Anatomy Flashcards
Abductor pollicis brevis
nerve: median
function: palmar abduction
Opponens pollicis
nerve: median
function: thumb opposition
flexor pollicis brevis: superficial head
nerve: median
function: thumb MCP flexion
(deep head innervated by ulnar nerve)
Lumbricals (radial side)
nerve: median
function: MCP flexion and extension of IP joints of digits II and III
Abductor digiti minimi
nerve: ulnar
function: abduction of digit V
opponens digiti minimi
nerve: ulnar
function: opposition of digit V
flexor digiti minimi
nerve: ulnar
function: flexion of MCP of digit V and opposition of digit V
nerve: ulnar
function: adducts CMC joint of thumb
lumbricals (ulnar side)
nerve: ulnar
function: MCP flexion and extension of IP joints of digits IV and V
palmar interossei
nerve: ulnar
function: adduction and assistance with MCP flexion and extension of IP joints of digits II through V
dorsal interossei
nerve: ulnar
function: abduction and assists with MCP flexion and extension of IP joints of digits II through V
flexor digitorum superficialis
extrinsic muscle of the hand
nerve: median
function: flexion of PIP joints
flexor digitorum profundus (M)
extrinsic muscle of the hand
nerve: median
function: flexion of DIP joints to digits II and III
flexor pollicis longus
extrinsic muscle of the hand
nerve: median
function: flexion of IP joint of thumb
flexor digitorum profundus (U)
extrinsic muscle of the hand
nerve: ulnar
function: flexion of DIP joints to digits IV and V
extensor digitorum communis
extrinsic extensor muscle of the hand
nerve: radial
function: extension of MCP joints and contributes to extension of the IP joints
Extensor digiti minimi
extrinsic extensor muscle of the hand
nerve: radial
function: extension of the MCP joint of digit V, contributes to the extension of the IP joints
extensor indicis proprius
extrinsic extensor muscle of the hand
nerve: radial
function: extension of the MCP joint of digit II and contributes to extension of the IP joints
extensor pollicis longus
extrinsic extensor muscle of the hand
nerve: radial
function: extension of the IP joint of the thumb
extensor pollicis brevis
extrinsic extensor muscle of the hand
nerve: radial
function: extension of MCP and CMC joints of thumb
abductor pollicis longus
extrinsic extensor muscle of the hand
nerve: radial
function: abduction and extension of CMC joint
Flexor carpi radialis
wrist flexor
nerve: median
function: flexion of wrist and radial deviation
palmaris longus
wrist flexor
nerve: median
function: flexion of wrist
flexor carpi ulnaris
wrist flexor
nerve: ulnar
function: flexion of the wrist and ulnar deviation
extensor carpi radialis brevis
wrist extensor
nerve: radial
function: extension of wrist and radial deviation
extensor carpi radialis longus
wrist extensor
nerve: radial
function: extension of wrist and radial deviation
extensor carpi ulnaris
wrist extensor
nerve: radial
function: extension of wrist and ulnar deviation
pronator teres
volar forearm muscle
nerve: median
function: forearm pronation
pronator quadratus
volar forearm muscle
nerve: median
function: forearm pronation
dorsal forearm muscle
nerve: radial
function: forearm supination
elbow flexion along with brachialis and brachioradialis
nerve: musculocutaneous
function elbow flexion with forearm supinated
elbow flexion along with biceps and brachioradialis
nerve: musculocutaneous
function: elbow flexion with forearm pronated
elbow fexion with biceps and brachialis
nerve: radial
function: elbow flexion with forearm neutral
elbow extensor
nerve: radial
function: elbow extension
elbow extensor
nerve: radial
function: elbow extension
rotator cuff muscle
nerve: subscapular nerve
function: internal rotation
rotator cuff muscle
nerve: suprascapular
function: abduction and shoulder elevation, abduction first 15 degrees
rotator cuff muscle
nerve: suprascapular
function: external rotation
teres minor
rotator cuff muscle
nerve: axillary
function: external rotation
anterior deltoid
shoulder flexion
nerve: axillary
function: shoulder flexion
nerve: musculocutaneous
function: shoulder flexion
middle deltoid
nerve: axillary
function: shoulder abduction
posterior deltoid
nerve: axillary
function: horizontal abduction, shoulder extension
pectoralis major
nerve: lateral pectoral
function: horizontal adduction
latissimus dorsi
nerve: thoracodorsal
function: shoulder extension, downward rotation of scapula
teres major
nerve: subscapular
function: shoulder extension
upper, middle, and lower
nerve: spinal accessory nerve (CNXI)
function: upward rotation of scapula
upper: scapula elevation
middle: scapula adduction
lower: scapula depression
serratus anterior
nerve: long thoracic
function: upward rotation of the scapula, downward rotation of scapula, scapula abduction
levator scapulae
nerve: C3-C4
function: downward rotation of scapula, scapula elevation
rhomboids (major and minor)
nerve: dorsal scapular nerve
function: downward rotation of scapula
major: scapula adduction