Anaemia Flashcards
Definition of anaemia
Hb < 130 (males)
Hb < 115-120 (females)
How do you classify anaemia based on mrohology (MCV)?
Low MCV = microcytic anaemia
Normal MCV = normocytic anaemia
High MCV = macrocytic anaemia
Causes of microcytic anaemia
Conditions that affect haemoglobin
- Fe deficiency
- Thalasemia
- Sideroblastic anaemia Anaemia of chronic disease* (can be, usually normocytic)
Causes of normocytic anaemia
Normal RBC production but decreased production/increased losses
Acute blood loss
Bone marrow failure
Haemolysis* (can be macrocytic)
Hypothyroidism (direct effect on EPO)* (can be macrocytic)
Renal failure (Decreased EPO)
Anaemia of chronic disease*
Causes of macrocytic anaemia
Folate/B12 deficiency
Alcohol Liver disease
Myelodysplastic syndromes
Cytotoxic drugs
Bone marrow infiltration
Causes and blood film key features of Fe Deficiency
Microcytic, hypochromic
Variation in size and shape (ansiocytosis, poikilocytosis)
Bleeding - menorrhagia, upper/lower GI bleeding, hookworm
Malabsorption - coeliac disease, IBD
Diet - especially toddlers and elderly
Causes and key blood film features of Megaloblastic anaemia
Folate/B12 deficiency
- Diet
- Drugs - methotrexate, trimethoprim, azithroprim
- Malabsorption B12
- Pernicious anaemia (loss of intrinsic factor/decreased gut absorption)
- autoimmune gastritis/gastrectomy, terminal ileum disease (crohn’s disease, resection)
- Special diet
Macrocytic anaemia with ansiocytosis (variation in RBC size)
Hypersegmented polymorphs
How can normocytic anaemia be further categorised (2 ways)?
According to reticulocytosis and whether they cause pancytopenia
(+) With Reticulocytosis
- haemolysis, acute blood loss
(-) Without Reticulocytosis
- bone marrow failure, hypothyroidism, renal failure, anaemia of chronic disease
(+) Associated pancytopenia
- Bone marrow failure
(-) No associated pancytopenia
- Chronic disease
How can macrocytic anaemia be further categorised?
Megaloblastic and non-megaloblastic
- B12/folate deficiency
- Cytotoxic drugs
- Alcohol
- Liver disease
- Haemoloysis*
- Hypothyroidism*
- Myelodysplastic syndromes
- Bone marrow infiltration
What is the pathophysiology of anaemia of chronic disease (3 mechanisms)?
- Decreased production and efficiency of EPO
- Impaired use of iron in erythropoiesis
- Decreased RBC lifespan due to cytokine effects
Causes of anaemia of chronic disease
Chronic infection
Inflammation - rheumatoid conditions, vasculitis
Signs & symptoms of chronic anaemia
Decreased oxygen delivery
- Exertional dyspnea
- Dyspnea - Fatigue
- Pallor
Signs and symptoms of hyperdynamic circulation
- Bounding pulses
- Palpitation
- Flow murmur
- Worsening symptoms if underlying heart or lung disease
How can anaemia be classified based on pathophysiology?
- Blood loss
- Decreased production
- Increased destruction
Sources of blood loss leading to anaemia
Gastrointestinal tract - haematemesis, melena, PR bleeding, altered bowel habit, LOW
Urinary - haematuria
Menstrual loss - menstural hx
Chronic recurrent epistaxis
Hereditary AVM
Causes of anaemia from decreased production
- Anaemia of Chronic Disease (Chronic renal failure, Rheumatological disorders, Malignancy)
- Bone marrow infiltration (leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes, bone mets)
- Endocrine – hypothyroid, renal failure (decreased EPO)
- Nutritional Deficiency (B12 folate iron)
- Infectious – acute or chronic (TB, HIV, HCV, CMV, EBV, parvovirus)