What is the purpose of an Argumentative essay?
To convince of the validity of the writer’s thesis through logic and order of importance.
What is the purpose of a Descriptive essay?
To describe a person, place, or event using sensory details for visualization.
What is the goal of an Expository essay?
To explain a subject, theory, or phenomenon to inform the audience.
What is the purpose of a Narrative essay?
To narrate a sequence of events or tell a story, often chronologically.
What is the goal of a Persuasive essay?
To change the reader’s attitude or motivate action through emotional appeals.
What does a Literary essay focus on?
Exploring the meaning and construction of literary work, such as theme or style.
What is a thesis in nonfiction writing?
The main point or concept + the argument
How is tone defined in nonfiction?
The writer’s attitude toward the subject and reader, varying from sincere to sarcastic.
What does “LAAVISH” stand for in methods of proof?
Literary Reference, Appeal to Authority, Attempt to Draw in Reader, Verifiable Fact, Illustration using Contrast, Statement of Opinion, Historical Reference.
Literary Reference
to a piece of literary/written work (i.e., Bible, great novel, play, poem, myth, etc.)
Appeal to Authority Figure
reference to an expert in the field
Attempt to Draw in Reader
use of the pronoun “you” to grab the reader’s attention
Verifiable Fact
any statistic, number, fact, etc. that can be looked up and confirmed
Illustrations using contrast
use of two successive contrasting examples (i.e., natural teas are nutritious, however coffee is superior because of its taste).
Statement of author’s opinion
personal belief; strong, yet biased opinion
Historical reference
to an actual persona/event (dates)
Rhetorical Devices
include techniques that help persuade the reader to agree with the view presented