Anatomy Flashcards
Mesati = medium. Most common head type. Labradors, DSH..
Brachy = short. Short, wide heads. Pugs, Persians..
Dolicho = long. Long, narrow heads. Collies, Siamese..
Upper jaw.
Rugae Palatinae
Irregular ridges covering the hard palate
Incisive Papilla
Located behind the central incisors. Connected to the vomeronasal organ to detect pheromones.
Nasopalatine Ducts
Located on each side of the incisive papilla.
Lateral Palatine Fold
Area where the two jaws join in the back of he oral cavity.
Lower jaw.
Temporomandibular Joint
TMJ. Joint connecting he maxilla and the mandible.
Mandibular Symphysis
Where the wo mandibles are fused.
Oral Mucosa
Tissue that forms the lining of most of the oral cavity. Ends at the lips.
Tip of the crown.
Hardest substance in the body. Covers the crown. Only present above the gumline.
Cells producing enamel. Producing while the tooth is developing.
Indentation where the enamel thins close to the gumline.
Most caudal part of the root.
Apical Delta
Series of small channels where the blood vessels and nerves enter the tooth. Smaller than Apical Foramen
Apical Foramen
Series of larger channels where the blood vessels and nerves enter the tooth. Larger than Apical Delta
Bulk portion of the tooth. Surrounded by enamel/cementum.
Cells producing dentine. Producing throughout the life of the tooth.
Pulp Chamber
Lined by odontoblasts. Consists of nerves, bloods vessels, and different types of o cells and fibrous tissues.
Root Canal
Portion of the pulp chamber below he gumline.
Attached Gingiva
Epithelial Tissue that is harder and more tightly attached to supportive structures.
Hardening process of the attached gingiva.
Free Gingiva
Portion of the gingiva that is not directly attached to the tooth or supporting structures.
Free Gingival Groove
Slight groove between the free and attached gingiva.
Area between the free gingiva and the tooth.
Diseased sulcus.
Alveolar Mucosa
Less densely keratinized gingival tissue covering the bone.
Attachment Apparatus
Includes the structures that support the tooth.
Periodontal Ligament
Fibrous structure that holds the tooth in place in the alveolus.
Tooth socket.
Covers the dentine below the gumline. Can repair itself if damage.
Sharpey’s Fibers
Attaches the periodontal ligament to the cementum and the bone.
Area where the roots join the crown
Furcation in a 2 rooted tooth
Furcation in a 3 rooted tooth
Space between the lateral incisors and maxillary canine.
Ledge on the palatal side of the maxillary incisors.
Trigeminal Nerve
Responsible for the sensory innervation of the oral cavity. Divides into ophthalmic, mandibular and maxillary nerve.
Maxillary Nerve
Innervates the maxillary teeth and maxillary soft tissues. Branches into the infraorbital and palatine nerves
Mandibular Nerve
Branches into the lingual nerve (innervates the tongue) and branches into the mental nerves.