an gnáthrud Flashcards
the violence and destruction that happened in the NI in the time of the troubles is the strongest theme in this short story
Is é an foréigean agus an léirscrios a tharla i dTuaisceart Éireann le linn Ré na dTrioblóidí an téama is láidre sa ghearrscéal seo
as everyone knows, a lot of innocent people were killed during this period
mar is eol dúinn go léir, maraíodh go leor daoine neamhurchóideacha le linn na tréimhse sin
Jimmy, the main character in this story is one of these people
Ba dhuine díobh sin an príomhcharactar sa scéal seo, Jimmy
the story is based in Belfast in a regular working area
Is i mbéal Feirste atá an scéal suite i ngáthcheantar oibre.
It’s clear to us from the story that Jimmy wasn’t associated with the politics or with the violence
is léir dúinn ón scéal nach raibh baint ar bith ag Jimmy leis an bpolaitíocht ná leis an bhfoiréigean
he was an innocent victim therefore
B’íobartacha soineanta é mar sin
violence is to the forefront of this story without doubt
Tá an foréigean chun tosaigh sa ghearrscéal seo gan amhras
the life of the regular family is a theme of the story as well
tá saol an ghnáth-theaghlaigh mar théama sa scéal freisin
we get a good insight in the story also into the life a regular family lived in Belfast in this period of time
faighimid leargas maith sa scéal freisin ar shaol an ghnáth-theaghlaigh agus ar an sórt saoil a chaith gnáthmhuintir Bheal Feirste sa tréimhse seo
“the usual” is the title of this short story and it really suits the subject matter of this story in my opinion
“An Gnáthrud” is teideal don ghearrscéal agus oireann sé seo go mór d’áthar an scéil, i mo thuairim
We see the simple habits that Jimmy and his friends had
Feicimid na nósanna simplí a bhí ag Jimmy, a theaghlach agus a chairde
They had their own rituals at the weekend, for example the weekly visit the workers paid to the pub
Bhí a ndeasghnátha féin acu ag an deireadh seachtainne, mar shampla an chuairt sheachtainiúil a thug na hoibrithe ar an teach t’abhairne
Of course, these habits emphasise the simple life these regular people lived
Ar ndóigh, leagann na nósann seo béim ar an saol simplí a chath na gnáth dhaoine seo
They create an effective contrast between this simple, enjoyable, happy life and the violent, tense, toxic life in the background constantly
Comh maith le seo, cruthaíonn siad codarsnachy éifeachtach idir an saol simplí i taitneamhach, áthasach seo agus an saol foréigneach, teannasach, nimhneach sa chúlra de shíor
The theme of love is to the forefront of the story also
tá téama an ghrá go mór chun tosaigh sa scéal chomh maith
the reader feels the strong love Jimmy had for his wife and children
Mothaíonn an léitheoir an ghrá láidir a bhí ag Jimmy dá bhean chéile Sarah agus dá Pháistí
Jimmy left the bar early that particular night because of his live for his family and because of his conscience
D’fhág Jimmy an beár go luath an oíche airithe seo mar gheall ar a ghrá dá theaghlach agus mar gheall ar a chonsias
It’s a little bit ironic really, if Jimmy were selfish there’s a chance he would still be alive
Tá sé pas beag iorúnach dáiríre, dá mbeadh Jimmy leithleasach seans go mbeidh sé fós beo
it’s not long however that we find out that this is no normal story
Ní fada, áfach, go bhfaighimid amach nach aon ghnáthscéal é seo.
