Anaemia, general concepts & iron deficiency anaemia Flashcards
What is anaemia?
A reduction in the Hb concentration, below what is considered normal for the age, gender of the individual
Usually accompanied by a reduction in red cell count and haematocrit (percent of the blood that is cellular)
Is anaemia a disease?
No it is a manifestation of another process
What are some causes for anaemia?
1) reduced bone marrow production of RBCs
2) increased loss of RBCs (bleeding)
3) premature destruction of RBCs (before 120 days) (haemolysis)
Could it be that there is asymptomatic anaemia? What determines symptomatic anaemia?
Yes, as symptoms depend on age and speed of onset.
Chronic anaemia = slow onset, symptoms may go unnoticed (there may be compensation for the anaemia)
Rapid onset anaemia = symptoms
Anaemia is mostly due to…
iron deficiency
Clinical features of anaemia
Pale, oral mucosa, conjunctiva
Lethargy, tiredness; generalised weakness
Shortness of breath; tachycardia; palpitations
Which anaemia types cause jaundice?
Haemolytic anaemia, Megaloblastic anaemia
Koilonychia is a symptom of which anaemia type?
Iron deficiency
Cause of anaemia can be guided by the MCV and blood film. True or False
RCC is
red cell count
MCH is:
Mean cell Hb
which stain is used to investigate anaemia on blood film?
Romanovsky stain
What types of anaemia are microcytic
Iron deficiency
Thalassaemia (Haemoglobinopathy)
Anaemia of chronic disease
Which types of anaemia are normocytic?
Blood loss
Haemolytic (RBC membrane, Enzyme defects, Extrinsic)
Stem cell defects
Which types of anaemia are macrocytic?
Megaloblastic Excess alcohol Liver disease Reticulocytosis Drug therapy Marrow failure
What does a reticulocyte count tell us? Low or high
Immature RBC, in the blood, is larger
Low: failure of erythropoiesis
High: appropriate BM erythroid response
Reduced erythropoiesis has 2 causes:
Primary: bone marrow failure
Secondary: another cause
Increased loss of RBCs is because of:
what is bone marrow failure called?
aplastic anaemia
The primary cause of reduced erythropoiesis is bone marrow failure… what are the types
Bone marrow failure: aplastic anaemia
Red cell aplasia
Bone marrow dysfunction: myelodysplasia
the secondary cause of reduced erythropoiesis is due to another cause, such as:
Insufficient nutrients: iron, folate, B12, EPO
Bone marrow infiltration like leukaemia and cancer
what are types of bleeding?
acute: identifiable, after an accident or haemorrhage
chronic: slow bleeding, may go unnoticed (GIT cancer, ulcer) or secondary to anticoagulant drugs
clinical clues that bleeding is the cause of anaemia
Menorrhagia is menstrual bleeding that lasts more than 7 days.
Melena refers to black stools that occur as a result of gastrointestinal bleeding.
clinical clues that haemolysis is the cause