Anat Final/Practical Flashcards
Innervation Extensor Digitorium Brevis and Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Deep peroneal n
Lateral border of abdominal wall
Vertical lines ascending from ASIS on each side
Levator scapulae Insertion
Superior part of medial border of scapula
What is in RUQ
Right suprarenal gland and kidney
Superior ascending colon
Myotome ankle eversion
Where does inferior vena cava arise
L5 from a union of common iliac veins. It ascends through vena cava foramen in diaphragm and continues to heart.
Visceral motor from CNS
Effector organ, involves series of 2 neurons:
presynaptic/preganglionic (cell bodies in gray matter)
Functional divisions of nervous system
Somatic and Autonomic nervous systems
What innervates the anterior abdominal wall muscles
Lower 5 thoracic nerves, subcostal (T12) and Iliohypogastric (L1)
Upper region (9 planes)
Right and left hypochondriac
Part of the ventral primary ramus of L4 joins ventral primary ramus of L5 to form the…
Lumbosacral trunk
External Abdominal Oblique Insertion
Linea alba, pubic crest, iliac crest, pubic symphysis
Diaphragm Innervation
Phrenic n.
Pelvic outlet boundaries
Anterior: pubic arch
Lateral: ischial tuberosity
Posteriolaterally: inferior margin of sacrotuberous ligament
Posterior: tip of coccyx
Serratus Posterior inferior action
Depress inferior 3-4 ribs to prevent superior pull by the diaphragm
Myotome great toe extension
External Abdominal Oblique action
Flex and rotate trunk, laterally rotate trunk, compress abdominal contents
Inferior border of abdominal wall
Line on either side connecting ASIS to pubic symphysis
Diaphragm openings
Sternocostal hiatus,
Esophageal hiatus (T10),
Aortic hiatus (T12),
Foramen for inferior vena cava.
External Abdominal Oblique Origin
External surface of 5th-12th ribs
Right crus diaphragm
Arise from LV 1-3 and their intervertebral discs
Gray matter
Cell bodies
Innervation of anterior abdominal wall
Ventral primary rami of spinal nerves T6-T11, and T12 (subcostal nerve) and Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves from ventral primary ramus of L1
Greater pelvis
“False pelvis”
Superior to pelvic inlet
Posterolaterally: Iliac alae
Posterior: anterior aspect S1
What is in LUQ
Spleen Stomach Pancreas Left kidney Superior descending colon Left half of transverse colon
Levator scapula Origin
Posterior tubercles of transverse processes C1-C4
Level of esophageal hiatus
T10 (diaphragm opening)
Left crus of diaphragm
Arises from LV 1-2 and their intervertebral discs
Trapezius Action
Upper fibers:elevate
Middle fibers: retraction
Lower fibers: depression
Upper reflex tests
C5- biceps brachii
C6- brachioradialis
C7- triceps
Subcostal plane
Passes through L3.
Inferior points of costal cartilage, 10th costal cartilage.
Level of aortic hiatus
T12 (diaphragm opening)
Trapezius Origin
External occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae,
spinous process of C7-T12
Motor fibers
Axons of multipolar neurons.
Somatic motor: cell bodies in gray matter.
Visceral motor: presynaptic in gray matter
Postsynaptic in autonomic ganglia (outside CNS)
Transverse Abdominis Origin
Thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, lateral one third of inguinal ligament, internal surface of costal cartilage T7-12
Sacral plexus gives rise to…
Superior gluteal L4-S1, Inferior gluteal L5-S2, Sciatic L4-S3, Pudendal S2-S4, Twigs to piriformis S1-S4, Nerve to obturator internus L5-S2, Nerve to quadratus femoris L4-S1
Posterior border of abdominal wall
Lumbar paravertebral musculature
External Abdominal Oblique Innervation
Inferior 5 thoracic nerves and subcostal nerve (T12) and Iliohypogastric
Rhomboid action
Retracts and downwardly rotates scapula
Nerves of lumbar plexus
Iliohypogastric L1, Ilioinguinal L1, Genitofemoral L1-L2, Lateral femoral cutaneous L2-L3, Femoral L2-L4, Obturator L2-L4
Rhomboid Major Origin
Spinous processes T2-T5
Trapezius Innervation
Accessory n CN XI
Myotome ankle plantarflexion
Lateral leg muscle Innervation
Superficial peroneal n.
