ANATOMY Flashcards
Type of epitheium lining the ureters - and function
transitional - allows for stretch
type of epithelium lining the bladder - and function
Columnar/transitional - allows for stretch
type of epithelium lining the urethra (female) - and function
transitional - allows for stretch
Where is transitional epithelium found
bladder, ureters and urethra (female)
Where is pseudostratified epithelium found and what is the function?
trachea and upper resp trach. Absorbs and secretes mucous
Where is columnar epithelium found
uterus, uterine tubes, digestive tract, bladder, bronchi
Absorbs and secretes mucous/enzymes
Where is cuboid epithelium and what is function?
glands/ducts/kidney tubules
Arterial blood supply to ureters
middle rectal
nerve supply to ureters
Describe the anatomy of the male urethra.
Where do the cowpers glands enter?
3 parts - prostatic, membranous (after the prostate and before the penis), penile (spongy, cavernous).
15-29cm long
The bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands) enter in the membranous portion.
The vas deferens travels from the testicles and then joins the seminal vesicle to formt he ejaculator duct. It then travels into the prostate to join the urethra
Which muscles make up the pelvic floor?
Levator ani - puborectalis, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus
AND coccygeus muscle
What is the nerve supply to the pelvic floor
S3-S4 spinal nerves
pudendal nerve (sacral plexus)
peroneal (branch of pudendal)
inferior retal (sciatic)
arterial supply to the pelvic floor
inferior gluteal artery
How can the common peroneal nerve compression present in pregnancy and why?
Lithotomy position during delivery
Foot drop - dorsiflexors lost. Sensory loss to lateral lower leg
Foot drop and sensory loss to lateral lower leg
common peroneal
How can the femoral nerve compression present in pregnancy and why?
difficult birth.
Quads not working. extension at the knee.
loss of knee jerk
Sensory loff of knee and anterior thigh
loss of knee jerk caused by palsy of which nerve?
Quads not working. extension at the knee.
loss of knee jerk
Sensory loss of knee and anterior thigh
Which nerve palsy?
Which nerve can be affected by compression of fetal head and pelvic structures?
What symptoms could this cause?
Obturator nerve
Lack of adduction at the hip
Loss of sensation upper medial thigh
What would a lateral femoral cutaneous nerve palsy cause?
sensory loss of lateral thigh
No motor problems
What are the boundaries of the femoral canal?
Superior - inguial ligament
Medial - adductor longus
Lateral - sartorius
Floor - adductor longus, pectinus, iliopsoas
Roof - fascia lata
Describe the anatomy of the sperm tail
2 central longitudinal fibres called beta fibres
surrounded by 9 longitudinal fibres called alpha fibres
Blood supply to the tesicles
testicular artery
cremaster artery
artery to vas deferens
Venous drainage of testicles
pampiniform plexus
testicular vein
lymphatic drainage of testicles
lumbar and paraaortic nodes
Describe the fetal skull sutures
Middle one = sagital
Posterior one = lambdoid suture
Anterior one = coronal suture
Anterior continuation of sagital = anterior suture
Nerve supply to testis
spermatic plexus
T10 spinal segment
Which cell forms the blood-testis barrier. What happens within the sertoli cells
sertoli cells. They are the cells of the seminiferous tubules
Progenitor speratogonia cells differentiate gradually into sperm
Which cells form the seminiferous tubules
sertoli cells
What does sympathetic.parasympathetic do to the bladder?
Sympathetic is STORAGE
Parasympathetic is PEEING
T10-L2 for sympathetic
S2-S4 for parasympathetic
Arterial supply to bladder?
Superior vesicle
Venous drainage of bladder?
vesical plexus
Lymphatic drainage of bladder?
common iliac nodes
internal iliac nodes
external iliac nodes
Layers of bladder
mucosa - columanar epithelium, lamina proprial
Describe the full structure of sperm
HEAD = acrosome at the front and then nucleus containing genetic material
NECK = contains the centrioles (proximal and distal, which are necessary to initiate zygotic division
Mid piece = contain mitochondria which generate energy for swimming
Tail = longitudinal fibres (2x beta centrally) (9x alpha peripherally)
Describe the degrees of prolapse
0 - no prolapse
1 - >1cm in from the hymen
2 - <1cm in from the hymen - proximal or distal
3 - prolapsed beyond the hymen >1cm but <2cm past the hymen
4 - complete eversion of the vagina
What is the linea terminalis made of
It is basically the inlet of the pelvis (minus the sacral bit). It is made from the arcuate line (medial border or ileum), the pectinial line and the pubic crest (from the pubic symphsis to the pubic tubercles)
Descibe the inferior border of the pelvic inlet
pubic symphsis –> inferior ischiopubic rami –> ishial tuberosity (the large ligament that covers here is the sacrotuberous ligament
What does the sacrospinous ligament link to
ischial spine and the sacrum
What does the sacrotuberous ligament link to
sacrum and ischeal tuberosity
What do sertoli and leydig cells secrete?
Which receptors do they have?
Sertoli = secrete inhibin. FSH receptors
Leydig = secrete testosterone, LH receptors
What angle is the pelvic inlet at in anatomical position in comparison to the horizontal
50-60 degrees
Venous drainage of uterus, ovaries, vagina, fallopian tubes, cervix
uterine veins, ovarian vein, vaginal venous plexus, uterine and ovarian veins, uterine veins
Venous drainage of small bowel and large bowel
small = superior mesenteric vein and hepatic portal vein
large = superior and inferior mesenteric veins and
Venous drainage of kidneys, bladder, ureters
renal veins - drain into IVC, vesical venous plexus, renal veins and superior/inferior vesical veins
Venous drainage of spleen, pancreas, stomach
splenic vein, pancreaticoduodenal veins and pancreatic veins, gastric veins and gastroepiplioc veins and short gastric veins
Where do each ovarian vein drain into
left - renal vein
right - IVC
What is the hepatic portal vein made of?
SMA and splenic (IMA drains into this)
What makes up the pudendal nerve?
Which muscles does it innervate?
Innervates levtor ani, bulbospongiosus, ischiospongiosus, external urethral spincter (women), external anal sphincter,
Branches - inferior rectal, perineal, dorsal nerve of the clitoris
NOT INTERNAL ANAL SPHINCTER - innervated by pelvic splanchnic nerves
What are the layers of an oocyte?
Outer most layer - corona radiata.
Then zona pellucida - for acrosome reaction