Anaemia Flashcards
What is anaemia?
Anaemia is not a disease, but a term indicating insufficient haemoglobin to deliver oxygen to the cells. It is always a secondary phenomenon and it is essential to identify the underlying cause.
Anaemia can be defined as a haemoglobin (Hb) level of less than:
<130g/l (13g/dl) in adult males
<115g/l (11.5g/dl) in adult females
What are the symptoms of anaemia?
- Asymptomatic
- Tiredness/fatigue/ lassitude/ drowsiness
- Headache
- Weakness
- Light headedness /dizziness/vertigo
- Fainting
- Breathlessness on exertion
- Palpitations
- Worsening ischaemic symptoms e.g. Angina
- Intermittent claudication
- Menstrual disturbance
What are the signs of anaemia?
- Pallor
- Pale conjunctiva
- Pale palmar creases
- Tachycardia
- Postural hypotension
- Signs of congestive heart failure
- Murmur
- Brittle nails, koilonychia, brittle hair (Fe deficiency anaemia)
- Angular stomatitis, glossitis (Fe and vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias)
- Jaundice (haemolytic anaemia)
- Leg ulcers (sickle cell disease)
- Bone deformities (thalassaemia)
What do iron studies show?
Confirmatory investigations in the management of iron deficiency:
- Serum ferritin is a measure of the amount of stored iron in the body. Ferritin is the main protein that stores iron in the liver and the bone marrow
- Serum iron is a measure of the level of iron in the blood
- Transferrin is a blood protein that transports iron from the gut to the cells that use it. When iron stores are low, transferrin levels increase. Transferrin is low when there is too much iron in the body e.g. haemochromatosis.
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) - measures the amount of transferrin in relationship to the body’s need for iron
What are various types of anaemia and how are they detected?
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) indicates the average RBC size (80-100fl). Microcytic anaemia = <80fl Normocytic anaemia = 80-100fl Macrocytic anaemia = >100fl)
The mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) indicates the amount of haemoglobin present in the blood (27-31pg/cell).
Hypochromic anaemia = <27pg/cell
Normochromic anaemia = 27-31pg/cell
Hyperchromic anaemia = >31pg/cell
What are the causes of microcytic anaemia?
Chronic blood loss
Iron deficiency (Low iron stores, dietary lack of iron, malabsorption of iron)
Lead poisoning
What are the causes of normocytic anaemia?
Acute blood loss
Endocrine disease (hypopituitary, thyroid, adrenal)
Combined deficiency
Chronic disease
Aplastic anaemia
What are the causes of macrocytic anaemia?
Megaloblastic anaemias (pernicious anaemia, nutritional deficiency anaemia of folic acid and vitamin B12)
Hereditary anaemias
(Anticonvulsant, nitrofurantoin, alcohol excess -reduce folate absorption)
Liver disease
What is ‘megaloblastic anaemia’?
Megaloblastic anaemia is the term used for anaemia due to a nutritional deficiency of either
vitamin B12 or folic acid, or malabsorption of B12 (pernicious anaemia).
Megaloblasts are unusually large nucleated erythroblasts. The cells are immature cells because of arrested development due to either B12 or folic acid (folate) deficiency. B12 and folate are essential cofactors in DNA synthesis. B12 and folate are only obtained from the diet or by supplement. Impairment in DNA synthesis delays nuclear maturation and cell division. The immature nucleated red cells are larger than normal RBCs. Therefore, the MCV is increased. Hence the term: macrocytic megaloblastic anaemia.
In high alcohol intake, the cells are macrocytic (high MCV), but anaemia is not usual. Excessive alcohol abuse can result in megaloblastic anaemia due to a toxic effect of alcohol on erythropoiesis and/or dietary folate deficiency
What is ‘pernicious anaemia’?
