AMT Imm Quick Flashcards
Two primary lymphoid organs…
3 secondary lymphoid organs…makes lymphs and plasmas…
both T and B cells are made in the…
T cells diff/are…dependent
B cells matuure in the…
T cells are…
B cells are part of…
primary: Bone marrow, thymus
secondary: lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils
T/B cells made in Bone marrow
-T cells diff in thymus, B in bone marrow
T cells are cell mediated, intracellular
-give off small polypeptides called lymphokines to regulate phaogcytic cells
-Tcyto kill specific
-Thelper help B make ab
B cells are humor, extracellular
T cell markers…
B cell markers…
NK cell markers…
T cell: 2,3,4,8,25
-TCyto CD8: MHC1
Bcells surface immunoglobulin: 19,20,21
MHC: genes control expression of HLA ag
Class 1:
Class 2:
involved in 3 things…
Class 1: HLA A,B,C
-present ag inside cell
Class 2: HLA-D M,O,P,Q,R
-present ag outside cell
involved in histocompatibility, genetic suspectibility…
-organ transplant
-paternity testing
-autoimmune disease associations
Most concentration of Ig, least concentration of Ig…
most to least/decreasing order…
best precipitin…
best agglutinin…
most is IgG, least if IgE
precipitin: IgG
agglutinin: IgM
1 pentamer
1 dimer
3 monomers
which two with j chains
which one has 4 subclases, which has 2 subclasses
igM pentamer
igA dimer
igG,D,E monomers
igM and igA have Jchains and 2 subclasses
IgG has 1,2,3,4
-increases in convalescence phase
which Ig is an antigenic receptor on B cells
Region of antigen binding…
Region with disulfide bridge…
antibody class is determined by the antigenic variation in what region….
Hinge region is between…
Which chain is Fc region…
Region of antigen binding…variable region
Region with disulfide bridge…constant region
antibody class is determined by the antigenic variation in what region….constant region of heavy chain
Hinge region is between…CH1, CH2
Which chain is Fc region…heavy chain
How many fragments…
which one is the antigen binding fragment…
which one is the crystallizable fragment…
Pepsin creates…
How many fragments…3, 2 Fab, 1Fc
which one is the antigen binding fragment…Fab
which one is the crystallizable fragment…Fc
Pepsin creates…F(ab)2
complement is heat…
Classical pathway factors:
-recognition phase, order
Alternate pathway factors:
MB Lectin binds…
most abundant in both…
chemotactic factor/anaphylatoxin…
all lead to this complex…
heat labile
Classical: C1q(recognition), C4, C2, C3
-also C1r/s
Alternate: B, D, properdin
MB Lectin binds mannose on pathogens
lead to MAC complex 56789, lysis
Precipitation versus Agglutination
soluble ag plus soluble ab creat insolube complex/visible precipitate
agglutination: clumping/visible agg due to ag/ab; partigular ag aggregates form large complexes when ab present
Principle when RBCs agglutinated by a virus is not allowed to agglutinate because ab in serum inhibit the agglutination by neutralizing the virus
(Hemagglutination is inhibited by viral neutralization)
Make monoclononal ab with hybridoma which is
B lymphs fused to plasma myeloma cell
(from immunized animal)
only react with one epitope, don’t cross like/form precipitates/not good in precipitation hemmaglutination assays, can’t fix complement
Double radial diffusion also called…or…
non identity have lines of…
identity have lines of….
parital identity have lines of…
Double radial diffusion also called…
Ouchterlony or double immunodiffusion
non identity have lines of…intersection
identity have lines of….fusion
parital identity have lines of…partial identity
Another name for electrophoresis and double immunodiffusion
answer has full word electrophoresis at end
I believe CIE is a form of this…
-ab/ag diffuse thru agar
Immunoelectrophoresis is a combination of…
Immunoelectrophoresis is not…
used to id proteins in both…
urine proteins called….
