Analogies Flashcards
Fish is to water as:
Lion is to land
Fish live in water, lions live on land.
Sick is to healthy as jailed is to:
Sick is the opposite of healthy, just as jailed is the opposite of free.
Dancer is to feet as:
Juggler is to hands
Dancers use their feet, jugglers use their hands.
Bystander is to event as:
Spectator is to game
A bystander observes an event, a spectator observes a game.
Baker is to bread as:
Sculptor is to statue
A baker creates bread, a sculptor creates a statue.
Igneous is to rock as:
Watercolor is to painting
Igneous is a type of rock, watercolor is a type of painting.
Delicious is to taste as melodious is to:
Delicious describes taste, melodious describes sound.
Clog is to shoe as:
Beret is to hat
A clog is a type of shoe, a beret is a type of hat.
Cube is to square as:
Sphere is to circle
A cube is a three-dimensional shape made of squares, a sphere is a three-dimensional shape made of circles.
Jam is to fruit as:
Butter is to milk
Jam is made from fruit, butter is made from milk.
Mile is to quart as:
Length is to volume
A mile is a unit of length, a quart is a unit of volume.
Biologist is to scientist as surgeon is to:
A biologist is a type of scientist, a surgeon is a type of doctor.
Clay is to potter as:
Marble is to sculptor
A potter works with clay, a sculptor works with marble.
Clip is to movie as:
Excerpt is to novel
A clip is a part of a movie, an excerpt is a part of a novel.
Ruthless is to mercy as naive is to:
Ruthless is the lack of mercy, naive is the lack of worldliness.
Glacier is to ice as:
Ocean is to water
A glacier is made of ice, an ocean is made of water.
Glass is to window as:
Fabric is to clothing
A window is made of glass, clothing is made of fabric.
Buttress is to support as scissor is to:
A buttress supports, a scissor cuts.
Sneer is to disdain as cringe is to:
A sneer shows disdain, a cringe shows fear.
Library is to book as:
Bank is to money
A library holds books, a bank holds money.
Famine is to food as:
Drought is to water
Famine is a lack of food, drought is a lack of water.
Teacher is to student as:
Coach is to player
A teacher instructs a student, a coach instructs a player.
Muffle is to noise as:
Dam is to flood
Muffle reduces noise, a dam reduces a flood.
Rest is to exhaustion as:
Water is to thirst
Rest alleviates exhaustion, water alleviates thirst.
Playwright is to script as:
Choreographer is to dance
A playwright creates a script, a choreographer creates a dance.
Gluttony is to food as:
Avarice is to money
Gluttony is an excessive desire for food, avarice is an excessive desire for money.
Facile is to effort as:
Incompetent is to task
Facile suggests lack of effort, incompetent suggests lack of skill in a task.
Single-handed is to assistance as anonymous is to:
Single-handed means without assistance, anonymous means without recognition.
Stable is to horse as kennel is to:
A stable houses horses, a kennel houses dogs.
Tree is to knee as:
Seek is to leek
This one is more abstract, but it seems to play on rhyming.