Anatomy Flashcards
How many cranial bones are there?
8 - frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid and ethmoid.
How many bones comprise the human skull?
22 bones
How many facial bones are there?
14 - maxilla, palatine, zygoma, lacrimal, nasal, inferior concha, vomer and mandible.
The maxilla is made up of a body and how many processes?
4 - nasal, palatine, alveolar and zygomatic.
The zygomatic arch is comprised of what?
Zygomatic process ( of the maxilla), the zygoma, and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone.
What connects the mandible to the skull?
The temporomandibular joints (left and right).
What are three identifiable processes of the mandible?
The alveolar process, coronoid process, condyloid process
What are three external surface landmarks of the mandible?
The mental protuberance (chin), mental foramen and external oblique ridge.
What are five internal surface landmarks of the mandible?
The mylohyoid ridge, genial tubercles, sublingual fossa, mandibular foramen, lingula and digastric fovea.
Which bone is suspended between the mandible and clavicle and has no joints with any other bones?
The hyoid bone.
What is the name that describes the action of one muscle opposed by the action of another muscle?
The muscle attachment site that remains stationary when the muscle contracts is called what?
The origin.
The muscle attachment site with greater movement during contraction is called what?
The insertion.
What are the four paired muscles of mastication?
Masseters, temporalis, medial pterygoids, and lateral pterygoids.
Which two muscle groups are responsible for executing the movements of the mandible?
The muscles of mastication and depressor muscles.
Which muscle group is located inside the lips?
Orbicularis oris.
How many muscle groups is the tongue comprised of?
Two - intrinsic and extrinsic muscles.
What is the temporomandibular joint comprised of?
The glenoid fossa, articular eminence, condyle (of the mandible), articular disc and synovial cavities.
What Is the major ligament of the temporomandibular joint that helps to prevent dislocation of the mandible?
The capsule.
Cells that generate new bone structure are called:
Where does the masseter muscle attach to the skull?
Zygomatic arch.
The fibers of the buccinator travel in what direction?