Anatomy Flashcards
What is Diastasis Recti?
Abdominal separation in pregnancy
Which muscle is NOT a primary external hip rotator?
Gluteus Medius
The Iliopsoas needs what to support the lumbar spine?
The antagonistic support of the abdominals
True of False - The Gluteus Maximus contracts in backbends?
What happens to the scapula when you reach your arms overhead?
They upwardly rotate / elevate
What are the movements of the hip (7)?
Flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, external rotation, internal rotation, circumduction
Which muscles stabilise the scapula?
Serratus Anterior & Rhomboids
What are the 3 bones of the shoulder complex?
Scapula, Clavicle, Humerus
What is the primary movement of the Rhomboids?
Scapular Retraction
What is the primary movement of the Serratus Anterio?
Scapular Protraction (cat pose)
What 4 roles do the muscles play?
Agonist, Antagonist, Synergist, Stabiliser
How would you describe the Agonist (muscle)
Prime mover - muscle or group of muscles responsible for an action
How would you describe Antagonist (muscle)
Opposite Prime mover - protects joint
How would you describe Synergist (muscle)
Assists Prime Mover
How would you describe Stabiliser (muscle)
Work together in opposition to secure bone in place
The spinal column is composed of what?
24 individual vertebra
Describe the Vertebra
7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 modified fused sacrum, 3-4 modified fused tailbone
What is C1 and C2 known as?
C1 Atlas (bony ring with no body) / C2 Axis
What are the Facet Joints (spine)?
The bony knobs that meet between each vertebra that link vertebra together and give them flexibility to move against each other - there are 2 facet joints between each vertebra = flexibility and stability
What are the posterior muscles of the spine?
Erector Spinae - base of skull to sacrum, spinal extensors / Quadratus Lumborum - lower back lumbar spine / Multifidus - Cervical to Lumbar spine
What are the anterior muscles of the spine?
Scalenes - top 2 ribs to cervical vertebra & Sternocleidomastoid - from central collar bone to base of ear - largest superficial cervical muscle
List the Abdominal muscles from deepest to most superficial
Transverse Abs, Internal Obliques, External Obliques, Rectus Abs
What are the 3 pillars of the spine?
Erectus spinae (posterior), QL muscle (lateral) and Iliopsoas (anterior)