Anaemia Flashcards
what is the definitions of anaemia for men and women?
men < 13.5
women < 11.5
what are the symptoms of anaemia FFATHPAD
F - fatigue F - faintness A - anorexia T - tinnitus H - headaches P - palpitatins A - angina D - dysopnea
signs of anaemia?
conjuctive pallor
if severe anaemia (<8) then there are sings of hyperdynamic circulation -
- tachycardia
- flow murmurs
- cardiac hypertrophy
- retinal heamorrhage (rare)
- heart failure (later)
what are the 3 types of anaemias based on mean cell volume and MCH?
microcytic hypochromic anaemia = decreased MCV and decreased MCH
normocytic normochromic anaemia = normal MCV, normal MCH
macrocytic anaemia = increased MCV and decreased MCH
causes of low MCV (microcytic anaemia) (3)
Iron deficiency anaemia
Thallasaemia (low MCV high RCC)
sideroblastic anaemia
causes of normocytic anaemia (normal MCV)
acute blood loss anaemia of chronic disease (or dec MCV) renal failure hypothyroidism (or inc MCV) Haemolysis (or inc MCV) Pregnancy Bone marrow failure (if decreased WCC or decreased platelets suspect bone marrow)
causes of high MCV (macrocytic anaemia)?
B12 / folate deficiency alcohol excess or liver disease reticulocytosis cytotoxis myelodysplastic syndrome marrow infiltration Hypothyroidism antipholate drugs such as phenytoin
what can haemolytic anaemia be both of?
normocytic or macrocytic
what are the three main types of microcytic anaemia?
1) Haem synthesis defect - iron deficiency (most common)
2) Globin synthesis defect - Thallasaemia autosommal recessive disease, reduced rate of synthesis alpha and beta chains
3) sideroblastic anaemia - inability to incorporate iron into haemoglobin. X linked ineffective erythropoeisis.
what are rare causes of iron deficiency anaemia?
malnutrition in babies
malabsorption (such as coeliac disease causing refractory IDA)
in the tropics (hookworm causes GI bleeds)
what are the signs in chronic iron deficiency anaemia?
1) koilonychia - spoon shaped nails - iron defiency
2) atrophic glossitis - papillae atrophy
3) angular stomatitis
4) oesophageal webs caused by dysphagia (Plummer-vinson syndrome, rare sign)
where is iron absorbed?
upper small intestine
what enhances iron absorption?
vitamin C
what protein made in the liver regulates iron absorption and circulation?
when is hepcidin released?
in iron excess in stores
(it reduces ferroportin)