Analysis Flashcards
Strictly increasing
a_n is strictly increasing if, for all n, a_n < a_(n+1)
a_n is increasing if, for all n, a_n ≤ a_(n+1)
Strictly decreasing
a_n is strictly decreasing if, for all n, a_n > a_(n+1)
a_n is decreasing if, for all n, a_n ≥ a_(n+1)
a_n is monotonic if it is increasing or decreasing or both
a_n is non-monotonic if it is neither increasing or decreasing
Bounded above
a_n is bounded above if there exists U such that, for all n, a_n ≤ U
Upper bound
U is an upper bound for a_n if for all n, a_n ≤ U
Bounded below
a_n is bounded below if there exists L such that, for all n, a_n ≥ L
Lower bound
L is an upper bound for a_n if for all n, a_n ≥ L
a_n is bounded if it is both bounded above and below
Tends to infinity
a_n tends to infinity if, for every C>0, there exists n ∈ ℕ such that a_n>C for all n>N
Tends to zero
a_n tends to zero if, for each ε>0, there exists N ∈ ℕ such that |a_n|N
Tends to a
a_n tends to a if, for each ε>0, there exists N ∈ ℕ such that |a_n -a|N
a_n satisfies a certain property eventually if there is N ∈ ℕ such that the sequence a_(N+n) satisfies that properly
A subsequence of a_n is a sequence of the form a_n_i, where (n_i) is a strictly increasing sequence of positive numbers
Rational number
A real number is rational if it can be written in the form p/q, where p and q are integers with q ≠ 0
Irrational number
A real number that is not rational
Least upper bound
A number u is a least upper bound of A if
- u is an upper bound of A and
- if U any upper bound of A then u ≤ U
Greatest lower bound
A number l is a greatest lower bound of A if
- l is a lower bound of A and
- if L is any lower bound of A then l ≥ L
A series is an expression of the form Σ (n=1, ∞) a_n = a_1 + a_2 + a_3 + …
Partial sum
A series’ partial sum (s_n) takes the form s_n = a_1 + a_2 + … + a_n = Σ (i=1, n) a_i
Converges (series)
Σ (n=1, ∞) a_n converges if (s_n) converges
Sum of the series
If s_n → S then we call S the sum of the series and we write Σ (n=1, ∞) a_n = S
Diverges (series)
Σ (n=1, ∞) a_n diverges if (s_n) does not converge
Diverges to infinity (series)
Σ (n=1, ∞) a_n diverges if (s_n) tends to infinity
Σ (n=1, ∞) 1/(n-1)! = 1 + 1 + 1/2! + 1/3! + …
Absolutely convergent
The series Σa_n is absolutely convergent if Σ|a_n| converges
The sequence (b_n) is a rearrangement of (a_n) if there exists a bijection σ: ℕ → ℕ (ie a permutation on ℕ) such that b_n = a_σ(n) for all n
Conditionally convergent
The series Σa_n is said to be conditionally convergent if Σa_n is convergent but Σ|a_n| is not
Completeness axiom (upper bounds)
Any non-empty subset of ℝ that is bounded above has a least upper bound
Bolzano-Weierstrauss Theorem
Any bounded sequence of real numbers has a convergent subsequence
A sequence a_n is Cauchy if for every ε > 0,there exists N ∈ ℕ such that |a_n - a_m| < ε for all n,m ≥ N
Comparison test
If 0 ≤ |a_n| ≤ b_n and Σb_n converges then Σa_n converges absolutely