procedure to id monoclonal ig…
electrophoresis and double immunodiffusion
-not electroimmunodiffusion(single)
both serum/urine
-urine bence jones
immunofixation: light chains lamda,kappa
protein electrophoresis + immunodiffusion
-electrophorese proteins
-antiserum fixed to plate using strips agrarose
-bands of precipitation
-monoclonal gammapathies/light/heavy chains
CIE, counter current electrophoresis can show this pattern
-2 columns of wells in gel, ag to one, ab to other; current applied and they migrate towards each other, precipitate forms
gull wing:
electroimmunodiffusion has two other names
directed mvt on
rocket electrophoresis
1D single electroimmunodiffusion
semisolid media
-gel has ab, add STD/CTRLS to other wells, electric current, cone shaped precipitate/rocket
Flurochrome with minimal false readings…
Fluorochrome thats red at 580…
Flurochrome for tissue…
Energy source for fluouresent microscope…
Flurochrome with minimal false readings…FITC fluorescein isothicynate
Fluorochrome thats red at 580…TR-ITC tetra-methyl-rhodamine isothicyanate
Flurochrome for tissue…biotin avidin
Energy source for fluouresent microscope…mercury vapor lamp
-very bright light
Sandwich immunoassay is …and….
what can be attached to solid phase
what is enzyme and what is enzyme linked to
noncompetitive, activity ab direclty proportional to ag
-requires wash step
solid phase well ELISA plates or beads and ag or ab
-ag/ab to well
-PT serum/incubate
-enzyme(horseradish peroxidase linked to AHG
Complement fixation consists of test and indicatior, what is indicator…
Controls to check anticomplementary factors/neg ctrls will show…
Pos control will show…
Thus PT with ab fixed complement will show….
Complement fixation consists of test and indicatior, what is indicator…
SRBCs sensitized with antisheep hemolysin
Controls to check anticomplementary factors/neg ctrls will show…hemolysis
Pos control will show…no hemolysis
Thus PT with ab fixed complement will show inhibition of hemolysis(complement can’t be used to lyze indicator SRBCs)
*must heat inactivate PT serum, only detects IgG
PT with syphillus:
develope antibody… to the nontreponemal ag…
VDRL/RPR are what kind of tests…
ab: reagin
ag: cardiolipn
nontreponemal flocculation tests
serum: ag…
drops of ag…
drops of saline…
check daily
what heat at, how long…
if not tested w/in 4hrs, how long heat…
why heat…
weakly reactive…
can also use this specimen to test…
ag…cardiolipin, lecithin
serum: ag…3:1
drops of ag…60
drops of saline…100
-30 drops/0.5ml, 60drops/1ml
-what heat at, how long…56C, 30min
-if not tested w/in 4hrs, how long heat…56C,10min
-heat inactivates complement
-QL: weak reactive is small clumps with many free particles, do quantitative/titer if reactive or weak
-QUANT: highest dilution giving a reative result(not weakly)
can also use this specimen to test…CSF
no heat, less specific
uses plastic coated cells
drops of ag…
Testing needle for accuracy…
cardiolipin, charcoal
60 drops ag
reactive=black clumps
Testing needle for accurary: fill with antigen, hold vertically, count drops in 0.5mL, 30 + or - 1 in 0.5ml is good
Treponemal test:
TPI uses…
FTA-ABS: serum..
which treponemal is most sensitive..
sorbant is called…
flourescence label is…and helps…
Microhemmagglutination Test that isn’t likely to be reactive in primary/early secondary…
TP test that uses dilute serum and TP sensitized gelatin particles w/TP ag
TPI immobilizes/uses alive TP to PT serum
-ids treponemal ab in serum
-most senstive is FTA,ABS
-sorbant is Reiters, removes nonspecific ab, R=removes=reiter
-fluorescent label is flurescein isothiocyanate
with AHG and helps make ag-ab visible
-not as senstive in primary/secondary
-PT serum+ SRBC sensitized with TP, agg
TP particle agglutination:
-dilute Pt serum plus TP sensitized gelatin particles w/TP ag
-ab=agg, smooth mat on well
5 Streptococcal antigens
Antigen test: GAS grp A strep ag
5 Strep antigens:
-streptolysin O (O=oxygen labile)
-streptokinase(dissolves fibrin)
-DNase B, NADase
Strep A tests:
Tests for antibody:
Type of cells used…
Two tests deal with agglutination, agg=ab..
