Analogy And Symbol Flashcards
What is univocal language
-Language is used in an ordinary way, the same way ordinary language is used
What is equivocal language
Language is used in a way different from the original meaning- language has a deeper, metaphysical meaning-
What is via negativa
Suggests God is beyond comprehension, we can only know and talk about him by what he isnt-evil, limited, human, finite etc.
Univocal language-anthropomorphism
-Can be seen to be limiting and humanising God- saying god loves implies Gods love is the same as human love, implying Gods love is flawed and limited- humanises and limits God-contradicts his transcendent nature
Equivocal language-Meaning
Equivocal language lacks meaning as we can not gain any true knowledge of God if words are used with a deeper meaning humans cannot understand properly
Aquinas analogy theory
-Religious language is analogical-Gods features reflect in his creation-attributes like goodness etc come from God so human attributes can be compared- human terms can give knowledge of god.
Analogy of attribution
-Gods features are reflected in reality- we can know about God just as we can know about a baker through his bread-e.g we can attribute goodness to God because creation is good
Analogy of proportion
-Predicates exist in proportion to the nature of what holds it- in the same way a dog can love but at a ‘lower’ level than humans God can love in a higher, more complex way than humans appropriate to his nature-Gods love is infintiely greater than humans
Strengths of analogy
+Solves problem with univocal language and equivocal- gives us some meaningful, tangible knowledge of God whilst not humanising him as we acknowledge the attributes are greater than ours
Limitations of analogy
-Problem of evil-can be used to show God is good
(counter point-evil is a privation)-suggests RL not analogic as its not based on looking at the world but doctrine-contradicts gods nature
-Doesnt work if we deny creationism
What is a symbol
An object used to represent a deeper, hidden meaning different from its literal meaning-e.g black symbolises evil
Religious language as symbolic-Paul Tillich
-Religious language uses symbols to convey a deeper, metaphysical meaning that cant be articulated in ordinary language
Paul Tillich- Symbolism theory
-God can be known either through experience of the ultimate being which is ineffable and can only be described through symbol- experiences of God are non emperical, religious language and concepts can only be discussed through symbol.
Religious language and meaning
-Symbolism points to and participates in a ‘higher dimension of reality’-opens the mind and soul up to higher levels of reality so we can begin to understand metaphysical truths-e.g the nature of crucifiction, good and evil, life death etc-open us up to holy layers of reality
Paul Tillich- symbolism example
Jesus called the ‘lamb of God’-lamb is a symbol of innocent sacrifice showing the deeper metaphysical meaning behind Jesus death and opening us up to the higher reality of God