Anaemia- Basics Flashcards
What is anaemia defined as? (Include values)
decrease in haemoglobin in blood below reference level for the age and sex of the individual
- Hb <130g/L in adult males (Hct <0.38) and Hb <120g/L in adult females (Hct <0.37)
What is the normal response to anaemia?
Reticulocytosis- more red cells made
What is a reticulocyte?
Immature RBC that’s just been released from bone marrow
Bit larger than a normal RBC as they still contain some RNA
How is reticulocyte count used to classify anaemia?
Low reticulocyte count- decreased production
This can indicate reduced or ineffective erythropoiesis, impaired haemoglobinisation, impaired cell division
High reticulocyte count- increased loss or destruction
This can indicate bleeding or haemolysis
How does anaemia generally present?
Non specific systemic symptoms such as fatigue, SOB, headaches, pallor, palpitations and feeling faint
May also be tachycardic, and have a systolic flow murmur
What are the investigations for anaemia?
FBC, used to measure:
Hb concentration (confirms diagnosis)
MCV (confirming whether its microcytic or macrocytic)
Haematocrit- (ratio of whole blood that is red cells, low shows anaemia)
Blood film, used to look at cell morphology
Reticulocyte count- assesses bone marrow response
If MCV is low, what would you consider?
Microcytic anaemia
Problems with haemoglobinisation
If MCV is high, what would you consider?
Macrocytic anaemia
Consider issues with cell division, ie maturation