An Unequal Struggle Flashcards
- Finish this Sentence: “For hundreds of years they had been dominated, first by the Assyrians, and then by…”
The Babylonians
- Who wanted to conquer Egypt?
- What did the Persians have a victory at?
The Marathon
- Who wanted Xerxes to get revenge on Greece?
The great Darius, King of Kings
- Finish this sentence: “They had no wish to be ruled by a precision king, and where they would pay him tribute…”
So they rebelled throughout the position and governors.
- True or False: The First Marathon was in a city called Marathon?
- Who warned their fellow citizens?
8.Finish this sentence: “But there was no more fighting: at the sight of their heroic enemy…”
“The disheartened Persians turned tail and sailed for home. And not just Athens, but the whole of Greece. This was 490 BC.”
- What army set Athens on fire?
The Persian army
- Finish the sentence: “Xerxes, a hard, ambitious man, needed no urging. He assembled an army from among all the subjects of the peoples of his empire…”
“Dressed in their traditional costumes, with their weapons, their bows and arrows, shields and swords, lances, war chariots, and slings, they were a vast, swirling multitude, said by some to number more than a million men”
- Finish this sentence: “He had noted that instead of sailing back the way they had come…”
“The Persian ships had turned toward Athens, which lay undefended and open to attack.”
- Who was the Athenians general?
- What year did the Persians defeat Greece?
479 BC
- Finish this sentence: “Xerxes saying: ‘Make haste and attack, or the Athenians’ allies will escape you…”
“Xerxes, who must have heard from his spies that the allies were set on leaving, fell for it. The next morning he attacked with many small and nimble warships.”
- Who was the Persians new leader?
- Who allied with the Athenians?
The Spartans
- Finish the sentence: “The story goes that he appointed a slave to call out three times at every meal…”
“Sire, remember the Athenians!’ So great was his fury.”
- Where did the Persians anchor down at?
“Not far from Athens, at a place called Marathon.”
- How much was Persians outnumbered?
Seven to one
- Finish this sentence: “They conquered many islands…”
“On their way and destroyed a lot of cities. They finally dropped anchor not far from Athens, at a place called Marathon.”
- Finish this sentence: “he was furious with Athens for meddling in his affairs, intending to destroy Athens and conquer Greece, he equipped a large fleet…”
“But his ships were caught in a violent storm, dashed against the cliffs, and sunk.”
- What Religion did they have?
“The light and the sun and believed it to be in a state of constant warfare with the dark-that is, with the dark powers of evil.”
- How long did the Egyptian empire last?
Almost 3000 years.
- Where did Darius expand his empire out to?
The Asia Minor
- Who sent Greece ships?