we get a terrible shock off of the sudden, cruel ending that Jimmy has
Baintear stangadh uafásach asainn leis an gríoch obann cruálach a bhíonn ag Jimmy
Jimmy got a cruel, treacherous death without reason
Bás cruálach, fealltach, gan chúis a fuair Jimmy
This reminds us of the thousands of innocent people like Jimmy that were killed in the NI because of the troubles
Cuireann sé seo i gcuimhne dúinn na mílte duine neamhurchóideach, cósúil le Jimmy, a maraíodh i dTuaisceart Éireann mar gheall ar na Trioblóidí
the sectarianism that existed for a long time there is illustrated
Léirítear an seicteachas a mhair le fada ansin
It reminds us of all the stories like this that were far too common at that time
Cuireann sé i gcuimhne dúinn na scéalta uilig mar seo a bhí i bhfad róchoitianta an t-ám sin
This is only one story on one street in Belfast
Níl anseo againn ach scéal amháin ar shráid bheag amháin i mBéal Feirste
there should be one strong theme or lesson in any short story
Ba cheart go mbeadh téama nó cheacht láidir amháin in aon ghearrscéal
it’s certain that this is true with regard to the short story ‘the usual’
Is cinnte go bhfuil sé seo fíor maidir leis an ngearrscéal ‘An Gnáthrud’
the theme of violence is seen clearly in this short story and the heartbreak that follows murder
Tá téama an fhoréigin le feiceáil go soiléir sa ghearrscéal seo agus an briseadh croí a leanann dúnmharú
that theme should be universal
ba chóir go mbeadh an téama sin uilíoch
that means that any reader would understand the theme
ciallíonn sé sin go mbeadh tuiscint ag léitheoir ar bith ar an téama sin
there’s no doubt that violence is a universal theme
níl aon dabht ach gur téama uilíoch é an foréigean
stories like this were far too common in the North during the troubles
Bhí scéalta mar seo i bhfad róchoitianta ar fud an Tuaiscirt i rith na dTrioblóidí
As a result it’s true that this is a universal theme being discussed
Mar sin, is fíor gur téama uilíoch atá faoi chaibidil sa ghearrscéal seo
the author should stick to the same theme from the start to the end of the story
ba chóir go gcloifeadh an t-údar leis an téama ó thus go deireadh an scéil
there’s a continuation and development of the theme from the start to the end of the story
Tá leanúnachas agus forbairt ar an téama ó thús go deireadh an scéil
we feel the tension earlier on in the story even though we get a shock at the end
mothaimid an teannas níos luaithe sa scéal cé go mbaintear geit asainn ar deireadh
from time to time, small tricks are used to direct the reader’s attention to the subject of the story
Ó am go chéile, úsáidtear seifteanna beaga le haird an léitheora a dhíriú ar ábhar an scéil
we see effective tricks in this story for example direct speech, minor details, and a twist
Feicimid seifteanna éifeachtacha sa scéal seo mar shampla an chaint dhíreach, an mionsonraí, agus an casadh
they draw the attention of the reader on the subject and on the theme
Tarraingíonn siad seo aird an léitheora ar an ábhar agus ar an téama
we get a great insight into the main character Jimmy in this story, another thing that inspires the reader’s interest in his terrible fate
faighimid léargas iontach ar an bpríomhcharactar Jimmy sa scéal sei, rud eile a mhúsclaíonn suim an léitheora ina chinniúint uafásach
through the other minor characters and the contact that he has with them, the reader gets to know jimmy very well
Tríd na mioncharachtair eile agus an teagmháil atá aige leo, cuireann an léitheoir aithne an-mhaith ar Jimmy
we ourselves feel very sad at the end of the short story
braithimid féin an-brónagh ag deireadh an ghéarrscéil
there should be realism in the subject of the story
ba chóir go mbeadh réalachas in ábhar an scéil
our TV screens and newspapers are packed full of stories about murder every single day, unfortunately
bíonn ár scáileáin teilifíse agus nuachtáin líon lán le scéalta faoin bhforéigean agus faoin dúnmharú gach aon lá ar an drochuair
the love stands as a metaphorical foundation stone of the house
seasann an grá mar bhunchloch meafarach an tí
this co-operation and understanding between the two illustrates the theme of love effectively
léiríonn an comhoibriú agus tuiscint seo idir an mbeirt acu téama an ghrá go héifeachtach
the tension and violence is in the background constantly
bíonn an teannas agus an foréigean sa chúlra de shíor
directly when Jimmy leaves the bar, the narration is transformed
díreach nuair a fhágann Jimmy an beár, tagann claochló ar an reacaireacht
the atmosphere of the story changes
athraíonn atmasféar an scéil
there’s a very hostile atmosphere to be felt in the ‘Jasmine Palace’ restaurant when the youths use ‘obscene, graphic, language.’
