Analysing images and human contrast sensitivity Flashcards
What is the task faced by the visual system?
To extract useful information about the environment from the patterns of light within the retinal image.
How does Marr (1982) describe the task of vision?
Vision is an information processing task… The process of discovering from image what is present in the world, and where it is.
What types of information do visual images contain?
Reflected light from objects which differ in terms of light wavelength and luminance.
What do spatial variations in luminance in retinal images carry information about?
Object boundaries, edges and contours in the world.
What are the different spatial scales at which luminance changes can occur?
Smooth (slow) -> medium -> abrupt (sharp)
What do slow luminance changes reveal?
The coarse spatial structure of the world, e.g. Large objects and overall shape.
What do abrupt luminance changes reveal?
The fine spatial structure of the world, e.g. Small objects and fine detail.
How can visual information be represented in images?
- Through measuring the luminance at each spatial location in the image, like a digital camera, with points (pixels) determining quality. However this is inefficient.
- Through breaking the image down into basic components (building blocks, e.g. lines, blobs and corners). Sinusoidal gratings are a good choice - they capture the luminance variations in the image at each spatial scale.
What are sinusoidal gratings?
Simple 1-dimensional, periodic patterns in which luminance varies across space.
Describe how luminance varies across space in a sinusoidal grating.
Varies across the pattern (x) according to a sinusoidal waveform, across y it is constant.
What are the defining features of sinusoidal gratings?
- Spatial frequency (SF)
- Contrast (intensity difference)
- Orientation (axis of bars)
- Spatial phase (relative position of the bars)
Define spatial frequency (SF).
Spatial scale of luminance variation - number of cycles in one degree of visual angle.
Why are grating patterns so useful?
It’s been shown mathematically that any image can be created from a set of sinusoidal grading patterns.
When making a complex image from sinusoidal gratings, what do low and high SF gratings contribute, respectively?
Large objects/overall shape, fine detail/smaller objects.
What is the process of creating images from sinusoidal gratings called?
Fourier synthesis.
What is Fourier analysis, and how does it differ from Fourier synthesis?
Analysis is decomposing or representing an image as a set of sinusoidal gratings, synthesis is creating an image from gratings.
What did DeValois and DeValois, 1990, show?
That Einstein’s face can be created using sinusoidal gratings of progressively higher SFs - 64=basic face shape, 164=clear, recognisable image.
Why is coding with sinusoidal gratings economical?
Because unlike recording light intensity at thousands of different points, all you need to know is the 4 characteristics of each of the gratings.
What relevance do sinusoidal gratings have to vision?
- they’re a ‘universal language’ to precisely describe visual scenes.
- we can measure the brain’s reaction to grating patterns (e.g. Contrast detection thresholds, cell firing rate)
- this can be used to predict responses to other images.
What is MTF?
Modulation transfer function - the MTF of a system or cell is the extent to which each grating is transmitted.
What is the assumption behind using MTFs to predict the visual system’s response to images?
All images are a sum of sinusoidal gratings, and the response to a complex pattern is basically the sum of its response to component grating patterns - assumption of linearity. If true, very powerful.
Is the assumption of linearity in the visual system justifiable?
+ under many conditions the approach is successful.
- the brain violates certain mathematical assumptions.
Overall a decent estimate.
How do you measure the MTF of the whole system for sinusoidal gratings with different SFs?
If our visual system does a good job of transferring certain SFs, we should need very little contrast to see those gratings, and vice versa. So we can measure psychophysically the contrast detection threshold for different SFs.
What is the resulting MTF from the entire visual system’s sensitivity to gratings with different SFs known as?
The Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF), plotted as a graph.
Are we equally sensitive to all spatial frequencies?
No, we are relatively insensitive to very low and very high spatial frequencies.
Give some examples of research investigating the CSF for human vision.
Campbell and Green, 1965; Campbell and Robson, 1968.
What are the axes on a CSF graph?
y = contrast sensitivity (1/threshold contrast required to detect) x = SF of grating patterns.
For what SF of sinusoidal gratings is sensitivity greatest?
Gratings with spatial frequencies between 2-6 c/deg.
Where are the patterns visible and invisible on a CSF graph?
Visible below the curve, invisible above it.
What shape is a CSF graph?
Inverted U.
What can we predict from the shape of the CSF?