: Pernicious anaemia is the term used for a specific autoimmune disorder in which the gastric mucosa is atrophic and there is intrinsic factor deficiency. In the absence of intrinsic factor less than 1% of dietary B12 is absorbed. Vitamin B12 bound to intrinsic factor is absorbed in the last part of the small intestine. Parietal cell antibodies and/or intrinsic factor antibodies may be present. The patient may have other associated autoimmune disorders such as hypothyroidism. A patient with pernicious anaemia has a macrocytic megaloblastic anaemia.
What causes anaemia? (generally)
Anaemia occurs when either;
• there is a loss of RBCs due to bleeding
• the production of RBCs is decreased
•the destruction of RBCs is increased
- Blood loss**
- Acute haemorrhage e.g. trauma.
- Gradual, prolonged chronic bleeding resulting in iron deficiency e.g. gastrointestinal bleeding, menstrual bleeding - Nutrient deficiency or malabsorption**
- Iron deficiency, Vitamin B12 deficiency, Folate deficiency, Malnutrition - Chronic System Disease
- Anaemia of chronic disease, Kidney Failure, Liver Disease, Thyroid Disease - Immune Disease
- Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, Transfusion reactions - ABO incompatibility - Infections
- CMV, Infectious mononucleosis, Malaria - Acquired bone marrow disease
- Aplastic anaemia, Leukaemia - Toxin exposure
- Drugs, Radiation, Alcohol - Genetic disorders
- Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell anaemia, G6PD deficiency - Microvascular Disease
- Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (HUS), Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) - Other
- Pregnancy, Burns
What are the risk factors for iron deficiency anaemia?
• Female gender • Extremes of age • Lactation • Pregnancy • Poverty 20% of women of childbearing age in the world have iron deficiency anaemia
What type of anaemia is caused by blood loss, and when does this occur?
Overall, in acute haemorrhage, there is a rapid development of a normocytic normochromic anaemia with a reactive increase in reticulocytes (reticulocytosis) within 6 hours.
In chronic gradual blood loss, there is a gradual development of a microcytic hypochromic anaemia with or without a low serum ferritin due to low storage levels of iron. (Iron stores are used up replacing the lost red blood cells.) There is a reactive increase in the platelet count (thrombocytosis.)
Acute haemorrhage = normocytic normochromic anaemia
Acute haemorrhage can be due to trauma (wounds, major fractures, crush injuries), acute GI bleeding, rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm and surgery. Patients are at increased risk of haemorrhage if they are taking anticoagulant therapy e.g. warfarin or have an underlying defect in haemostasis.
Haematocrit (Hct) and Red Blood Count (RBC) will also fall and a reactive increase in the reticulocyte count (reticulocytosis) to increase the number of red cells will occur within 6 hours of onset of haemorrhage.
Gradual chronic loss = microcytic hypochromic anaemia
1. Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding - e.g. drugs, cancer, gastric ulcer
•Melaena describes the passage of black tarry stools with an offensive smell, due to altered (digested) blood in the faeces. It implies a bleed at some point early in the GI tract, oesophagus, stomach or duodenum.
- Menstrual bleeding - Increased menstrual loss
• Menorrhagia is abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual periods at regular intervals.
•Menometrorrhagia is prolonged or excessive bleeding occurring irregularly and more frequently than normal.)
Chronic blood loss leads to on-going iron loss and produces a microcytic hypochromic anaemia due to eventual iron deficiency. The red cells are small pale and hypochromic due to lack of iron. There is often an increase in platelet count (thrombocytosis) as a result of a reactive increase in bone marrow activity. In chronic GI loss, mass screening programmes on people over 55 years may detect Faecal Occult Blood (FOB positive) and this may be the first indication of more serious underlying GI pathology e.g. bowel cancer.
Be aware that microcytic/hypochromic erythrocytes may also be seen in the anaemia of chronic disease, in the thalassaemias and in the sideroblastic anaemias. In these anaemias iron stores are normal or increased e.g. serum ferritin is normal or increased.
