An Inspector Calls Class Flashcards
Mrs b quotes
“Girls of that class” “as if a girl of that sort would refuse money “
Gerald qoutes
Were respectable citizens not criminals. i hate those hard eyes dough faced women
Mr b quotes
If you don’t come down sharply on these people theyd soon be asking for the Earth
Sheila quoted
But these girls aren’t cheap labour, theyre people. You mustn’t try to build a kind of war between us, and that girl.
How are the upper class outlined at the start
Believe themselves to be superior view, the lower classes as criminals (gerald and mrsb)
What is eva smith a symbol of
She is a symbol of the working-class in a capitalist society
Mr B opinion of the working class
if you don’t come down sharply on some of people that soon be asking for the earth- thinls its his responsibility to come down sharply on these people
We should be looking after people in society, not punishing them (sternly or firmly)
Mrs B. Opinion about working class
As if a girl of that sort would refuse money
She refers to Eva I was a girl of that, so which shows she has preconceptions about either because she is working class
Suggest the lock my rules and always take money
Mr be upper-class
He is a symbol of class conflict and the upper classes reaction to this conflict
A symbol of upper-class privilege show how upper-class use their position to avoid responsibility and conflict
What does birling do to working class?
He demonises the working-class selfish and destructive
Mr b wuote analysis
He thinks it’s his job to put the lower class in there please.
Date soon be asking for the Earth implies that the lower classes are unreasonable and someone needs to keep 30 a.m. check on Mr Birling things with him
Mrs b eva
Mississippi made assumptions about either because she is a working-class girl, and therefore denied her from her charity
I think the working class are very different than herself
Yes, it was simply a piece of growth impediments, very deliberate and naturally that was one of the things that prejecuced me against her
What does priestly imply
Pressley implies that the upper class find any excuse to discredit and decrease the working class
What does generals court sure?
Where respectable citizens, not criminals
Referring to themselves as respectable citizens, and the working-class as criminals, which shows a clear divide between the classes
Respectable means it is the approval of society that matters