tá atmasféar an doichill le brath sa bhialann ‘Jasmine Palace’ nuair a bhaineann na stócaugh feidhm as ‘caint ghraosta, ghraifleach’.
the swearing from the group illustrates that the story is turning in the direction of violence
léiríonn na heascainí ón ngrúpa seo go bhfuil an scéil ag casadh i dtreo an fhoréigin ag an bpointe seo
it’s clear at this point that a scary, threatening life us concealed behind the ordinary life
is léir go bhfuil saol scanrúil, bagrach faoi cheilt taobh thiar den gnáthshaol laethúil
at the end of the story, use is made of pathetic fallacy to emphasise the violent society
ag deireadh an scéil, baintear feidhm as fallás ba truamhéala chun béin a chur ar an sochaí foréigneach
it seemed to him that the night had become really cold
‘Chonacthas dó gur éirish an oíche iontach fuar’
it’s clear to the reader that Jimmy was very happy in his family life
is léir don léitheoir go raibh Jimmy an sona ina shaol clainne
he felt selfish when he was away from them
mhothaigh sé ciontach nuair a bhí sé imithe uathu
he was extremely conscious of his responsibility as a father and as a husband
bhí sé thar a bheith coinsiasach faoina chuid dualgas mar athair ahus mar fhear céile
he was working in the construction industry and he had the habit of meeting with his work friends every Friday afternoon
bhí sé ag obair sa tionscal tógála agus bhíodh nós aige bualadh lena chairde ón obair gach tráthnóna Aoine
he was a loyal, honest man, of course
B’fhear ionraic, dílis é féin ar ndóigh
he decided not to buy the last round drink for himself
bheartaigh sé gan an deoch dheireanach a cheannach dó féin de bharr na dílseachta sin
he was a kind, diligent man
b’fhear lách, díograiseach é
he gave advice to his friends at work when the foreman wasn’t happy
thug sé tacaíocht dá chara ag an obair nuair nach raibh an saoiste sásta
he wished to provide a good comfortable life for his family
ba mhian leis saol maith compordacha sholáthar dá chlann
he was grateful for the lovely life he had
bhí sé buíoch as an saol aoibhinn a bhí aige
his mind was so filled with positive thoughts that he didn’t notice the cruel ending that was in store for him
bhí a intinn chomh lán leis na smaointe dearfacha sin nár thug sé faii deara in aon chor an chríoch chruálach a bhí i ndán dó
his character awakens affection in us for him and there’s sympathy and empathy for him
músclaíobn a charactar cion ionainn dó agus bíonn trua agus bá mór againn leis
i have to say that the story greatly impacted me
caithfidh mé a rá go ndeachaigh an scéal seo go mór i bhfeidhm orm
Deirdre Ní Ghrianna has an effective style that gets us to know Jimmy
Tá stíl éifeachtach ag an údar Déirdre Ní Ghrianna an príomhcharachtar Jimmy a chur in aithne dúinn
It’s because of this knowing him well that we feel empathy and sympathy for him
Is mar gheall ar an aithne mhaith sun a bhraithimid an bhá agus an trua dó
It could be said without a doubt that there’s a big contrast to be noticed between the title of the story and the end of the story
d’fhéadfaí a rá gan amhras go bhfuil codarsnacht mhór le tabhairt faoi deara idir teideal an scéil agus críoch an scéil
it couldn’t be said however that this short story has a regular ending
ní fhéadfaí a rá, áfach, gur gnáthchríoch atá ag an ngearrscéal seo
the reader is greatly taken aback when the car comes from the darkness
baintear siar go mór as an léitheoir nuair a thagann an carr ón dorchadas
it’s a frightening, yet at the same time effective ending
Críoch scanrúil, ach ag an am céanna éifeachtach í seo
this is the big turning point in the story and it doesn’t come until the end
is é seo an casadh mór sa scéal agus ní thagann sé go dtí an deireadh
the tension grows gradually and everything is silenced with one shot at the end of the story
éiríonn an teannas de réir a chéile agus tostaítear gach rud le urchar amháin ag críoch an scéil