In ulcerative colitis blood and mucous are passed resulting in iron deficiency. In iron deficiency anaemia, iron can be replaced with ferrous sulphate supplements (which incidentally also make the stools black. Not called melaena in this case, stools are not offensive.) Constipation is another side effect of ferrous sulphate.
When does anaemia due to nutrient deficiency occur?
Overall iron deficiency gives a microcytic picture, whereas folate and B12 give a macrocytic picture.
a) Nutritional deficiency of iron, B12, folate.
Nutritional deficiency of iron is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world. Inadequate diet and poverty are the main factors. Meat is the main source of iron. Iron from vegetables is not as well as absorbed as that in meat. Vegetarians are at risk from iron deficiency unless supplements are taken. Vegans are particularly prone to Fe and B12 nutritional deficiency.
b) Malabsorption of iron and folate
In coeliac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy) combined iron and folate deficiency may occur. Folate deficiency leads to macrocytic cells. Iron deficiency leads to microcytic cells, giving mixed picture
In Crohn’s disease, anaemia is common and usually is a normocytic, normochromic anaemia of chronic disease. However, iron deficiency and/or folate deficiency may also coexist due to malabsorption. The size of cells will therefore be mixed and the picture could be microcytic, normocytic or macrocytic.
Other causes of malabsorption include achlorhydria, gastric surgery and small bowel resection.
c) Malabsorption of B12
What type of anaemia is caused by chronic disease?
The anaemia of chronic disease (ACD) is usually associated with a normal MCV (normocytic normochromic) and ferritin levels are normal or high, but serum iron is often low. Recent work suggests that hepcidin levels are high. Hepcidin is a regulatory protein, produced by the liver, which inhibits the export of iron into the blood. Iron remains trapped in storage sites in the form of ferritin.
What causes haemolytic anaemia?
The normal lifespan of the RBC (100 - 120 days) may be shortened by a variety of abnormalities.
Haemolytic anaemia may be classified into:
• Inherited e.g. sickle cell disease
• Acquired
• Immune e.g. drugs, transfusion reaction, haemolytic disease of the newborn
• Non-immune e.g.
• Mechanical e.g. artificial heart valves, marathon runners
• Toxic e.g. chemicals
• Infective e.g. malaria
Red cell destruction overloads the pathways for haemoglobin breakdown with a resultant rise in:-
• unconjugated bilirubin in the blood and consequently jaundice
• urinary urobilinogen (product of bilirubin breakdown)
• LDH in blood (lactate dehydrogenase released from the cells)
• reticulocytosis (due to bone marrow compensation)
Haemolysis results in a macrocytic blood picture due to increase in demand for red cells and therefore large immature cells are released into the blood.
What is Hepcidin and what does it do?
Hepcidin controls the absorption of iron form the gastrointestinal tract via its effect on Ferroportin. Ferroportin controls the release of iron from the intestinal enterocytes into the blood stream and the release of iron from the marrow macrophages for erythropoiesis. Hepcidin in turn controls the levels of Ferroportin in an inverse manner:
What are the consequences of an increase in hepcidin?
An increase in Hepcidin cause Ferroportin to degrade. Reducing Ferroportin levels prevents iron release from GI tract enterocytes into the blood stream and also traps iron in the marrow macrophages, thus reducing total iron bio-availability. So, when iron is plentiful and the transferrin (TFR) saturation is high, less iron is absorbed and fewer red cells produced in the marrow.
In inflammation with high levels of interleukin 6 (IL6), the same mechanism is activated explaining the classical marrow iron findings of the normocytic, normochromic anaemia of chronic disease; with excess iron in the free and marrow particle macrophages but no iron in the erythroblasts (i.e. no siderocytes). This lack of production in anaemia of chronic disease also known as anaemia of inflammation (or secondary anaemia) and explains why sometimes this type of anaemia can be hypochromic and is not always normochromic and normocytic i.e. there is a functional iron deficiency.
What are the consequences of a decrease in hepcidin?
