anat Flashcards
what does the skeletal system consist of
- bones
- cartilage
- joints
how many bones are there in a human adult
around 206
what are the categorisation of skeletons in the human body
- AXIAL skeleton (80 bones)
- skull (29)
- vertebral column (26)
- thorax [ribs & sternum] (25) - APPENDICULAR skeleton (126)
- Pectoral girdle & upper limbs (64)
- Pelvic girdle & lower limbs (62)
Types of bones
- Long
- Short
- Flat
- Irregular
Functions of bones
- Support
- Movement
- Protection
- Blood formation (bone marrow)
- Electrolyte balance (in blood)
- Acid-base balance
- Storage of energy
Composition of bones
- PERIOSTEUM: fibrous outer & osteogenic underneath layer (not on articular cartilage)
- ENDOSTEUM: covering the yellow bone marrow
*lines MARROW CAVITY (holding red/yellow bone marrow) - Articular cartilage: covers ends of bones
- Blood vessels
- Nerves
*BONE MARROW (in centre of bone):
- Yellow: fat tissue (MAY redifferentiate to RED marrow at stress)
- Red [in FLAT, IRREGULAR bones and ENDS of adult femur/humerus: Hematopoietic
Segments of a (long) bone (end -> middle): EPIphysis -> METAphysis -> DIAphysis (shaft)
*growth place for children
Composition of Bone tissue
*bone tissue: MAIN component of bones
HARD connective tissue composition:
1. Cells
- Osteocytes (trapped in lacunae/space within BONE MATRIX): bone maintenance, remodeling, mechano-sensing
- Osteoclasts: bone resorption & remodeling, dissolves bone matrix (related to WBCs)
- Osteoblasts: generate NEW bone matrix & osteocytes
- Mineralised matrix
- ORGANIC: protein fibers (primarily collagen) & other materials
- Inorganic: hydroxypatite (specialised crystals) Ca2+ salts, Mg2+, Na+, K+, F-, SO42-, CO32-, OH-) - Compact bone tissue *osteon (structural unit)
> found at OUTER layer of bones (+ shafts/diaphysis of long bones) - Spongy bone tissue
> found in INTERIOR of skull bones, vertebrae, sternum, pelvis (+ ends of long bones)
*resembles sponge due to cavities between trabeculae (beams/plates of bone); cavities contain BONE MARROW
*OSTEOPOROSIS (porous bone): bone has too much RESORPTION and/or too little bone formation -> Ca2+/ PO43-/ Vit D/ diet/ Hormones/ exercise/ therapeutics
important bones of the body
Cranium -> skull
Mandible -> jaw
clavicle -> collarbone
scapula -> shoulder blade
sternum -> central chest bone
vertebrae -> lower back (spinal cord)
humerus -> upper arm
ulna -> lower/ INNER arm (smaller)
radius -> lower/OUTER arm (bigger)
hip bone
femur -> upper thigh
patella -> knee cap
tibia -> calf/ INNER (bigger)
fibula -> calf/ OUTER (thinner)
Cartilage composition, location, features, types
Composition: made of TOUGH cartilaginous connective tissue
Location: in articulating ENDS of bones, thorax, nose, trachea, outer ear, larynx *structures not related to bone directly
Cells involved: chondrocytes (in lacunae, arise from perichondrium) - secrete cartilage matrix
- in lacunae, extracellular matrix
> collagen/elastic fibers
> ground substances: H2O, glycosaminoglycans (chondoitin sulfates, keratan sulfate, hyaluronic acid etc), proteoglycans
*almost always covered by PERICHONDRIUM
** NO BLEED VESSELS/ NERVE (except in perichondrium)
1. Elastic cartilage (elastic fibers in matrix)
2. FIBROcartilage (COLLAGEN fibers in ground substance)
3. HYALINE cartilage (associated with perichondrium)
Muscle tissue features, types
Mainly composed of SPECIALISED cells -> MUSCLE FIBERS
- Contracts/ shortens with force
- Moves human body, organs, pumps blood
1. SKELETAL muscle tissue: Striated, Voluntary
2. CARDIAC muscle tissue: Striated, INVOLUNTARY
3. Smooth muscle tissue: non-striated, INVOLUNTARY
function: regulates all movements of human body (muscle contraction)
*except: cilia, flagellum, ameboid movement (some WBCs)
Skeletal muscle tissue features
- Elongated
- Cylindrical
- Striated muscle fibers
- Plasma membrane -> sarcolemma
- Cytoplasm -> Sarcoplasm (contents: myofibrils/ myofilaments, mitochondria, Golgi complex, ER/ sarcoplasmic reticulum)
- MULTI-NUCLEI: FLATTENED (near periphery beanth sarcolemma)
How muscles are formed (->: bundling): myofilaments -> myofibrils -> muscle fibers (cells) -> fasicles -> muscle fibers
Sacromere components/ feature
SARCOMERE: contractile unit of myofibril
I band (light) -> Z line(disc)
A band (dark) -> M line, H zone
made of thin & thick myofilaments
THIN: mainly made of ACTIN (attached to Z line), TROPOMYOSIN, TROPONIN [ATT]
THICK: mainly made of MYOSIN (attached to M line)
- as muscle contrcts -> filaments on thick & thin (within A band) interact with one another
*Myofibril: formed by a bundle of thick & thin filaments
Terminology (skeletal muscle): Origin, Insertion, Action, Agonist, Synergist, Antagonist
Origin: muscle attachment that remains STATIONARY while the muscle contracts
Insertion: Muscle attachment that MOVES while the muscle contracts
Action: specific MOVEMENT (eg. flexion, extension) produced by a muscle contraction
Agonist: muscle(s) responsible for producing a particular movement
Synergist: muscle(s) ASSISTING agonist in performing the particular movement
Antagonist: muscle(s) OPPOSING the action of agonist - to control (eg. speed/ smoothness of movement)
impt muscles in human body
Buccinator (around cheek) - for blowing/ smiling
Masseter (jaw) - for chewing
Sternocleidomastoid (from skull to chest, diagonal) - for bending/ tilting neck
[Chest] Pectoralis major
[Stomach] Rectus abdominus
deltoid* -> shoulder
biceps brachii
Triceps brachii
Gluteus maximus*
Adductor longus -> hip/thigh
Biceps femoris -> back of upper thigh
Quadriceps femoris -> above knee cap, front
Tibialis anterior -> front of calf
Gastrocnemius -> calf
*deltoid/ gluteus maximus - used for IM injection
> Gluteus: at upper outer corner - AVOID sciatic nerve (biggest nerve of body)
Functions of skeletal muscles
- Produce movements (skeletal muscles act on joints & bones)
eg. walking, pinching, respiration, facial expression (subtle) - Maintain posture, position & stability
eg. sitting, standing steady - Support & protect
- Abdominal wall - protects internal organs
- Pelvic diaphragm - protects pelvic organs (from prolapse) - Guards entrances/ exits
- Sphincters - enable voluntary control of swallowing, micturition (urination), defecation & parturition - Maintain body temperature
- Chemical energy converted to heat during muscle contraction & shivering