Antibody detection:
-anti-streptolysin O slide test:
tests for antibody to streptolysin O
SRBC, PT ab=agg
-streptozyme: slide agg for all 5 ab
-PT antibody detected with antigen coated to SRBC
Strep A tests:
tests for antibody
2 tests are neutralizations…ab=no hemolysis or no change
antistreptolysin O tube test:
-hemolysis inhibition,
-streptolysin O antibody in serum keeps strepO from lysing reagent grpO cells
-no hemolysis, Todds units
-anti-DNase B, pos ab=green stays/isn’t hydrolyzed, it is neutralized
Principle of ASO tube test…
titer measured in…
hemolysis inhibition
-dilution of last tube no hemolysis
Rapid slide test:
Heterophil antibody test positive is and is reported as…
Paul Bunnel is a rapid diff slide test that uses…rbc as an indicator
-IM will agglutinate what kind of rbc
-Forsmann ab will be…by what kind of rbc
Test that diff between the 3 types of heterophile ab….and uses these two rbcs
Stimulated by one antigen, react with unrelated antigen, 1:56 IgM reacts with horse,ox, sheep rbc
Rapid Mono slide test, monspot: heterophile ag, latex agglutination, guinea pig adsorption and horse rbc to detect IM
Positive is agglutination and reported as highest dilution with agglutination
-uses SRBC as indicator
-IM PTs will agglutinate kidney
-but Forsmann ab will be absorbed by the guinea pig kidney
Davidsohn diff test: uses sheep, horse rbcs
Widal and Weil felix detect…
Widal elevated O titer indicates…
Weil Felix detects ab to…
-uses OX19/O2 ag which are..strains
Widal and Weil felix detect febrile agglutinins
Widal increased O titer indicates increased agglutinins to S.typhi
Weil Felix detecs ab to rickettsia using proteus strains OX19/2
Confirm EBV with…
IgM antiVCA, antiEA, IgG antiVCA
w/out antiEBNA indicate…
anti EBNA, IgG antiVCA, with out IgM antiVCA indicates…
Confirm EBV with…
IgM antiVCA, antiEA, IgG antiVCA
w/out antiEBNA indicate…current
*IgM=current, no EBNA=not past
anti EBNA, IgG antiVCA, with out IgM antiVCA indicates…past
*EBNA only in past, no IgM=not current
HSV: goes latent
HSV1: oral, can be urogenital
HSV2: more genital, urogenital, 90% genital, sex, mom baby
HSV3: VZV, chicken pox, ELISA
-Shingles: latent herpes zoster
ab to Brucella abortus will cross react with Franciella tularensis
aspergillosis titer of 1:512 is diagnostic
Cryptococcal antigen latex is replacing..
but interference from..
RF has….ab against the Fc portion of…
In the latex slide, PT serum is added to latex coated with…
Can also use…as a source of ab for RF latex
confirm RF with…
Cryptococcal antigen latex is replacing india ink; although antigen latex is interfered with RF
RF has IgM ab against the Fc portion of IgG
-RA type 3 hypersensitivity
In the latex slide, PT serum is added to latex coated with AHG
-agglutination not hema
-antibody is IgM
Can also use…as a source of ab for RF latex
confirm with antiCCP cycliccitrullinated peptide
mixed connective tissue ab
limited sclerosist/CREST ab
SLE ab…
Scleroderma ab…
sjogrens syndrome ab…
-associated with what lymphoma
SLE: dsDNA, Sm
malar rash
Scleroderma: SCL
sjogrens syndrome ab: SS-A/B
-B cell lymphoma
Graves autoab…
Hashimotos ab…
Graves: autoab to TSH receptor
Hashimoto: auto ab against autoag thryroglobulin
Both chronic granulomatus disease and Chediak Higashi have issues with
CGD: ineffective phagocytosis=bacterial infections
Chediak: impaired segs
T cell def, no thymus
can be enumerated by flow
Complete/marked def of both T/B…
Partial combined immunodef/thrombocytopenia at birth…
sexlinked/males, absense of plasma cells/no ab
<100 CD19 B cells
SCID severe combined immun def
Complete/marked def of both T/B…
Partial combined immunodef/thrombocytopenia at birth…Wiskott Aldrich
Brutons agammaglobemia:
sexlinked/males, absense of plasma cells/no ab
<100 CD19 B cells
Serotype HSV..
