus
d. Soleus
The gastrocnemius muscle is the main extensor of the hock joint in rabbits. It forms the bulk of the calf muscle and inserts onto the calcaneus (heel bone)
- What is the typical vertebral formula of a domestic cat?
a. C7, T13, L7, S3, Cd20-23
b. C7, T13, L6, S5, Cd20-23
c. C7, T12, L7, S4, Cd18-23
d. C6, T13, L7, S3, Cd20-23
The typical vertebral formula for a domestic cat is Cervical 7 (C7), Thoracic 13 (T13), Lumbar 7 (L7), Sacral 3 (S3), and Caudal 20-23 (Cd20-23). This formula represents the number of vertebrae in each region of the cat’s spine
- Which of the following statements about the atlas vertebra in domestic animals is NOT accurate?
a. The atlas articulates cranially with the skull and caudally with the axis.
b. It possesses a spinous process.
c. In carnivores, the alar foramen is absent, replaced by alar notches or incisures.
d. The first cervical nerve exits the vertebral canal through the lateral vertebral foramen.
The atlas vertebra is unique in that it lacks a spinous process. Instead, it has wing-like lateral expansions. The other statements accurately describe features of the atlas vertebra in domestic animals