Anaemia Flashcards
select the most appropriate description of underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological condition:
* acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
a - AI suppression of BM stem cells
b - infiltration of BM
c - cytokine induced suppression of marrow function
d - immune destruction by the spleen
e - infiltration of colonal proliferation of mature cells
f - lack of B12
g - deficiency of iron
h - progressive RBC division due to inability to achieve optimum Hb conc
i - lack of erythropoietin
j - genetic abnormality of Hb genes
k - colonal abnormality of stem cells
l - genetic mutation causing constitutively activated tyrosine kinase mediated clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis
m - genetic abnormality of RBC membrane proteins
n- infiltration by clonal proliferation of primitive cells
n - infiltration by clonal proliferation of primitive cells
select the most appropriate description of underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological condition:
* microcytic hypochromic anaemia (small pale red cells)
a - AI suppression of BM stem cells
b - infiltration of BM
c - cytokine induced suppression of marrow function
d - immune destruction by the spleen
e - infiltration of colonal proliferation of mature cells
f - lack of B12
g - deficiency of iron
h - progressive RBC division due to inability to achieve optimum Hb conc
i - lack of erythropoietin
j - genetic abnormality of Hb genes
k - colonal abnormality of stem cells
l - genetic mutation causing constitutively activated tyrosine kinase mediated clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis
m - genetic abnormality of RBC membrane proteins
n- infiltration by clonal proliferation of primitive cells
h - progressive RBC division due to inability to achieve optimum Hb conc
select the most appropriate description of underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological condition:
* aplastic anaemia
a - AI suppression of BM stem cells
b - infiltration of BM
c - cytokine induced suppression of marrow function
d - immune destruction by the spleen
e - infiltration of colonal proliferation of mature cells
f - lack of B12
g - deficiency of iron
h - progressive RBC division due to inability to achieve optimum Hb conc
i - lack of erythropoietin
j - genetic abnormality of Hb genes
k - colonal abnormality of stem cells
l - genetic mutation causing constitutively activated tyrosine kinase mediated clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis
m - genetic abnormality of RBC membrane proteins
n- infiltration by clonal proliferation of primitive cells
a - AI suppression of BM stem cells
select the most appropriate description of underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological condition:
* chronic myeloid leukaemia
a - AI suppression of BM stem cells
b - infiltration of BM
c - cytokine induced suppression of marrow function
d - immune destruction by the spleen
e - infiltration of colonal proliferation of mature cells
f - lack of B12
g - deficiency of iron
h - progressive RBC division due to inability to achieve optimum Hb conc
i - lack of erythropoietin
j - genetic abnormality of Hb genes
k - colonal abnormality of stem cells
l - genetic mutation causing constitutively activated tyrosine kinase mediated clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis
m - genetic abnormality of RBC membrane proteins
n- infiltration by clonal proliferation of primitive cells
l - genetic mutation causing constitutively activate tyrosine kinase mediated clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis
select the most appropriate description of the underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological diseases:
* myeloma
a - lack of iron
b - BM infiltration by reed sternberg cells, sclerosis and lymphocytes
c - presence of serum paraprotein
d - presence of philedelphia chromosome
e - clonal abnormality of stem cells giving rise to infiltration of BM by primitive myeloid precursors
f - AI suppression of BM stem cells
g - ineffective utilisation of iron
h - suppression of marrow function systemic cytokine release
i - infiltration of BM be clonal proliferation of plasma cells
j - BM stromal damage
k - clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis driven by constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - clonal abnormality of stem cells causing failure of functional development of all marrow cell lines
n - proliferation of mature myeloid precursors
i - infiltration of BM by clonal proliferation of plasma cells
select the most appropriate description of the underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological diseases:
* anaemia of renal failure
a - lack of iron
b - BM infiltration by reed sternberg cells, sclerosis and lymphocytes
c - presence of serum paraprotein
d - presence of philedelphia chromosome
e - clonal abnormality of stem cells giving rise to infiltration of BM by primitive myeloid precursors
f - AI suppression of BM stem cells
g - ineffective utilisation of iron
h - suppression of marrow function systemic cytokine release
i - infiltration of BM be clonal proliferation of plasma cells
j - BM stromal damage
k - clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis driven by constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - clonal abnormality of stem cells causing failure of functional development of all marrow cell lines
n - proliferation of mature myeloid precursors
l - reduced maturation due to reduced epo
select the most appropriate description of the underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological diseases:
* hodgkins disease
a - lack of iron