Assay to type HSV to high specificity…
high specificyt: ELISA
VZV serological type..
rubella testing…and screen for immunity…
T.gondii serological testing…
VZV serological type..ELISA
rubella testing…ELISA
-screen for immunity IgG
-respiratory,cross placenta
-german measles, MMR
T.gondii serological testing…ELISA
CMV serological test…
false pos with what test…
CMV serological test…IgM/IgG antibody
-active: IgM, IgG 4 fold increase
-inactive: no IgM, IgG
false pos with indirect immunofluoresnce
Type 3:
Type 4:
Type1: immediate/anaphylactic, IgE
-asthma, bee (wheel, rash)
Type2: ab-ag complex
-transfusion, goodpasture(IgG,IgM)
Type 3: immune complexes
Type 4: delayed, dermatiditis
-TB skin test, Mantoux skin
-Poison ivy, GVHD
PCR: 3 steps to make copies
Denature, Anneal, Extend
competitive, inversely related to concen
RIST: IgE RAST: IgE to specific allergen
enzyme multiplied
small molecules/hormones, color=pos
Immunoflurecense: ANA, FTA-ABS
-direct: fluorescein labeled ab to PT tissue
-indirect:PT serum to reagent, wash, flurescein labed AHG, wash
-Uses mercury vapor lamp-very bright
-FITC: fluorecein isothiocyanate
-TRITC: red 580nm, tetra-rhodamine-iso-thi-cyanate
Flourescence polarization IA
-ag reduces light
-ab +flurescent tagged ag, pos is decreased polarization
Rheumatoid arthristis tests:
chronic inflammation in joints/tissues
RF: serum or synovial fluid, soluble immune complexes; RF antiglobulins bind Fc fragment of IgG
What reaction is based between patient antibodies in the serum, known as the rheumatoid factor (RF), and an antigen derived from human gamma globulin (IgG)?
RF Slide: RA
-drop of serum on card plus latex reagent with AHG, mix, tilt/rotate for 2min, agglutination means RF present
Latex reagents consist of a stabilized latex suspension coated with albumin and chemically bonded with denatured human gamma globulin. This reagent serves as an antigen in the procedure. If rheumatoid factors (RFs) are present in the serum, macroscopic agglutination will be visible when the latex is mixed with the serum.
Rheumatoid arthristis tests:
chronic inflammation in joints/tissues
ESR: inflammation
CRP: protein made by immune system to inflammation
-autoantibody cyclic citrullinated peptide
ANA: antinuclear antibody test
5 Steps of phagocytosis
Antibody response to antigenic/foreight, immune response phases
lag: no ab
log: titer increase log
plateau: titer stabilizes
decline: ag broken down
Two steps in agglutination
1.)Sensitiation: physical attachment dependent on
-ph 7.0
-temp: IgM 4-22, IgG 37
-incubation time 15-60min
2.)lattice: crosslinks between sensitized particles and antibodies
What three reactions have clear supernatants
2+ medium, some free
3+large, some free
4+ one solid
What reactions have reddish supernatant
MF: most free
weak: barely visible, turbid
1+: small aggregates, free, turbid
PCR: amplify
specific proteins:
DNA: southern
RNA: northern
specific proteins: Western, HIV
-chromatographic immunoassay
-antibody detects hcg
-beta HCG ab bound to solid medium
-any beta HCG will bind to it
-2nd monoclonal beta HCG +ALP will sandwich and make a bound ab-beta hcg-enzyme labeled ab
-incubation, washed
-chromagenic substrate added, color
Beta HCG maintains corpus luteum, stimulates progesterone
detectable amounts 2-3 days after implantation, 8-10 days after conception, 12 days after missed period
peak 2-3 months
SG 1.015 for urine
Infectious mononucleosis, EBV
actually increased reactive lymphs
can cause burkitts
DNA herpesvirus
Heterophil antibodies:
stimulated by one antigen and react with unrelated antigen
Sig nig titer 1:56
IgM reacts with horse, ox, sheep (horse best)
adsorbed by beef,
NOT ADSORBED by guinea pig kidney
Rapid slide:
agglutionation for detection of IM heterophile ab
-uses suspension of guinea pig kidney to adsorp and horse rbc to react
-1 min mix, agglutination is positive
Treponema pallidum:
spirochete, sex
darkfield for people with symptoms
primary: painless chancre
secondary: most contagious, highest amt, rash
