Anatomy Flashcards
Orbicularis oris muscle motor nerve supply
facial nerve
Sensory nerve supply of Lips
• Upper lip: Maxillary nerve ⇨ Infraorbital N.
• Lower lip: Mandibular nerve ⇨ inferior
alveolar N. ⇨ Mental N.
Lips ( Arterial , venous and lumpy node )
Arterial supply: Superior and inferior labial branches of facial artery
Venous drainage: facial vein
Lymph drainage of lips:
Upper lip: preauricular & submandibular Ln.
Lower lip: median part: submental Ln. Lateral parts: submandibular Ln.
Mylohyoid muscle nerve supply
alveolar nerve (mandibular nerve)
Nerve supply of tongue
Sensory supply
General sensation
Anterior 2/3rd of tongue
Lingual nerve (from mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve)
Taste sensation Chorda tympani nerve from facial nerve
General sensation
Posterior 1/3rd of tongue
Glossopharyngeal nerve + posterior most part by supplied
by vagus nerve
Motor supply • All muscles of tongue are supplied by hypoglossal nerve except palatoglossus which is
supplied pharyngeal plexus via Vagus nerve.
Arterial supply and venous drainage of palate
Hard Palate: Greater palatine and Sphenopalatine arteries (from maxillary artery) •
Soft Palate: Lesser palatine artery (from the maxillary artery), Ascending palatine artery (from the facial artery)
and Ascending pharyngeal artery (from the external carotid artery ECA).
❑ Venous drainage: • pterygoid venous plexus.
Sensory nerve supply the palate and lymphatic drainage
Sensory nerve supply: • Hard Palate: Greater palatine + Nasopalatine nerves (from
Maxillary n.) •
Soft Palate: Lesser palatine (from Maxillary n.) +
Glossopharyngeal nerve
❑Lymphatic drainage: • Some into retropharyngeal LN. ⇨ Deep cervical LN. • Some directly into Deep cervical LN.
Blood supply of parotid gland
Arterial supply: external carotid artery
Venous drainage: retromandibular vein
Nerve supply and lymphatic drainage of parotid gland
Parotid LNs (superficial & deep) → deep cervical L.Ns.
Sensory :Auriculotemporal & great auricular nerves
❑Sympathetic : plexus around external carotid artery
❑Parasympathetic: inferior salivary nucleus in medulla ⇨ pass with glossopharyngeal nerve ⇨ pass with tympanic nerve ⇨ formation of tympanic plexus ⇨ lesser superficial petrosal nerve ⇨ relay in the otic ganglion ⇨ postganglionic fibers ⇨ Sensory :Auriculotemporal & great auricular nerves ❑Sympathetic : plexus around external carotid artery ❑Parasympathetic: inferior salivary nucleus in medulla ⇨ pass with glossopharyngeal nerve ⇨ pass with tympanic nerve ⇨ formation of tympanic plexus ⇨ lesser superficial petrosal nerve ⇨ relay in the otic ganglion ⇨ postganglionic fibers ⇨ Auriculotemporal nerve ⇨ the parotid gland ⇨ the parotid gland
Submandibular gland ( blood , nerve supply and lymphatic drainage )
Arterial supply: • Facial artery
Venous drainage: • common facial & lingual veins
Lymphatic drainage: • submandibular L.Ns → deep cervical L.Ns.
Nerve supply:
Sensory fibers: from lingual nerve
Sympathetic fibers: plexus around facial artery
Parasympathetic fibers: Superior salivary nucleus in pons
⇨ facial nerve ⇨ fibers run with chorda tympani ⇨ join
lingual nerve ⇨ relay in submandibular ganglion ⇨
fibers to supply submandibular and sublingual glands.
Blood supply and Nerve supply of sublingual gland
Arterial supply:
→ Sublingual branch of the lingual artery
→ Submental branch of the facial artery
Same sub mandibular gland 🔽
Venous drainage: • common facial & lingual veins
Lymphatic drainage: • submandibular L.Ns → deep cervical L.Ns.
Nerve supply: Sensory fibers: from lingual nerve
Sympathetic fibers: plexus around facial artery
Parasympathetic fibers: Superior salivary nucleus in pons
⇨ facial nerve ⇨ fibers run with chorda tympani ⇨ join
lingual nerve ⇨ relay in submandibular ganglion ⇨
fibers to supply submandibular and sublingual glands.
Longitudinal muscles of the pharynx
Nerve supply: Cranial root of accessory
nerve through pharyngeal plexus
EXCEPT stylopharyngeus (supplied by
glossopharyngeal nerve).
Nerve supply of Constrictors muscles of pharynx
Nerve supply: All constrictor muscles are supplied by Cranial root of accessory nerve through
pharyngeal plexus,
Inf. Constrictor receives additional branches from recurrent & external laryngeal nerve.
Palatine tonsil blood supply and lymphatic drainage
Arterial supply: (branches from ECA)
a. Maxillary artery
b. Ascending pharyngeal artery
c. Facial artery
d. Lingual artery
• Venous drainage: Para tonsillar veins drains into pharyngeal plexus
• Lymphatic drainage: Jugulo-digastric node
Pharynx blood , nerve supply and lymph node
Arterial supply:
a. Ascending pharyngeal A. ⇦ ECA
b. Ascending palatine A. ⇦ Facial A.
c. Greater palatine A. ⇦ Maxillary A
d. Pharyngeal branch. ⇦ Maxillary A
• Venous drainage: Pharyngeal plexus ⇨ Internal
jugular vein
• Lymphatic drainage: Retropharyngeal & deep
cervical lymph nodes
• Sensory nerve supply:
a. Nasopharynx : Maxillary nerve.
b. Oropharynx : Glossopharyngeal nerve.
c. Laryngopharynx : Vagus nerve