Anatomy Flashcards
Skull foramina contents
Cribriform plate - CN1 (olfactory)
Optic canal - CN2 (optic), ophthalmic artery
Superior orbital fissure - Lacrimal nerve (CN Va) Frontal nerve (CN Va) Trochlear nerve (CN IV), Superior division of the Oculomotor nerve (CN III), Nasociliary nerve (CN Va), Inferior division of the Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Abducens nerve (CN VI) [Lazy french tarts sit nervously in anticipation]
Foramen rotundum - CN Vb (maxillary),
Foramen ovale - CN Vc (mandibular), accessory meningeal artery
Internal acoustic meatus - CN VII (facial), CN VIII (vestibulocochlear)
Jugular foramen - CN IX ( glossopharyngeal), CN X (vagus), CN XI (accessory)
Hypoglossal canal - CN XII (hypoglossal)
Branches of external carotid artery
S: superior thyroid artery
A: ascending pharyngeal artery
L: lingual artery
F: facial artery
O: occipital artery
P: posterior auricular artery
M: maxillary artery
S: superficial temporal artery
[Some anatomists like freaking out potential medical students]
Branches of abdominal aorta
Inferior phrenic: Paired T12
Coeliac artery: Unpaired T12
Superior mesenteric artery: Unpaired L1 (lower)
Middle suprarenal arteries: Paired L1
Renal arteries: Paired between L1-2
Gonadal arteries: Paired L2
Inferior mesenteric artery: Unpaired L3
Median sacral artery: Unpaired L4 (posterior)
Lumbar arteries: 4 pairs L1-L4
Hand muscles innervated by median nerve
Lateral 2 lumbricals, Opponens pollicis, Abductor pollicis brevis, Flexor pollicis brevis
Muscles innervated by radial nerve
Brachioradialis, Extensors, Aconeus, Supinator, Triceps
Diaphragmatic apertures
Caval opening T8 - IVC, R phrenic N
Oesophageal hiatus T10 - oesophagus, vagus N, oesophageal branch of L gastric
Aortic hiatus T12 - Aorta, thoracic duct
Lumbar plexus branches
2 nerves with 1 contribution, 2 nerves with 2 contributions, 2 nerves with 3
Iliohypogastric - L1
Ilioinguinal - L1
Genitofemoral - L1, L2
Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh - L2, L3 Posterior divisions
Obturator - L2- 4 Posterior divisions
Femoral - L2- 4 Anterior divisions
Vessels that contribute to the portal vein
1) Superior mesenteric vein
a) Pancreaticoduodenal vein
b) Gastroepiploic vein
2) Splenic vein
a) Inferior mesenteric vein
Nerve injuries in surgery
Accessory - Posterior triangle lymph node biopsy
Sciatic - Posterior approach to hip
Common peroneal - Legs in Lloyd Davies position
Long thoracic - Axillary node clearance
Pelvic autonomic nerves -Pelvic cancer surgery
Recurrent laryngeal nerves - thyroid surgery
Hypoglossal nerve - carotid endarterectomy
Ulnar and median nerves - upper limb fracture repairs
Borders of femoral triangle
Lateral border: Sartorius muscle
Medial border: Adductor longus muscle
Base or superior border: Inguinal Ligament
Contents of cavernous sinus
Oculmotor nerve (III), Internal Carotid artery, Ophthalmic nerve (V1), Abducens nerve (VI), Trochlear nerve (IV)
Mnemonic: Oh, COAT
Eponymous Fractures
Bankart lesions - injury of the labrum and associated glenohumeral capsule/ligaments
Barton fractures - distal radius
Bennett fracture - base of the thumb
Colles fractures - distal radius w/ dorsal angulation
Galeazzi fracture - distal radius w/ disruption of the distal radioulnar joint
Monteggia fracture - ulnar shaft with dislocation of the radial head
Smith fractures - distal radius w/ volar angulation
Adrenal arteries
Inferior phrenic artery- several superior suprarenal arteries
Adominal aorta- several middle suprarenal arteries
Renal artery- one inferior suprarenal artery
Hypokalaemia on ECG
U waves
Small or absent T waves
Prolonged PR interval
ST depression
Long QT interval
U have no Pot and no T, but a long PR and a long QT!
Constrictions of the oesophagus
A- Arch of the Aorta
B- Left main Bronchus
C- Cricoid Cartilage
D- Diaphragmatic Hiatus
Muscle attachment on greater trochanter
Obturator internus
Obturator externus
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
MEN 1: hyperparathyroidism, pituitary tumours, medullary thyroid cancer
MEN 2A: medullary thyroid cancer, phaeochromocytoma, parathyroid adenoma
MEN 2B: medullary thyroid cancer, phaeochromocytoma, multiple neuromas
Thyroid cancers
Denonvilliers - between prostate and rectum
Bucks - deep fascia of penis
Gerotas - covers kidneys
Muscles innervated by musculocutaneous nerve
Biceps brachii
Spigelian hernia - Interparietal hernia occurring at the level of the arcuate line
Richters hernia
Condition in which part of the wall of the small bowel is strangulated within a hernia (of any type)
Bochdalek hernia
Typically congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Left sided
Morgagni Hernia
Herniation through foramen of Morgagni
Right sided
Littres hernia
Hernia containing Meckels diverticulum
Layers of the testes
- Skin
- Dartos fascia and muscle
- External spermatic fascia
- Cremasteric muscle and fascia
- Internal spermatic fascia
- Parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis
Some Damned Examiner Called It The Testes
Goodsals rule
Anterior fistulae will tend to have an internal opening opposite the external opening.
Posterior fistulae will tend to have a curved track that passes towards the midline
Ansa Cervicalis muscles
Superior Omohyoid
Inferior Omohyoid
GHost THought SOmeone Stupid Shot Irene
Increased Anion Gap Acidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis (or alcoholic ketoacidosis)
Iron (or Isoniazid,)
Lactic acidosis
Ethylene glycol
Normal Anion Gap Acidosis
Renal Tubular Acidosis
Ureteral diversion
Pancreatic fistula/parental saline
Oesophagus blood supply
Upper 1/3: Inferior thyroid A+V
Middle 1/3: Descending aorta + azygous V
Lower 1/3: Left gastric A+V
Horner’s Syndrome
Miosis (small pupil), ptosis (drooping eyelid), anhydrosis
Disruption of sympathetic input to eye
Contents of Foramen Ovale
Otic Ganglion
V3 - mandibular nerve
Accessory meningeal artery
Lesser Petrosal Nerve
Emissary Veins
Compartments of Leg Innervation
Thigh: Ant (femoral), Med (obturator), Post (sciatic)
Leg: Ant (deep peroneal), Lat (superficial peroneal), Post (tibial)
Structures Passing Behind Medial Malleolus
Tom, Dick and Very Nervous Harry:
Tibialis Posterior Tendon
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Posterior Tibial Vessels
Posterior Tibial Nerves
Flexor Hallux Longus
Arteries of foregut
Coeliac Trunk - LHS
Left Gastric -> Oesophageal branches, Gastric branches
Splenic -> Spleen, pancreas, short gastric, L gastro-omental
Common hepatic