latent: no symptoms, abortion
tertiary: 3-10yrs after primary, cardiac, degeneration of neurons
Reagin: nontreponemal antibodies; against their own or other
Delivery needles:
-fill with antigenj, vertically count drops in 0.5ml; 30 plus or minus 1 drops in 0.5ml ok
RPR/rapid plasma reagin: screen
-agglutionation or floculation with soluble antigen particles
-RPR reagin card: charcoal particle cardiolipin antigen on card; floculation as black clumps on white background
veneral disease research labs
-serum and CSF
-serum heated 56C for 30min inactivate complement
-cardiolipin/lechithin on particles of cholesterol
-ab against antigen to confirm positive nontreponemal
-PT serum adsorbed with nonT.pall, fuorecein-conjugated AHG specific for anti-treponemal antibodies
Fluroscent treponemal antibody-adsorption
-heat inactivated adsorbed with Reiter strain/Treponema
-fluorescent labeled AHG
-rbcs w/T.pall ag; gel particles
Treponemal particle agglutination
-serum with colored gelatin particles with treponemal ag in microtiter plates, formation of mat is posisitve
MHA-TP: micro-hem-agglutination
-detects antibodies in serum/edta; fixed chix RBC or sheep rbc with T.pall, antibodies agglutinate the rbc
-Competitive: T.pall ag in well, patient ab competes w/enzyme labeled anti-treponemal ab
-Immune capture: wells with IgM/G, serum, enzyme labeled T.pall ag added
-Sandwich: Patient ab bind to T.pall coated wells, enzymed labeled ab/ag added
Hep A: not chronic, no reinfection due to antibody protective for life; IgM to HAV
Hep B: DNA, IgM with EIA
-Acute: surface Ag, antiHBc, IgM
-high infectivity: e antigen
-window: anti-HBc
-recovered/immune/vaccination: anti-HBs
-past: anti-HBc IgG
Hep C: RNA, no vaccine, blood trans/needles
-EIA antiHCV
Hep D: RNA, needs B , superinfection, percutaneous
Order of appearance:
HBsAg, HBeAg
antiHBc, antiHBe, antiHBs
EBV: IM, Burkitt, from salivary
-Monospot: serum, sheep/horse RBC, agglutination is postive
-Mono diff test: 2 heterophile ab: Forssman, non; serum with 2 antigen suspensions guinea pig and beef rbc, tested with horse rbc;
*IM agglutinates with guinea pig kidney
EBV antigen specific serologic tests;
-acute: anti-VCA but no ebna
-convalesent/past: IgG antiVCA, antiEBNA
-if pos, do 2nd/3rd tests and then confirm with western blot
Rapid screen:
-lateral flow
CMV: remains latent
-viral culture: shell vial, rapid centrifugation
Measles: respiratory, EIA for immune status
Mumps: respiratory, fomites, viral culture
Rubella(german measles): pregant
-viral culture, viral protein IFA/EIA, reverse transcripttase PCR
-ab hemagglutination inhibition, latex agg, EIA
Heterophile agg tests:
antibody will react to unrelated species with common antigen
Mono: IM, EBV, develop antibodies, react to surface antigens on RBCs of different mammalian species
-Monospot: qualitative, solid phase, heterophile ab captured by antigen band of bovine RBC in membrane, dye conjugated AHG IgM in pad
Paul Bunnell: hetero ab agglutinate sheep rbc, dilutions of heat inactivated serum, agglutination, titer
Weil Felix: typhus, Rickettsiae, Proteus OX
Febrile agglutinins:
ab from infections will induce fever
Febrile antigens slide/tube test: use serum to detect antibodies to these; mechanical rotator 1 min at 80-100rpm; agglutination
Antigens in test kit:
-Rickettsia, typhus
Widal test:
-detect febrile agglutinins to Salmonella, O and H antigens are affixed to particles and adsorbed to colored latex particles
-2-4 fold rise in titer
CRP Slide test:
-slide agglutination: CRP protein/antigen in serum agglutinates with latex particles coated in anti-CRP
-inflammation, rheumatic fever, RA
-Dispense one drop of serum vertically, add latex reagent, mix in circular mannuar, tilt/rotate for 2min, agglutionation is positive
ASO: antistreptolysin screen/titer
Slide: one drop serum, latex dropper, mix tilt/rotate 2min, agglutination
Autoimmunity is the presence of antibodies (which are made by B lymphocytes) and T lymphocytes directed against normal components of a person (autoantigens).
