An Introduction to GIS Flashcards
What is a GIS?
A GIS is a computer-based system to aid in the collection, maintenance, storage, analysis, output, and distribution of spatial data information.
Open Geospatial Consortium
Standards for data formats, documentation, program interactions, and transmission have been developed and published, and lists of standards-compliant software compiled.
ArcGIS, in its various online, desktop, and server versions, comprises the most popular GIS software suite at the time of this writing.
ESRI, the developer of ArcGIS has a worldwide presence.
QGIS is an open-source software project, an initiative under the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
GeoMedia is particularly adept at integrating data from divergent sources, formats, and platforms. The GIS suite from Hexagon Geospatial.
Now part of Pitney Bowes. Concentrated in many businesses and municipal applications.
Provides both image processing and GIS functions.
Manifold GIS has focused on rapid computations for large spatial databases, and in providing sophisticated image editing capabilities in a spatially referenced framework.
AUTOCAD is the world’s largest-selling computer drafting and design package. AUTOCAD MAP 3D adds substantial analytical capability to the already complete set o data input, coordinate manipulation, and data output tools provided by AUTOCAD
GRASS, the Geographic Resource Analysis Support System, is a free, open-source GIS that runs on many platforms. Originally developed by the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in the 1980s.
MicroImages produces TNTmips, an integrated remote sensing, GIS, and CAD software package.
ERDAS (Earth Resources Data Analysis System) now owned and developed by Hexagon Geospatial, began as an image processing system. A comprehensive set of tools for cell-based data analysis.
ENVI is another GIS software package with origins in digital image processing. Recent updates have focused on tools for processing images from small, unmanned aerial drones.
SuperMap is a Hong Kong based company that provides a broad range of GIS software, including desktop, cloud-based, vector, raster, and 3D analysis.