Landmark xiphoid area
Cutaneous nerve that originates from tibial and common peroneal n
Sural n
Lower reflex tests
L2-4: quadriceps
L5: medial hamstring
S1-S2: gastrocnemius-soleus
Superior boundary of abdominal wall
Right and left costal margins, xiphisternal joint
Tibialis Anterior Origin
Superior 2/3 lateral surface of tibia
Latissimus dorsi Origin
Spinous processes of T7-L5, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, inferior 3-4 ribs and inferior angle of the scapula
Rhomboid Insertion
Medial border of scapula from level of spine to superior angle
Psoas Major action
Flexion of thigh, flexion and lateral flexion of trunk
Skin of first interdigit space
Deep peroneal n
Supplies skin of posterior and lateral aspects of leg and foot
Sural n.
Innervation anterior leg muscles
Deep peroneal n.
Myotome knee extension
Serratus Posterior inferior Innervation
Ventral primary rami of last 4 thoracic n
What is in RLQ
Cecum Appendix Right ovary Right ureter Most of ilium
Psoas Major Innervation
Ventral primary rain L1-L2
Tibialis Anterior Insertion
Medial cuneiform and base of first metatarsal
What innervates the levator scapulae and rhomboids?
Dorsal scapular nerve (C4-5)
Psoas Major Insertion
Lesser trochanter with iliacus
Latissimus dorsi Innervation
Thoracodorsal n.
Myotome knee flexion
What is in LLQ
Sigmoid colon Inferior descending colon Left ovary Left ureter Left spermatic cord
White matter
Nerve fibers
Landmark umbilical region
Somatic nervous system
Components of CNS and PNS providing general sensory and voluntary motor Innervation to all parts of body (except viscera in cavities, smooth muscle and glands)
What planes form the 4 regions
Median and trans umbilical planes
Principal glia of PNS
Schwann cells
Trapezius Insertion
Posterior border of lateral third of clavicle, acromion process, and spine of the scapula
Supplies skin Innervation medial side of leg and foot
Saphenous n
3 portions of diaphragm
Sternal: arises from xiphoid insert into central tendon
Costal: arises from internal surface of lower 6 ribs and costal cartilage, and lateral and medial arcuate ligaments
Lumbar: arises from lumbar vertebrae in form of right and left crus.
ANS division
Sympathetic (norepinephrine)
Parasympathetic (AcH)
Psoas Major Origin
Transverse processes, bodies and intervertebral discs T12-L5
Most commonly fractured vertebrae
Myotome hip flexion
Myotome ankle dorsiflexion
Lower region (9 planes)
Right and left inguinal
Middle region (9 planes)
Right and left lumbar
Portal triad
Bile duct,
Hepatic Artery,
Portal vein
Autonomic nervous system
Regulate involuntary functions
Visceral sensory: afferent signals from viscera
Visceral motor: efferent signals to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands.
Serratus Posterior Inferior Origin
Spinous processes T11-L2
Transtubercular plane
L5. Passes through iliac tubercles
Sagittal plane
Mid-clavicle lines to mid-inguinal
Supplies skin on distal third of anterior surface of leg and dorsum of foot
Superficial peroneal n
Rhomboid Minor Origin
Spinous processes C7-T1 and ligamentum nuchae
Posterior leg muscle Innervation
Tibial n.
Sensory fibers
Somatic and visceral sensory fibers are pseudounipolar (cell bodies outside CNS) in spinal or cranial sensory ganglia.
Serratus Posterior inferior Insertion
Inferior 3 or 4 ribs
Primary characteristic feature of thoracic vertebrae
Costal facets
Lesser pelvis
“True pelvis”
Between pelvic inlet and outlet
Bounded by hip bones, sacrum and coccyx