What are the advantages of a rigid dressing?
- can ambulate with rigid plaster
- promotes circulation and healing
- protects and provides soft tissue support
- limits edema
- can utilize an IPOP
What are the disadvantages of a rigid dressing?
- can’t immediately inspect wound
- no daily dressing change
- can’t ambulate with some
- professional has to apply it
What are the advantages of the semi-rigid dressings?
- reduces post op edema
- gives soft tissue support
- provides protection
- easily changeable
What are the disadvantages of the semi-rigid dressing?
- does not protect as well as rigid dressing
- more changing required than rigid
- may loosen and allow for edema
What are the advantages of a soft dressing? (ace wrap, shrinker)
- reduces post-op edema
- provides a little protection
- inexpensive
- easily removed to inspect wound
- allows for active ROM
What are the disadvantages of a soft dressing?
- tissue healing interrupted by frequent dressing changes
- joint ROM may delay healing
- less control of residual limb pain
- can’t control amt of tension in the bandage
- risk of tourniquet effect
- shrinker cant be used until sutures are removed
What are the pressure tolerant areas of a transfemoral amputation?
- ischium
- soft tissues of residual limbs
What are the pressure tolerant areas of a transtibial amputation?
- patellar ligament
- lateral fibular shaft
- lateral medial shaft
- lateral tibial shaft
What is a level K0 description?
- prosthesis will not enhance quality of life or mobility
What is a level K1 description?
- can transfer
- ambulates on level surface
- fixed cadence
- household ambulator
What is a level K2 description?
- transverses low level barriers: curbs, stairs, uneven surfaces
- limited community ambulator
What is a level K3 description?
- variable cadence ambulation
- unlimited community ambulator
- prosthetic use beyond simple locomotion
What is a level K4 description?
- exceeds basic ambulation skills
- exhibits high impact, stress, or energy levels
- typical of child, athlete, or active adult
What knee units are used for K1?
- single axis
- constant friction mechanism
What are knee units used for K2?
- polycentric
- constant friction mechanism
What are knee units used for K3?
- hydraulic/pneumatic
- microprocessor
- variable friction mechanism
What are knee units used for K4?
Any system!
What foot assembly is used for K1?
- Single axis
What foot assembly is used for K2?
- flexible keel foot
- multi axis foot/ankle
What foot assembly is used for K3?
- dynamic processing
- multi axis
What foot assembly is used for K4?
- any system!