Amyloidosis Flashcards
What is amyloid?
Amyloid is fibril proteins that arrange in beta-sheets.
AA and AL are two common categories
What is the histology of amyloid and what is the stain used to see it?
Appears as homogenous, pink, fissued areas (cotton candy) that stain with Congo Red stain and turn apple green (birefringence) w/ polarized light
What stains stain amyloid?
Congo red (classic), crystal violet, PAS, and thioflavin T
What causes AA amyloid to lose its affinity for Congo Red stain?
Exposure to potassium permanganate
What are the 5 types of cutaneous amyloid?
Primary, secondary, genetic, hemodialysis-associated (Beta2 microglobulin), localized
What are the 3 types of localized amyloidosis?
Macular, lichenoid, nodular
What are the clinical characteristics of macular amyloidosis and where does it most commonly present?
Presents as a “salt and pepper” confluent or rippled pruritic, hyperpigmented patch.
- Most common location is the interscapular back
What is the protein and the derivation of macular amyloid?
Protein: Aker
Derivation: Keratinocyte tonofilaments (usually keratin 5)
What is the histology of macular amyloid?
Amyloid is noted in the papillary dermis
What is the clinical appearance and most common location of lichen amyloid?
Rippled, hyperpigmented, pruritic papules/plaques on extensor surfaces. (most commonly the shins)
What disorder can macular amyloid be commonly seen in?
Notalgia paraesthetica
What is the protein and derivative for lichen amyloid?
Derivative: keratinocyte tonofilaments most commonly keratin 5
Protein: Aker
What is the clinical appearance of nodular amyloid and what are the most common sites?
Pink to yellow waxy nodules (smooth) and/or plaques. These are most commonly seen on the face or acral surfaces
What is the derivation and the protein for nodular amyloid?
Derivative: Ig light chains
Protein: AL
Note that this is the only localized primary amyloidosis that is not from keratin!
In what groups is localized amyloidosis more commonly seen?
Asians, Hispanics, and Middle Easterners