How many % of anaphylactic episodes is uniphasic and biphasic?
a. 80-90% uniphasic
b. 10-20% biphasic
Most common presentations of anaphylaxis (>90% of cases)
Cutaneous manifestation
Severe hymenoptera-induced anaphylaxis can be a presenting feature of what underlying condition?
Systemic mastocytosis
What is the mechanism involved when a repeated exposure to an allergen induces anaphylaxis?
IgE – mediated (usually with antibiotics and chemotherapy)
Paclitaxel-induced anaphylaxis: IgE or non-IgE-mediated?
Radiocontrast-induced anaphylaxis: IgE or non-IgE-mediated?
Vancomycin-induced anaphylaxis: IgE or non-IgE-mediated?
Opiates-induced anaphylaxis: IgE or non-IgE-mediated?
NSAIDs-induced anaphylaxis: IgE or non-IgE-mediated?
Onset of symptoms and signs of anaphylaxis occurs within seconds to minutes after the trigger, except for:
Delayed anaphylaxis to meats in alpha-gal sensitized patients
Most obvious biomarker of anaphylaxis:
Histamine (but with extremely short half-life)
More practical and useful biomarker of anaphylaxis
Serum tryptase
Treatment of anaphylaxis and dose:
Epinephrine – 0.3-0.5 mL of 1:1000 (1 mg/mL) IM with repeated doses at 5-20 min intervals as needed for a severe reaction
Body posture that may lead to “empty heart syndrome” in anaphylaxis
Upright or sitting posture
Recommended body position before receiving epinephrine in anaphylaxis
Supine position
Simplest, most straightforward approach to long-term management of a patient with a history of anaphylaxis
Study stating that early introduction of peanut protein to the diet of high-risk infants can prevent development of most (80% or more) peanut allergy
Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (LEAP) study
Premedication regimens for radiocontrast allergy with doses and timing (2):
a. Prednisone 0.5 mg/kg at 13, 6, and 1 h prior to contrast administration
b. Diphenhydramine – 25 mg 1 h prior to contrast
Management of flushing reactions from vancomycin (2):
a. Antihistamine premedication
b. Downtitrate infusion rate