Performance for more complex images, as they’re just a combination of grating patterns - if luminance variations occur at an optimal SF, they will be visible even when contrast is low. Also for very low and very high SFs contrast must be high to allow visibility.
Why does the CSF have an inverted U shape?
- the fall-off in sensitivity at high SFs is due to optical imperfections in the eye which blur/degrade fine detail.
- the drop on sensitivity at low SFs is more difficult to explain, but is due to neural factors in the visual system’s information processing, rather than the eye itself.
Exactly why is there a drop in sensitivity for low SFs?
Cells very early in the visual pathways, such as retinal ganglion cells, have receptive fields that exhibit a concentric centre-surround organisation (Kuffler, 2003). So when a similar luminance level covers the entire receptive field, they show little or no change in firing rate - they respond to gratings, but not when the SF is too low.
What are the different luminance level ranges in which vision can be investigated?
- Photopic - daytime
- Mesopic - dusk
- Scoptic - near dark
What does the CSF look like at different light levels, according to Patel (1966) and De Valois et al. (1974)?
As the overall luminance level is progressively reduced, the peak sensitivity shifts to gratings of lower SF, occurring mainly because sensitivity to high SFs worsens.
How do findings on CSF at different light levels relate to our experience?
It agrees - at night our rod system is most active and our ability to see fine detail is lost. Retinal ganglion cells are indirectly fed by rods and sacrifice acuity to operate at low light levels.
What is a sinusoidal grating’s TF?
Temporal frequency - indicates how rapidly they move or flicker.
What is temporal frequency measured in?
c/sec or Hz.
What did Van Nes et al. (1967), Robson (1996), and Kelly (1979) investigate, and what did they find?
CSFs for moving/flickering gratings - sensitivity to very low spatial frequencies improves when the temporal frequency is high (e.g. 10Hz).
What are the possible neural mechanisms behind increased sensitivity to low SFs when TF is high?
Magnocellular cells (primate lateral geniculate nucleus, thalamus) are 10x more sensitive to low SFs than parvocellular cells when patterns move or flicker at high rates (Derrington and Lennie, 1984; Kaplan and Shapley, 1982).
What shape does the CSF have when the image is flickering?
Straight across, then down.
What are the behavioural effects of lesions to the parvocellular layer of the LGN in monkeys?
Dramatic loss of sensitivity to stationary gratings, decreasing sensitivity as SF increases. Sensitivity at low SFs returns as TF increases.
What are the behavioural effects of lesions to the magnocellular layer of the LGN in monkeys?
No effect on stationary gratings, but decrease in sensitivity for higher TFs at low SFs.
Who studied the behavioural effects of lesions to cells in the LGN in monkeys?
Merigan et al., 1991.
What do standard visual acuity tests try to work out?
The finest spatial detail that an observer can discern. Uses very high contrast stimuli of decreasing size.
What are some examples of standard visual acuity tests, and what do they measure?
- Snellen eye chart - recognition acuity
- Landholt rings - resolution acuity
- Parallel bars - resolution acuity
How are the CSF and standard acuity measures related?
- acuity tests measure the smallest details that can be resolved, with fixed and maximal contrast. Size limits performance.
- CSF tests measure how both size (SF) and contrast limit performance.
Are CSF and standard acuity measures ever equivalent?
Yes - the highest detectable SF requires maximum contrast because sensitivity is so low, therefore this single point on the CSF is also a measure of visual acuity.
What are the advantages of using visual acuity tests?
+ they’re mostly quick to administer - rapid assessment. Measuring CSF is time consuming and requires specialised equipment to create the gratings.
+ many causes of loss of sensitivity to fine detail are optical in nature - useful in a clinical setting, as can be alleviated by glasses or contacts.
+ deficits in sensitivity to lower SFs are neurological in origin, so cannot be alleviated by clinicians - there’s no need to measure the whole CSF.
What are the advantages of measuring the CSF?
+ characterises sensitivity over all SFs, enabling scientists to predict the visibility of objects in any complex scene.
+ Glinsburg et al. (1982) used the CSF to predict how well pilots see objects - under conditions when fine detail is lost, e.g. fog, visual acuity is a poor indicator of performance.
+ some Alzheimer’s (Nissen et al., 1985) or cataracts (Hess & Woo, 1978) patients exhibit substantial sensitivity deficits for both low and high frequency patterns, which acuity tests would not pick up.
+ you get a measure of visual acuity anyway!