An Inspector Calls Flashcards
theme: social responsibility
“All right Gerald, you needn’t look at me like that. At least I’m trying to tell the truth. I expect you’ve done things you’re ashamed of too.”
explantion-Sheila is shocked when she learns that she had a part to play in Eva’s death. Sheila takes responsibility for her actions and tells the truth. Gerald is being judgemental of her even though he has not yet taken responsibility for his own actions.
“If we were all responsible for everything that happened to everybody we’d had anything to do with, it would be very awkward, wouldn’t it?”
explantion-Mr Birling refuses to take any responsibility for Eva Smith’s death.Mr Birling dismisses the idea that we should be responsible for each other, suggesting that such a situation would be ‘awkward’.
Gerald - young capitalist
C: Birlimg for lower costs and higher prices
“Hear, hear!”
Gerald - future arthur birling
(After birling says Eva ‘had to go’)
“You couldn’t have done anything else”
Gerald - underestimates the inspector
“…dont say anything to the inspector…we can keep it from him”
Gerald - socially superior
“…this is Mr Gerald Croft - the son of Sir George Croft”
Gerald - intolerant of lower classes
“I hate those hard-eyed dough-faced women”
Gerald - remorseless
Sheila: “between us we drove that girl to suicide”
G: “Did we? Who says so?”
Gerald - favoured by birling
Me b: “You’re just the kind of son in law I always wanted”
Gerald - unfaithful
“I did keep a girl last summer. I’ve admitted it”
Gerald - irresponsible
“I dont come into this suicide business”
Gerald - hypocrite
(Describing Joe Meggarty) “He’s a notorious womaniser”
Mrs B - superior
“As if a giel of that sort would ever refuse money”
Mrs b - prejudicial
“As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money”
“She called herself Mrs Birling…it was simply a piece of gross impertinence”
“Girls of that class…”
Mrs b - of a different generation
“Really the things you girls pick up these days!”
Mrs b - arrogant
“I was the only one of you who didn’t give in to him”
“He certainly didn’t make me confess”
Mrs b - lacks empathy
“I’ll tell you what I told her. Go and look for the father of the child”
Mrs b - judgemental
“She was giving herself ridiculous airs. She was claiming…fine feelings and scruples that were simply absurd in a girl in a her position”
Mrs b - ignorant
(When told eric is a drunk) “(staggered) It isnt true…You aren’t the type - you don’t get drunk.”
“Surely you don’t mean Alderman Meggarty”
Mrs b - privileged
“Edna’ll go. I asked her to wait up to make us some tea
Mrs b - unmoving
“I did nothing I’m ashamed of or that won’t bear investigation”
“You’re quite wrong to supposed I shall regret what I did”
Mrs b - not wanting to accept blame
“But i accept no blame for it at all”
“I blame the young man who was the father of the child”
“Its his responsibility”
Sheila - willing to speak up
“I think it was a mean thing to do”
Sheila - socially aware
“These girls aren’t cheap labour - they’re people”
Sheila - guilty
“I felt rotten about it at the time and now I feel a lot worse”
Sheila - intuitive
“Why - you fool- he kmows”
“Im afraid you’ll say something or do something that you’ll be sorry for afterwards”
Sheila - aware
“He’s giving us thr rope so that we’ll hang ourselves”
Sheila - enlightened
“If all that’s come out tonight is true, then it doesn’t much matter who it was who made us confess”
Sheila - materialistic
“Now i really feel engaged”
Sheila - jealous
“If she’d been some miserable plain little creature, I don’t supposed I’d have done it”
Sheila - bitter
“Im suposed to be enganged to the hero of it.
Sheila - hope for thr future
“They’re more impressionable…thr young ones” - inspector
Sheila - mature
“You and I aren’t like the same people who sat down to dinner here”
Sheila - immature
Mr b - keen to impress
“Finchley told me it’s exactly the same port your father gets from”
Mr b - dismissive
“There’s a lot of wild talk about possible labour trouble…Don’t worry. We’ve passed the worst of it”
Mr b - dramatic irony creates lack of credibility
“The titanic…absolutely unsinkable”
“Some people say that war is inevitable. And to that i say - fiddlesticks!”
Mr b - selfish
“…as if we were all mixed up together like bees in a hive - communtiy and all that nonsense”
Mr b - superior
“If you don’t come down sharply on some of these people, they’d soon be asking for the earth”
Mr b - values reputation
“I’ve got to cover this up as soon as I can”
“There’ll be a public scandal”
“When this comes out at the inquest, it isn’t going to do us much good”
Mr b - self assured
“We don’t guess - we’ve had experience- and we know”
Mr b - of a different generation
“More money to spend and time to spare than i has when I was Eric’s age”
Mr b - uncaring
“We were having a nice little family celebration tonight. And a nasty mess you’ve made of it now…”
Mr b - unmoved
“Still I can’t accpet any responsibility”
(To eric) “You’re the one I blame for all this”
Eric - willing to speak up
“He could have kept her on instead of throwing her out”
Eric - secret drinker
‘His whole manner of handling thr drink shows his familiarity with quick heavy drinking’
Eric - insightful
“He was our police inspector all right”
Eric - remorseful
“You lot may be letting yourselves out nicely, but I can’t”
Eric - took advantage of Eva
“I couldn’t remember her name”
“I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty”
Eric - ashamed
“…don’t forget I’m ashamed of you aswell”
Eric - patronised
“In a way, she treated me - as if I were a kid”
“Just you keep out of this
“You youngsters”
“Just keep quiet, Eric, and dont get excited”
Eric - principled and kind
“Why shouldn’t thry try for higher wages? We try for the highest possible prices”
Eric - responsible
“You’re beginning to pretend now that nothing’s really happened at all. And I can’t really see it like that”
Eric - empathetic
(In response to ‘its a free country’) “It isn’t if you can’t go and work somewhere else”
Eric - unsupported
“You’re not the kind of father a chap could go to when he’s in trouble”
Eric - supportive
“I insisted on giving her enough money to keep her going”
Inspector - forceful
“I’m not going until I know all that happened”
“(Sharply)Come along, Mr Croft. What happened?”
Insoector - emotive
“She was here alone, friendless, almost penniless, desperate…And you slammed the door in her face”
Inspector - influential
“You seem to have made a great impression on this child, Inspector”
“We have to share something. If there’s nothing else, we’ll have to share our guilt”
Insoector - moral
“Public men, Mr Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges”
Inspector - cunning
“No hushing up, eh? make an example of the young man, eh? Public confession of responsibility- um?”
Inspector - preiestlys voice
“We don’t live alone. We are memebers of one body”
Inspector - empathetic
“I’ve thought that it would do us all a bit of good if sometimes we tried to out ourselves in the place of these young women…”
Inspector - not intimidated by class
“Don’t stammer and yammer at me again, man. Im losing all the patience with you people.”
“You heard what I said before, Mr Croft.”