Anaemia Flashcards
Define the term anaemia
A haemoglobin concentration lower than the normal range. Anaemia in itself is not a diagnosis but a manifestation of an underlying disease state and it is important to establish the cause 9f the anaemia
What are the 3 types of anaemia and what are the causes
Anaemias are classified according to the effect the underlying condition has on the average size of red blood cells
- Macrocytic (large cells)
- Microcytic(small cells)
- Normocytic (average size cells)
Why might anaemia develop
- Reduced or dysfunctional erythropoeisis
- Abnormal Haem synthesis
- Abnormal globin chain synthesis
- Abnormal structure
- Mechanical damage
- Abnormal metabolsim
- Excessive bleeding
- Increased removal by reticuloendothelial system
What are the signs and symptoms of anaemia
Symptoms - Shortness of breath, Palpitations, Headaches, Claudication, Angina, Weakness and Lethargy, Confusion
Signs - Pallor, Tachycardia, Systolic flow murmur, Tachypnoea, Hypotension
Specific signs associated:
Koilonychia - Spoon shaped nails (Iron deficiency)
Angular stomatitis - Inflammation of corners of mouth (Iron deficiency)
Glossitis - Inflammation & depalpitation of tongue (Vitamin B12 deficiency)
Abnormal facial bone development (Thalassaemia)
What is folate
Folate is synthesised in bacteria and plants. Its absorption is mainly from duodenum and jejunum where it converts to tetrahydrofolate (FH4) and acts as a store in the liver. Its metabolic role is to provide carbons for other reactions, and recipient reactions include synthesis of nucleotide bases required for DNA and RNA synthesis
Why is folate deficiency linked with haematinic deficiency
Folate deficiency has a detrimental effect on DNA synthesis which shows in red cell production with megaloblastic anaemia. If the deficiency occurs in pregnancy, it can result in neural tube defects in the developing uterus. Symptoms are those related to anaemia
How does iron deficiency link with anaemia
Anaemia develops if the supply of iron is inadequate for the requirements of haemoglobin synthesis.
What is vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin and is an essential cofactor for DNA synthesis (due to its role in folate metabolism). It is required for normal erythropoiesis (the production of red blood cells) and is essential for normal function and development of CNS.
How does B12 deficiency cause anaemia
B12 binds to a glycoprotein called intrinsic factor. A deficiency in intrinsic factor results in pernicious anaemia from lack of B12 absorption.
How is B12 and folate linked.
B12 is required for just 2 metabolic processes in the body. One of them is to transfer a methyl group from FH4 to homocysteine to form methionine. This has a consequence for folate metabolism since a lack of B12 will effectively trap folate in the stable methyl-fh4 preventing its use in other reactions such as synthesis of nucleotides required for DNA synthesis
Describe the role and complications associated with haematinic replacement treatment
Describe subacute combined degeneration
Vitamin B12 deficiency results in reversible peripheral neuropathy but also results in subacute combined degeneration of the cord which refers to the degeneration of the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord. Onset is gradual and patients initially present with weakness which progressively get worse
List the different causes of microcytic anaemia
- Thalassaemia (reduced globin chain synthesis)
- Anaemia of chronic disease
- Iron deficiency
- Lead poisoning
- Sideroblastic anaemia
Give examples of dietary sources of haem and non-haem iron
Haem iron:
- Liver
- Kidney
- Beef
- Chicken
- Fortified cereals
- Raisins
- Beans
- Figs
Give an overview of iron absorption
Occurs in the duodenum and upper jejunum. Depends on specific carrier proteins. DMT1 located on upper surface of enterocytes facilitate uptake of non-haem ferrous iron (Fe2+) from intestinal lumen Ferric iron (Fe3+) reduced to ferrous iron by DcytB before uptake by DMT1.
Once in the enterocyte, haem is degraded to release ferrous iron. Iron within enterocyte can either be stored as ferritin or transferred into the bloodstream by ferroportin.