Anatomy Flashcards
Rotator cuff muscles and their origins, insertions and actions?
Supraspinatus- supraspinous fossa to Superior facet of GT
Abduction. Suprascapular nerve
Infraspinatus- infraspinous fossa to medial facet of GT
Ext rotation. Suprascapular nerve
Teres Minor- Lateral boarder of scapula to inferior facet of GT
Ext rotation. Axillary nerve
Subscpularis- subscapular fossa to LT, Internal rotation
Subscapular Nerve
What nerve innervates Teres Major?
Subscapular nerve- also innervates subscapularis
What muscles attach to the coracoid process?
Conjoint tendon- Short head of biceps, coracobrachialis
Pec Minor inserts
Attachments of Biceps brachii?
Supraglenoid tubercle + coranoid
To Bicipital tuberosity on radius
Axillary spaces and their contents?
Quadrangular Space- Axillary nerve and post circumflex humeral A
Triangular space- post circumflex scapular A
Triangular Interval- Radial Nerve and profunda Brachii
What are the muscular and ligamentous attachments to the clavicle and how does this affect the displacement of fractures such as this?
The muscular attachments include the sternocleidomastoid muscle, trapezius, deltoid, pectoralis major, sterno-hyoid and the subclavius muscle. The ligamentous attachments are the costoclavicular, sternoclavicular and interclavicular ligaments to the medial end of the clavicle and the acromioclavicular ligament and the two coracoclavicular ligaments laterally.
Middle third fractures of the clavicle tend to displace with the medial fragment pulled superiorly by the action of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the lateral fragment pulled inferiorly by the weight of the arm and its attachments to the lateral clavicle.
Describe the origin, course and insertion of the flexor digitorum supericialis (FDS) and flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) muscles.
And their innervation?
Flexor digitorum superficialis:
From medial epicondyle runs in intermediate flexor compartment of forearm.
Inserts into the middle phalanges of each finger.
Median nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus:
From interosseous membrane in the proximal forearm
Inserts into the distal phalanges of each finger.
AIN and Ulna nerve
What muscles does AIN innervate?
Pronator Quadratus
Radial half of FDP
Boundaries and contents of antecubital fossa?
Superiorly- imaginary line between epicondyles
Medially by Pronator teres
Laterally by Brachioradialis (radial nerve underneath)
Floor is Brachialis and supinator
Roof is fascia and skin
Lateral to medial- TAN
Biceps tendon
Brachial Artery
Median Nerve
Describe the path of the radial nerve?
C5-T1- posterior cord
Exits axilla via triangular interval with profunda brachii
Runs in posterior compartment of arm
Spiral groove of humerus
Passes anteriorly to lateral epicondyle underneath brachioradialis
Divides into PIN and SPN
PIN pierces supinator + runs on posterior interosseous membrane
Supplies muscles of extension in forearm
SPN runs underneath brachioradialis lateral to radial artery to hand
Runs through base of anatomical snuff box suppling sensation to posterior aspect of forearm and radial half of dorsum hand
What muscles does the radial nerve supply before its division into PIN and SRN
Common causes of nerve injury- generic answer?
Trauma vs compression
What muscles attach to the medial epicondyle?
Superfiscial flexors of the forearm
What is the sensory nerve supply to the forearm?
Posterior aspect- posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm from radial N
Anteromedially- medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm from medial cord of brachial plexus
Anterolaterally- lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm from musculocutaneous nerve
Course of the radial and ulna artery?
Divisions of brachial artery
Radial artery runs beneath and lateral to brachioradialis with SRN lateral to it.
Crosses into the hand in the floor of the anatomical snuffbox becomes deep palmar arch
Ulnar artery runs atop of FDP, between FDS and FCU running with Ulna nerve. Crosses into the hand via Guyon’s canal splitting into the deep and superfiscial palmar arch
Course of median nerve?
C5-T1 from lateral and medial cords of Brachial Plexus
Runs lateral to brachial artery, then crosses to medial as it enters forearm at the medial aspect of the antecubital fossa
Divides as it passes through the 2 heads of PT
AIN runs along anterior aspect of interosseous membrane- supplies 1.5 FDP, FPL and PQ
Median nerve travels beneath FDS to the wrist. Giving off palmar cutaneous branch to thenar eminence 5cm before wrist crease. Then recurrent motor branch within or distal to carpal tunnel.
Boundaries and contents of the carpal tunnel?
Roof is the transverse carpal ligament
Floor are the carpal bones
Radial aspect by Scaphoid and trapezium
Ulna via hook of hamate and pisiform
Contents- FDP, FDS, FPL, Median nerve
Boundaries of the anatomical snuffbox?
Radially- EPB and APL
Ulnarly- EPL
Floor- scaphoid, radial styloid
Roof- fascia
Contents- radial artery, SRN, cephalic vein
Blood supply of scaphoid?
Retrograde from dorsal carpal branch of radial A
What is the function of the flexor sheaths?
Nutrition and lubrication to tendons
Prevents bow stringing
Fulcrum to facilitate flexion
Characteristics of a vertebra?
Body and neural arch
Neural arch with two TPs and a Spinous Process
Lamina connecting TPs and SP
Pedicle connects TPs to body
What are spinal facet joints?
Synovial joints formed by superior and inferior processes of adjacent vertebra