An Gnáthrud - Vocab Flashcards
This story is a love story and it’s a tragedy also
Is scéal grá é an scéal seo agus is tragóid é freisin
Jimmy is a good husband and a loving father
Fear chéile maith agus athair grámhar atá in Jimmy
Sarah is a lovely wife and mother
Bean chéile agus máthair ghrámhar atá in Sarah
Violence in Northern Ireland destroyed the lives of normal families
Mhill foréigean an tuaiscirt saol na gnáthchlainne seo
Jimmy feels guilty in the bar
Mothaíonn Jimmy ciontach sa bhéar
Jimmy would prefer to be at home squeezing the children to his heart, singing to them and listening to them bubbering
B’fhearr le Jimmy a bheith sa bhaile ag teannadh na bpáistí lena chroí, ag canadh dóibh agus ag éisteacht leo ag plobaireacht
The life Jimmy has, is the life he wants
An saol atá ag Jimmy, is é an saol atá uaidh
The violent ending comes as a shock to us
Tagann críoch fhoréigneach an scéil aniar aduaidh orainn
Jimmy is lost in his thoughts about Sarah
Tá Jimmy caillte ina smaointe ar Sarah
We have a lot of pity for Sarah and the children because we understand their loss
Tá trua an domhain againn do Sarah agus do na páistí mar tuigimid a gcaillteanas
fast food restaurant
bialann ghasta
He’s a responsible man
Is fear freagrach é
he’s not trying to escape his duties as a father
Níl sé ag iarraidh éalú óna dhualgais mar athair
bricks in the window
brící sna fuinneoga
they decorated it from top to bottom
d’fheistigh siad ó bhun go barr é
4000 pounds
ceithre mhíle punt
a house a catholic family deserted
teach a thréig teaghlach Caitliceach
the protestants
na Protastúnaigh
car without lights
gluisteán gan soilse
Jimmy is shot
scoiltear urchar leis
fear bocht neamhurchóideach
poor, innocent man
stretched on the cold street
sent ar an tsráid fhuar
the blood mixing with the food
an fhuil ag meascadh leis an mbia
the horror of sectarianism
uafás an tseicteachais