An Luichín Sa Scoil Flashcards
Chalk box
Bosca cailce
Small mouse
The poet opened the closet and he found a mouse there
Oscalíonn an file an cófra agus faigheann sé luichín ann.
The mouse was dead and lying in a chalk box
Bhí an luichín mharbh agus ina luí ar bhosca cailce
The poet has pity for the mouse
Tá trua ag an bhfile don luichín
The mouse was scratching in the press
Bhí an luichín ag tochailt as chófra
He died because of thirst and starvation
Fuair sé bás mar gheall ar thart agus ghorta gearr.
This poem relates to the death of a small mouse
Baineann an dán seo le bás luichín bhig
The poet imagines that the small mouse was terrified at the end
Samhlaíonn an file go raibh an luichín scanraithe ag deireadh
There is a comparison between the mouse of the students because the students were inquisitive as was the mouse
Tá compairáid idir an luichín agus daltaí scoile, bíonn daltaí fiosrach mar a bhí an luichín
He tried to escape the press but still he died
Rinne sé gach iarracht ealú ón chófra ach fós fuair sé bás
The poet shows pity to the mouse and awakens the same pity in us
Léiríonn an file an trua don luch agus muscalíonn sé an trua chéanna ionainne
The poet is a human/kind person because he shows pity to a small creature
Is duine daonna é an file mar taispeánann sé trua don chréatúr beag