A decrease in Hepcidin has the opposite effect, promoting iron absorption form the gut and releasing iron form the marrow macrophages to assist increased erythropoiesis. So in iron deficiency, a low TFR situation inhibits Hepcidin and Ferroportin increases thus promoting iron absorption and availability.
In haemolytic anaemia, there is an increase in the levels of Growth Differentiation Factor 15 (GDF15). High levels of GDF15 promote iron absorption by inhibiting Hepcidin and this explains why patients with chronic haemolysis can become iron overloaded without ingesting excess iron or by having blood transfusions.
What are the causes of Iron deficiency anaemia?
Iron deficiency anaemia is a microcytic, hypochromic anaemia and it the most common cause of anaemia.
Causes of iron deficiency anaemia
• Blood loss e.g. menorrhagia or GI bleed
• Poor diet may cause IDA in babies or children (rare in adults)
• Malabsorption (e.g. coeliac disease)
• Hookworm and associated blood loss (the most common cause in the tropics)
What are the signs of IDA and how do you diagnose it?
Signs of chronic IDA: Koilonychia, atrophic glossitis, angular cheilosis
Diagnosis: ↓ MCV, ↓ MCH, ↓ MCHC, Confirmed by ↓ ferritin
How do you manage IDA?
If MCV ↓ and there is a significant history of menorrhagia, start on oral iron tablets. Otherwise investigate for GI blood lost: gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy or stool microscopy for ova if hookworm is a possibility
Oral iron e.g. ferrous sulphate
• SE: nausea, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, constipation, black stools
• Hb should rise y 10g/l/week
• Continue for at least 3 months or until Hb levels are normal.
What is thalassaemia and what does it cause?
The thalassaemia’s are genetic disease of unbalance Hb synthesis with underproduction of one globin chain. Unmatched globin’s precipitate, damaging RBC membranes, causing their haemolysis while still in the marrow. The β thalassaemia’s are usually caused by point mutations in β-globin genes, leaded to ↓ β chain production.
What are the different types of thalassaemia?
Heterozygous state (β thalassaemia minor): This is a carrier state and is usually asymptomatic. Mild, well tolerated anaemia
β thalassemia intermedia: This describes and intermediate state with moderate anaemia but not requiring transfusions. There may be splenomegaly
β thalassaemia major (Cooley’s anaemia – homozygous): Denotes abnormalities in both β-globin genes. Presents in the 1st year of life with severe anaemia and failure to thrive. Extramedullary Haemopoesis (RBC’s made outside the marrow) occurs in response to anaemia, causing characteristic head shape and hepatosplenomegaly.
How do you treat thalasaemia?
lifelong (2-4week) transfusions, iron chelators (prevent overload, ascorbic acid (increase iron excretion in urine), hormonal replacement, marrow transplant
What are the different types of macrocytic anaemias?
Macrocytosis is common, and often due to alcohol excess without any accompanying anaemia. Although only 5% are due to B12 deficiency, pernicious anaemia is the most common cause of macrocytic anaemia in western countries.
1) Megaloblastic: B12 deficiency, pernicious anaemia (malabsorption of B12), folate deficiency, cytotoxic drugs
2) Non-megaloblastic: alcohol. Liver disease, reticulocytosis (e.g. in haemolysis), hypothyroidism, pregnancy
• Excessive alcohol abuse can result in megaloblastic anaemia due to a toxic effect of alcohol on erythropoiesis and/or dietary folate deficiency
3) Other haematological disease: myelodysplasia, myeloma, aplastic anaemia
How do you diagnose a macrocytic anaemia?
• Blood film: hyper-segmented polymorphs in B12 and folate deficiency
• LFT’s: assess if liver disease or alcohol abuse is resent
•TFT: assess if hypothyroidism is present
• Serum B12 and serum folate
• Bone marrow biopsy (if not already identified the cause)
o Megaloblastic
o Normoblastic marrow (liver disease, hypothyroidism)
o Abnormal erythropoiesis (sideroblastic anaemia, leukaemia, aplasia)
o Increased erythropoiesis (haemolysis)
How do you assess haemolytic anaemia?