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis:
autoimmune, circulating immune complexes
Rapid slide test for antinucleoprotein:
-SLE latex test: suspension of polystyrene latex particles coated with DNP (deoxy-nucleoprotein)
-latex reagent is mixed with the serum with ANA
-the DNP coated latex particles bind to the ANAs in the serum
ANA: anitnuclear antibodies
-immunoglobulins that react with nucleus or nuclear components in the tissue of the host
-cannot confirm disease, screens
-indirect immunoflurescent test uses fluorescein-conjugated AHG which binds to ANA antibodies in serum
-HEp2 cells
-Fluorescence used in UV light
ANA Patterns:
Homogenous or peripheral:
-suggests SLE is titer high
WNV: rna, birds via mosquitos, IgM ab in serum/CSF
-RNA respiratory
-A,B,C surface proteins: A,B seasonal
-rapid flu tests antigens
COVID19-SARS-COV2: viral tests, RTPCR viral test
TORCH panel:
ab illness to pregnant, birth
TB: mycobacterium tuberculosis
-inhaled, inside macrophages
Interferon-gamma release assay:
IFN release by Tcells
-QuantiFERON-TB Gold in Tube: ELISA whole blood
-screen exposed to; PPD solube antigen from tb cell wall
-PPD injected intradermally: 48-72hrs later for induration from cell mediated delayed hypersensitivity type4
Thyroid autoantibodies
Hashimoto thyroidistis
-most common, woman
-rubbery goiter
-antiTPO (thyroperoxidase)
-woman, firm goiter
-TRAb ab
MHA-TP is another serological test for syphilis. What does MHA represent in methodology?
Question 123Answer
Micro Hemagglutination Assay
Micro Hemostatic Array
Microbiological Human Antibodies
Multi-hemagglutinins Assay
Micro Hemagglutination Assay is one of the serological tests for syphilis. It is used to confirm that a positive nontreponemal test result has been caused by syphilis.
What are immunogens?
Question 124Answer
Antigens that can induce antibody production
Platelets that function during an immune response
Proteins that are important for proper immune system function
Reagents used in sophisticated blood bank testing
Antigens that can induce antibody production
Immunogens are antigens that can induce antibody production. Immunoassays utilize antigen-antibody reactions. Antigens and antibodies are used as very specific reagents.
What is the PCRs action when there are selected sections of DNA or RNA?
Question 125Answer
Denature (unfold)
Isolate (remove)
Reproduce (amplify)
Stain (incubated)
Reproduce (amplify)
To reproduce, or amplify—previously, amplification of DNA involved cloning of the segments and took weeks, however, PCR methodology takes only a few hours.
What antibodies are heterogeneous and lack the specificity of mAbs?
Question 126Answer
Polyclonal antibodies
Polyclonal antibodies
These antibodies are heterogeneous and lack the specificity of monoclonal antibodies.
What test provides a suspension of polystyrene latex particles coated with deoxyribonucleoprotein (DNP)?
Question 127Answer
Optical immunoassays (OIA)
SLE Latex Test
Solid-phase immunosorbent assay (SPIA)
Western blot
The SLE Latex Test (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA) provides a suspension of polystyrene latex particles coated with deoxyribonucleoprotein (DNP). When the latex reagent is mixed with serum containing the ANAs, binding to the DNP-coated latex particles produces macroscopic agglutination. The procedure is positive in SLE and systemic rheumatic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and Sjogren’s syndrome.
What kind of condition does an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) detect?
Question 128Answer
Decreased muscle strength
Genetic mutations
Immune responses
Radioactivity observations
Immune responses
ELISA uses components of the immune system and chemicals to detect immune responses in the body.
What reaction is based between patient antibodies in the serum, known as the rheumatoid factor (RF), and an antigen derived from human gamma globulin (IgG)?
Question 129Answer
Fecal occult (Guaiac) blood test
Infectious mononucleosis (mono) test
Rapid slide agglutination tests
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) agglutination test
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) agglutination test
Latex reagents consist of a stabilized latex suspension coated with albumin and chemically bonded with denatured human gamma globulin. This reagent serves as an antigen in the procedure. If rheumatoid factors (RFs) are present in the serum, macroscopic agglutination will be visible when the latex is mixed with the serum.
What system uses an antibody directed toward the agent being assayed as being fixed firmly to a solid matrix, such as the outside of a spherical plastic or metal bead or the inside of a reaction well?
Question 130Answer
Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA)
Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
Optical immunoassays (OIA)
Solid-phase immunosorbent assay (SPIA)
Solid-phase immunosorbent assay (SPIA)
A modification of SPIA uses a disposable plastic cassette consisting of the antibody-bound membrane and a small chamber to which the specimen can be added. An absorbent material is placed below the membrane to wick the liquid reactants through the membrane.
Acute, 2 weeks convalescent
Titer: reciprocal of highest dilution gives reaction
4 fold increase is current