Who is Inspector Goole and what does he represent?
- An imposing, omnipotent, ‘Inspector’ who is used to highlight the issues of society
- A mouthpiece for Priestley’s own socialist views
- He doesn’t develop or change as he
doesn’t need to.
Who is Shiela Birling and what does she represent?
- The selfish & materialistic attitudes of middle class women due to way they are sheltered from realities of life.
- (Sheila adopting a socialist ethos) : Represents the hope for the future generation to be capable of change
- Represents the changing roles of women
Who is Eric Birling and what does he represent?
- Comment on the behaviour of young wealthy men who are infantilised and neglected by their parents.
–> which leads to them seizing power where they can find it. (eg. with protsitutes and alcahol consumption)
- Represents common views (of the time) of working class women as there for ‘fun’.
- Represents the younger generation/potential of change
Who is Mrs Birling and what does she represent?
- Represents the older generation.
- Represents the idea that upper classes are unfeeling, entitled, judgemental and prejudiced
.- The idea that upper class women use charities and organisations for their reputation rather than actual help.
- Upper class women infantilise and invalidate their children
–>and only do good for their social image/reputation
Who is Mr Birling and what does he represent?
- Represents the Capitalist ethos and
the world of business : As foolish and cruel.
- Represents the patriarchal structure
of Edwardian England.
- Represents the older generation. -> and their resistance to change/ dismissal of new ideas.
Who is Gerald Croft and what does he represent?
- Engaged to Shiela and son of a lord.
. - Used to criticise entitlement & privilege enjoyed by aristocratic upper classes.
–> Has the self-centered/detached attitudes of these classes
- The idea that upper class will always resist change.
–>[Has compassion (suggests there is hope). But refuses to change his ways]
What sins do each of the Birlings and Gerald represent?
Mr Birling: Greed
Mrs Birling: Pride
Eric: Gluttony/Lust
Shiela: Envy/Wrath
Gerald: Pride/Lust
What kind of play structure is “An Inspector Calls?”
- A Morality Play : A play that aims to teach the audience a lesson.
. - Usually has characters that embody/commit the 7 Deadly Sins who are punished.
. - The morality play ususally has characters who repent and redeem themselves.
Why did Priestly use a Morality Play structure on ‘An Inspector Calls’?
popular in the 15th and 16th centuries
- Priestly can preach his beliefs about social responsability, class, age, ect.
. - The audience is invited to judge the characters and question their own behaviour
- Hopes audience leaves as better people
Why does Priestly use Tragic Conventions for his play?
A style created by Shakespeare
- A tragedy is a type of play that focuses on human suffering and starts well and only goes downhill to a bad ending.
–> Start of play is a happy engagement party (suggests that it can only get worse)
- Includes villians, noble characters, character flaws, and serious topics.
How does Priestly present Capitalism vs Socialism in this play?
- Uses Mr Birling to present Capitalism as:
–> Foolish, arrogant, prejudiced and cruel.
Uses dramatic irony to reinforce this concept.
- Uses Inspector to present Socialism as:
–>Intelligent, well informed and compasionate and powerful