Analysis Techniques Flashcards
With each blotting technique give name and what they use?
Southern- DNA
Northern- RNA
Western- proteins
Describe process of DNA/Sanger Sequencing
Uses Fluorescently labelled dideoxy nucleotides. Once incorporated, they prevent elongation after them. After PCR you TF produce lots of DNA strands of different lengths. Can be read on gel electrophoresis
What technique would you use to test for mutations present?
Restriction endonucleases, PCR, Southern blotting
What is needed for and what would you use gel electrophoresis alongside?
Restriction endonucleases, agarose gel, salt buffer solution (to allow the charge to be carried), power supply (to generate charge difference across the gel)
Why may you use restriction endonucleases?
To investigate size of DNA (check for deletions), check presence of mutations if enzyme binds/not, clone specific chunks of DNA
What do restriction endonucleases recognise?
Specific palindrome sequences
What can restriction endonucleases produce?
Sticky and blunt ends
What is the function of the agarose gel?
Acts as a sieve, smaller fragments go further than larger ones.
What enzyme is needed for PCR? Why?
Taq polymerase, it is able to withstand high temperatures
What are the three main steps of PCR?
Heat to denature, cool with DNA primers to allow to anneal, reheat to allow the taq polymerase to work, repeat
What is taq polymerase?
A thermos table DNA polymerase that can withstand high temperatures
List some characteristics of probes
Don’t have to be a 100% match- can overlap.
What is reverse transcriptase PCR? (RT-PCR)
As PCR doesn’t work with RNA, converts the RNA back to DNA
What is microarray? And benefits
Can analyse several genes at once, give different DNA different colours showing either deletions (if less of one colour) etc
What is DNA fingerprinting?
Where you compare the short random repeats of sequences that non-coding region of genes have (called VNTR- variable number tandem repeats). Only identical twins have same
How may you asses chromosomal abnormalities?
Karotyping, FISH, chromosome painting,
What is karotyping?
Visual picture of the full set of a persons chromosomes, organised according to chromosome number
The chromosomes are halted at metaphase to be able to visualise them
What may you use karotyping for?
To spot aneuploidy, monoploidy, sex,
What is FISH? Why is it so important?
Fluorescence in situ hybridisation, allows analysis to occur whilst chromosomes are still in the cell
What different probes are used in FISH?
Telomeres, centromere, loci, whole chromosome
Why may chromosomes painting be useful?
May be able to see where translocations may have happened
What two types of prenatal testing are most commonly used?
Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling
Which is more dangerous for miscarriage risk- amniocentesis or chorionic villus?
Chorionic villus sampling as its done earlier- weeks 11-12
What happens in chorionic villus sampling?
Some chorionic villus cells are sampled by suction through a needle through the abdomen
What happens in amniocentesis?
Sample of amniotic fluid taken by needle through abdomen, sample contains cells shed from baby and so can be used in karotyping
Why can’t amniocentesis be done any earlier?
Not enough amniotic fluid and too many maternal cells
Benefits of chorionic villus?
Results can be got quicker as cells are already dividing, can be done earlier TF if termination follows- safer for mother
Why are metaphase chromosomes analysed?
Most condensed and easiest to visualise
Down’s syndrome- defect and symptoms/signs
Trisomy 21, characteristic facial features, heart defects, increased incidence of leukaemia and Alzheimer’s, intellectual disability
Defect and signs in Edwards
Trisomy 18, rocker bottom feet, overlapping fingers, small lower jaw, low set ears
Defect and signs in Patau’s
Trisomy 13, polydactyly, cleft palate, die very young (few days)
What is non-disjunction?
Occurs in meiosis division, forms a gamete with a missing or an extra chromosome
What causes mosaicism?
Non-disjunction at a mitotic division
What are two causes of aneuploidy?
Anaphase lag and non-disjunction
What is anaphase lag?
In meiosis and mitosis, when chromosomes are pulled apart in anaphase, one chromosomes can be ‘left behind’ and may be lost
What defect is turners and signs?
45 X, monosomie X, puffy feet, excess skin at back of neck ,short, heart defects, infertile
What is a Robertsonian translocation?
When the Q arms of two acrocentric chromosomes fuse together to form one larger chromosome
What happens in microarray?
Patient DNA compared to control DNA, both coloured differently, mix equal amounts of both and hybridise on a slide.. If they is no problem they will appear a mix, eg blue and red would make purple.
How could you analyse a protein?
Protein gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, Isoelectric focusing (separated on basis of charge/pI down pH gradient)
What is SDS PAGE?
SDS is a detergent and so denatures protein and so the proteins can be separated purely on the basis of their Mr
Enzyme assays use?
Measure activity of an enzyme eg lack or raised levels