b - BM infiltration by reed sternberg cells, sclerosis and lymphocytes
c - presence of serum paraprotein
d - presence of philedelphia chromosome
e - clonal abnormality of stem cells giving rise to infiltration of BM by primitive myeloid precursors
f - AI suppression of BM stem cells
g - ineffective utilisation of iron
h - suppression of marrow function systemic cytokine release
i - infiltration of BM be clonal proliferation of plasma cells
j - BM stromal damage
k - clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis driven by constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - clonal abnormality of stem cells causing failure of functional development of all marrow cell lines
n - proliferation of mature myeloid precursors
b - BM infiltration by reed sternberg cells, sclerosis and lymphocytes
select the most appropriate description of the underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological diseases:
* acute myeloid leukaemia
a - lack of iron
b - BM infiltration by reed sternberg cells, sclerosis and lymphocytes
c - presence of serum paraprotein
d - presence of philedelphia chromosome
e - clonal abnormality of stem cells giving rise to infiltration of BM by primitive myeloid precursors
f - AI suppression of BM stem cells
g - ineffective utilisation of iron
h - suppression of marrow function systemic cytokine release
i - infiltration of BM be clonal proliferation of plasma cells
j - BM stromal damage
k - clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis driven by constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - clonal abnormality of stem cells causing failure of functional development of all marrow cell lines
n - proliferation of mature myeloid precursors
e - clonal abnormality of stem cells giving rise to infiltration of bone marrow by primitive myeloid precursors
select the most appropriate description of the underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological diseases:
* myelodysplasia
a - lack of iron
b - BM infiltration by reed sternberg cells, sclerosis and lymphocytes
c - presence of serum paraprotein
d - presence of philedelphia chromosome
e - clonal abnormality of stem cells giving rise to infiltration of BM by primitive myeloid precursors
f - AI suppression of BM stem cells
g - ineffective utilisation of iron
h - suppression of marrow function systemic cytokine release
i - infiltration of BM be clonal proliferation of plasma cells
j - BM stromal damage
k - clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis driven by constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - clonal abnormality of stem cells causing failure of functional development of all marrow cell lines
n - proliferation of mature myeloid precursors
m - clonal abnormality of stem cells causing failure of functional development of all marrow cell lines
select the most appropriate disease mechanism for the clinical condition:
* idiopathic thrombocytopenia
a - inherited abnormality of red cell enzyme function
b - clonal proliferation of platelet precursors (megakaryocytes) in the BM
c - BM infiltration by primitive myeloid precursors
d - immune cell suppression of marrow stem cells
e - constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
f - failure of b12 absorption
g - genetic mutation of Hb genes
h - AB mediated immune destruction of red cells by spleen
i - genetic mutation in red cell membrane synthesis
j - drug induced haemolysis
k - AB mediated immune destruction of platelets by spleen
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - cytokine mediated BM suppression
n - ineffective utilisation of iron
k - AB mediated immune destruction of platelets by spleen
select the most appropriate disease mechanism for the clinical condition:
* hereditary spherocytosis
a - inherited abnormality of red cell enzyme function
b - clonal proliferation of platelet precursors (megakaryocytes) in the BM
c - BM infiltration by primitive myeloid precursors
d - immune cell suppression of marrow stem cells
e - constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
f - failure of b12 absorption
g - genetic mutation of Hb genes
h - AB mediated immune destruction of red cells by spleen
i - genetic mutation in red cell membrane synthesis
j - drug induced haemolysis
k - AB mediated immune destruction of platelets by spleen
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - cytokine mediated BM suppression
n - ineffective utilisation of iron
i - genetic mutation in red cell membranes
select the most appropriate disease mechanism for the clinical condition:
* aplastic anaemia
a - inherited abnormality of red cell enzyme function
b - clonal proliferation of platelet precursors (megakaryocytes) in the BM
c - BM infiltration by primitive myeloid precursors
d - immune cell suppression of marrow stem cells
e - constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
f - failure of b12 absorption
g - genetic mutation of Hb genes
h - AB mediated immune destruction of red cells by spleen
i - genetic mutation in red cell membrane synthesis
j - drug induced haemolysis
k - AB mediated immune destruction of platelets by spleen
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - cytokine mediated BM suppression
n - ineffective utilisation of iron
d - immune suppression of marrow stem cells
select the most appropriate disease mechanism for the clinical condition:
* anaemia of chronic renal failure
a - inherited abnormality of red cell enzyme function
b - clonal proliferation of platelet precursors (megakaryocytes) in the BM
c - BM infiltration by primitive myeloid precursors
d - immune cell suppression of marrow stem cells
e - constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
f - failure of b12 absorption
