Amputation (TT and Foot) Flashcards
What shape do you want transtibial amputation
cylindrical shape
What shape do you want transfemoral amputation
How long do you ideally want the residual limb in TT or TF amputation?
What is the problem with a short residual limb
shorter level arm, creating gait difficulties
What is the circumferential measurement goal with a transtib amputation
distal end to be equal or at least 1/3in greater for prosthesis to fit
What is the beat option for edema management
rigid removable dressing
What are interventions for phantom limb sensation
desensitization techniques, mirror box
What are the interventions for phantom limb pain
gabapentin, TENS
What are the key muscles for gait we want to examine?
quads, hip flexors, hip abd, hip extensors
When doing MMT what do we want to keep in mind?
no pressure until incision heals
hand placement the same on both legs
What muscles are at risk of contraction for TT
knee flexors, hip ER/flex/ABD
What muscles are at risk of contracture for TF
hip flex/ER/ABD
What is the best positioning for a person with amputation
Where do you place pillows to prevent contracture
at distal end of residual limb (TT)
laterally for hip ER and ABD
What is the main reason for amputation? What is the second?
vascular disease (DM and PAD)
second is trauma
What is the decision making for level of amputation?
sufficient vascularization
What is a lisfranc amputation
a disarticulation between the cuneiforms + cuboid and the metatarsals
What is a chopart’s amputation
a disarticulation between the talus and navicular and the calcaneous and cuboid
What is a symes amputation?
remove basically the whole foot including talus and calcaneus
What is the difference between endo and exoskeletal prosthesis
endo: has a pylon, could have foam over it, more adaptable
Exo: hard shell all the way, more durable
What are the 2 types of sockets
Patella tendon bearing or total surface bearing
What are the pressure tolerant areas
femoral condyles
patella tendon
Tibial shaft and ant compartment
fibular shaft
posterior compartment