Analytic Psychology: Carl Gustav Jung Flashcards
No. 1 personality was and in tune with the objective. world, whereas his No. 2 personality was and directed inward toward his subjective world
extraverted, introverted
Jung saw the ___ as the center of consciousness, but not the core of personality (Freud)
Ego is not the whole personality, but must be completed by the more comprehensive ____, the center of personality that is largely unconscious.
In a psychologically ______ person, the ego takes a secondary position to the unconscious self
Contents of the personal unconscious are called ______. Largely personal, but they may also be partly derived from humanity’s collective experience.
The collective unconscious does not refer to _____ but rather to humans’ innate tendency to react in a particular way whenever their experiences stimulate a biologically inherited response tendency.
inherited ideas
_____ are the main source of archetypal material, and certain _____ offer what Jung considered proof for the existence of the archetype
Jung believed that _____ of psychotic patients also offered evidence for universal archetypes.
Freud looked first to the personal unconscious and resorted to the _____ only when individual explanations failed.
phylogenetic endowment
To become psychologically healthy, Jung believed, we must strike a balance between the demands of _____ and what we truly are.
To be whole, we must continually strive to know our _____ and that this quest is our first test of courage.
Few men become well acquainted with their _____because this task requires great courage and is even more difficult than becoming acquainted with their shadow.
Whereas the anima represents irrational moods and feelings, the animus is symbolic of _____.
thinking and reasoning
This archetypal meaning, however, is unconscious and cannot be directly experienced by a single individual
wise old man
_____ cannot directly impart its wisdom to an individual.
Collective unconscious
Jung believed that each person possesses an inherited tendency to move toward growth, perfection, and completion, and he called this innate disposition the _____.
The self includes both personal and collective unconscious images and thus should not be confused with the _____, which represents consciousness only.
Jung grouped the stages of life into four general periods—
childhood, youth, middle life, and old age
This desire to live in the past is called the _____
conservative principle
Fear of _____ is often taken as normal, but Jung believed that _____ is the goal of life and that life can be fulfilling only when _____ is seen in this light
_____, also called self-realization or individuation, is the process of becoming an individual or whole person.
Psychological rebirth
A technique Jung used during his own self-analysis as well as with many of his patients was _____.
active imagination