An inspector calls: the birling family Flashcards
there will be plenty of time
for you when i’ve gone for you to sort out my family relationships
but don’t forget
i’m ashamed of you as well, yes both of you - Eric
we’re a family and we’ll stick togather
mrs b
we are members of
one body we are responsible for each other - insoector
we are all in this
together whether we like it or not - inspector
i’m sure it’s all very well
for these young people who’ve got no responsibility, no families, no property to think that way - Mr B
a man has to
make his own way has to look after himself, and his family too of course
i’ve always tried to do
my duty by this family, to bring it up in the right way, to give it a sense of responsibility- Mr B
older birling- unacceptable of responsibility wants to forget it, pushes blame to others
younger burling
sheila accepts guilt and helps others accept it, matures, tells parents off
eric- acknowledges wrong doing, tells mum to accept responsibility
lower class deserve misfortune
upper deserve wealth, fortune, easy life