An inspector calls quotes Flashcards
Sheila quotes - superficial, materialistic
Sheila quotes - dependant, powerless, carefree
[excited] Oh - Gerald - you’ve got it - is it the one you wanted me to have? (164)
Sheila quotes - willing to take responsibility
And if I could help her now, I would - (181)
Sheila quotes - dependant, standing up against her mother
(contrasts with her excited carefree attitude at the start of the play)
Sheila/responsibility quotes - admittance, responsible,
“I behaved badly too. I know I did. I’m ashamed of it. “(208)
Mr Birling quotes - ignorance, out of touch
“The Germans don’t want war. Nobody wants war,” (165)
Mr Birling - fixated on wealth, egotistical, condescending
“I’m talking as a hard-headed, practical man of business.”
166) (tautology
Mr Birling - fixated on his position and wealth, disregards the interest of her daughter
“Now, Sheila, I’m not defending him. But you must understand that a lot of young men-“ pg194
Mr Birling - only concerned about his social position, egotistical
“Haven’t I already said there’ll be a public scandal - unless we’re lucky - and who here will suffer from that more than I will?”
Responsibility quote - Not willing to accept responsibility
“Still, I can’t accept any responsibility.”
still = stubborn
pg 172
Responsibility quote - re-directing blame to other people
[angrily to Eric] “You’re the one I blame for this.” -Mr Birling, p. 207
“Go and look for the father of the child. It’s his responsibility.” -Mrs. Birling (198)
Responsibility quote - claiming responsibility, beckoning others to do so.
“Whoever that chap was, the fact remains that I did what I did. And Mother did what she did. And the rest of you did what you did to her.” Eric p214
Class divide -
“And in any case, I don’t suppose for a moment that we can understand why the girl committed suicide. Girls of that class” -Mrs Birling”
Eva Smith/Daisy renton quotes - good looking, all the upper class saw
“a lively good looking girl - country-bred” - Mr. Birling pg172
“she was very pretty and looked as if she could take care of herself” -Sheila (pg181)
Eva Smith/Daisy renton quotes - neglected, people are just fixated on her looks
“I wasn’t in love or anything - but I liked her - she was pretty and a good sport - Eric pg 204
Eva Smith/Daisy Renton quotes - symbolic and representing of the majority class - working class
“One Eva Smith has gone - but there are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us” - Inspector (pg 207)
Eva Smith/Daisy Renton quotes - Hard-working, capable an opportunity ignored by the upper class
“A good worker too. In fact the foreman there told me he was ready to promote her” - Mr.Birling(pg 172)
“She’d had a lot to say - far too much - so she had to go.” Mr Birling (pg 173)