Haemolysis is the premature breakdown of RBC’s before their normal lifespan of approx. 120days. Haemolysis may be asymptomatic, but if the bone marrow doesn’t compensate sufficiently a haemolytic anaemia results. An approach is to first confirm haemolysis and then find the causes:
1) Is there increased red blood cell breakdown?
- Anaemia with normal or increased MCV
- Increased bilirubin: unconjugated (from haemoglobin breakdown – Pre-hepatic jaundice)
- Increased urinary urobilinogen
- Increased serum lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) as its released from red cells
2) Is there increased red cell production?
- Increased reticulocytes causing increased MCV
3) Is the haemolysis mainly extra or intravascular?
- Extravascular haemolysis may lead to splenic hypertrophy and splenomegaly.
- Features of intravascular haemolysis:
o Increased free plasma haemoglobin, released from RBC’s
o Decreased plasma haptoglobin
o Haemoglobinuria
o Haemosiderinuria
What are the acquired causes of haemolytic anaemia?
Immune mediated and direct antiglobulin test positive (coombs test)
1) Drug induced: causing formation of RBC autoantibodies form binding to RBC membrane (e.g. penicillin) or production of immune complexes (e.g. quinine)
2) Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA): mediated by autoantibodies causing mainly extravascular haemolysis and spherocytosis. Classify according to optimal brining temperature – cold AIHA or warm AIHA.
Cold AIHA is IgM mediated and binds at a low temperature (<4o) and may follow infection.
Warm AIHA is IgG mediated and binds at body temperature.
Direct antiglobulin/ Coombs -ve AIHA: autoimmune hepatitis
Macroangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (MAHA): a mechanical disruption of RBC’s in circulation, causing intravascular haemolysis.
Infection: malaria, RBC lysis, and blackwater fever
What are the hereditary causes of haemolytic anaemia?
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency: X-linked enzyme deficiency. Mostly asymptomatic but may get oxidative crisis. In attacks, there is rapid anaemia and jaundice.
Pyruvate kinase deficiency: autosomal recessive disease which causes a decrease in ATP production and decreased RBC survival. Homozygotes have neonatal jaundice, and later develop haemolysis with splenomegaly.
Hereditary spherocytosis: autosomal dominant disease. Less deformable spherical RBC’s so get trapped in spleen to cause extravascular haemolysis
Hereditary elliptocytosis: autosomal dominant disease- mostly asymptomatic
Haemoglobinopathy – Sickle cell disease, Thalassaemia
Describe sickle cell anaemia?
Sickle cell anaemia is an autosomal recessive disorder causing production of abnormal β -globin chains. An amino acid substitution in the gene coding for the β-chain results in the production of HbS rather than HbA. The homozygote (SS) has sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) and the heterozygotes (HbAS) have sickle cell trait – which causes no disability. Heterozygote HbAS protects from falciparum malaria.
HbS polymerises when deoxygenated, causing RBC’s to deform and produce sickle cells. Sickle cells are fragile and haemolyse to block small vessels.
How do you test for sickle cell anaemia?
Sickle solubility tests: +ve but doe not distinguish between HbSS and HbAS
Hb electrophoresis: confirms the diagnosis and distinguishes SS, AS and other Hb variants.
Aim for a diagnosis at birth (cord blood) to aid prompt pneumococcal prophylaxis (vaccine +penicillin v)
How can sickle cell anaemia become more complicated?
Splenic infarction occurs before 2years old due to microvascular occluding - this increases susceptibility to infection
Poor growth
Chronic renal failure
Retinal disease
Iron overload or blood-born infection resulting from repeated transfusions
Lung damage: hypoxia –> fibrosis –> pulmonary hypertension