g - genetic mutation of Hb genes
h - AB mediated immune destruction of red cells by spleen
i - genetic mutation in red cell membrane synthesis
j - drug induced haemolysis
k - AB mediated immune destruction of platelets by spleen
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - cytokine mediated BM suppression
n - ineffective utilisation of iron
l - reduced epo
select the most appropriate disease mechanism for the clinical condition:
* thalassaemia
a - inherited abnormality of red cell enzyme function
b - clonal proliferation of platelet precursors (megakaryocytes) in the BM
c - BM infiltration by primitive myeloid precursors
d - immune cell suppression of marrow stem cells
e - constitutively activated tyrosine kinase
f - failure of b12 absorption
g - genetic mutation of Hb genes
h - AB mediated immune destruction of red cells by spleen
i - genetic mutation in red cell membrane synthesis
j - drug induced haemolysis
k - AB mediated immune destruction of platelets by spleen
l - reduced erythriod maturation due to lack of epo
m - cytokine mediated BM suppression
n - ineffective utilisation of iron
g - genetic mutation of Hb genes
for the following examples of bleeding, select the most appropriate disease mechanism or pathology * mucosal bleeding - epistaxis, buccul blood blisters - and peripheral petichial rash a - aspirin therapy b - over active platelets c - haemophilia d - vWB disease e - reduced coag factors or function f - deficiency of vit K g - high INR secondary to warfarin h - factor V Leidin deficiency i - consumption coagulopathy secondary to sepsis (DIC) j - therapeutic heparin infusion for ACS k - reduced platelet numbers or fuction l - antiphospholipid syndrome m - protein malnutrition n - eherlers danlos syndrome
k - reduced platelet number or function
for the following examples of bleeding, select the most appropriate disease mechanism or pathology * deep muscle haematoma developing over 24hrs post trauma a - aspirin therapy b - over active platelets c - haemophilia d - vWB disease e - reduced coag factors or function f - deficiency of vit K g - high INR secondary to warfarin h - factor V Leidin deficiency i - consumption coagulopathy secondary to sepsis (DIC) j - therapeutic heparin infusion for ACS k - reduced platelet numbers or fuction l - antiphospholipid syndrome m - protein malnutrition n - eherlers danlos syndrome
c - haemophilia
for the following examples of bleeding, select the most appropriate disease mechanism or pathology * generalised oozing from venepuncture sites and wound edges following surgery for ruptured bowel a - aspirin therapy b - over active platelets c - haemophilia d - vWB disease e - reduced coag factors or function f - deficiency of vit K g - high INR secondary to warfarin h - factor V Leidin deficiency i - consumption coagulopathy secondary to sepsis (DIC) j - therapeutic heparin infusion for ACS k - reduced platelet numbers or fuction l - antiphospholipid syndrome m - protein malnutrition n - eherlers danlos syndrome
i - consumption of coagulopathy secondary to sepsis (DIC)
for the following examples of bleeding, select the most appropriate disease mechanism or pathology * intracerebral bleed in elderly patient with AF a - aspirin therapy b - over active platelets c - haemophilia d - vWB disease e - reduced coag factors or function f - deficiency of vit K g - high INR secondary to warfarin h - factor V Leidin deficiency i - consumption coagulopathy secondary to sepsis (DIC) j - therapeutic heparin infusion for ACS k - reduced platelet numbers or fuction l - antiphospholipid syndrome m - protein malnutrition n - eherlers danlos syndrome
g - high INR secondary to warfarin therapy
for the following examples of bleeding, select the most appropriate disease mechanism or pathology * bruising and severe GI bleed in a jaundiced patient a - aspirin therapy b - over active platelets c - haemophilia d - vWB disease e - reduced coag factors or function f - deficiency of vit K g - high INR secondary to warfarin h - factor V Leidin deficiency i - consumption coagulopathy secondary to sepsis (DIC) j - therapeutic heparin infusion for ACS k - reduced platelet numbers or fuction l - antiphospholipid syndrome m - protein malnutrition n - eherlers danlos syndrome
e - reduced coagulation factors or function
select the most appropriate description of underlying disease mechanism for the following haematological condition:
* anaemia of chronic disease
a - AI suppression of BM stem cells
b - infiltration of BM
c - cytokine induced suppression of marrow function
d - immune destruction by the spleen
e - infiltration of colonal proliferation of mature cells
f - lack of B12
g - deficiency of iron
h - progressive RBC division due to inability to achieve optimum Hb conc
i - lack of erythropoietin
j - genetic abnormality of Hb genes
k - colonal abnormality of stem cells
l - genetic mutation causing constitutively activated tyrosine kinase mediated clonal proliferation and reduced apoptosis
m - genetic abnormality of RBC membrane proteins
n- infiltration by clonal proliferation of primitive cells
c - cytokine induced suppression of marrow function
what is a normal Hb level for M and F?
what controls RBC differentiation?
growth factors
what controls differentiation of WBCs?
BM stroma cells
what would chronic renal disease do to EPO and RBCs?
dec EPO
normocytic anaemia
what would chronic anaemia do to EPO and RBCs?
inc EPO
microcytic anaemia
what causes frontal bossing and in which disease would you see it in?
- fatty deposits in BM
- thalassaemia paeds
why does chronic disease cause anaemia?
shortens RBC life cycle- cytokines from prolonged inflammation interfere
what are the 3 haemantics?
vit b12