Analyzing materials für die KA Flashcards
Welche 3 Schritte muss man beim analysieren von Info Material im Englischen beachten?
- Inform
- Reflect
- Assess
Was muss man im ersten teil der Materialanalyse beachten? (Einleitung)?
- Typ of mateerial (pie chart, Line Graph, Bar Chart, Table)
- What is it about: benefits - disadvantages, development(neutral, negativm positiv)
- Soucre (Quelle)
Was ist im Hauptteil der Materialanalyse zu beachten? (Hauptteil)
- What are the most important things you see?
- increase, decrease, decline (verringern), sharply (stark ab zunehmen), plummet (abstürzen), skyrocket (in die höhe schießen)
- What is the main message?
Wie schreibt man den Schluss einer Materialanalyse? (Schluss)
- How can you use it for your argumentative writing?
- to strengthen (verstärken), to bolster (unterstützen), supportive (unterstützend), adverse (ablehnend), stance (Standpunkt)
Ein Beispiel für eine gute Materialanalyse:
The line graph(type of material), which was published on shows the development of the share of men and woman by age participating in sport weekly(what is it about).
it visualizes that between the ages of 9 and 12 the majority of boys and girls are active in sports. How ever the older people get, the less active they are(Most important things). Men seem to participate in sports more often than woman but for both, there is a sharp decrease between the age of 12 and 39(Main message).
in order to work against this development, it is no good idea to abolish P.E classes at Fachoberschulen(Nutzen in einer Argumentation). Instead, they should continue to be compulsory to encourage young men and women to participate in sports weekly.