Amours Quotes Flashcards
‘Tis but to prove limitation, and measure a cord, that we travel (opening of Canto 1)
‘The world that we live in/ Whithersoever we turn, still is the same narrow crib
“narrow crib” - especially infantile
- “cord” - metaphoric umbilical cord
- paradoxically “proves limitation” because we interrogate our earthly and mortal bounds but indulge the boundlessness of imagination
Rubbishy (italicised) seems the word that most exactly would suit it
- maintains his judgemental distance as a tourist
- this tone pervades the first letter
- typography draws attention to haughty damnation
- italicised in the Patrick Scott edition
- others have capitalised it
- also perhaps draws attention to it as a word taken from Clough’s correspondence directly
Rome disappoints me much,- St Peter’s perhaps in especial/ Only the Arch of Titus and view from the Lateran please me
- due to Classical education, Claude finds the relics of Ancient Rome more attractive than the more recently impressive buildings etc.
- as a tourist he is looking for what is most familiar and he finds that the ancient relics are more familiar than the modern condition of Catholicism/ the modern buildings of Catholicism
“I am feeling so spiteful,/ That I could travel to Athens, to Delphi, and Troy, and Mount Sinai,/ Though but to see with my eyes that these are vanity also”
- disparity between his imagination and the senses
- if we question whether his sense can be trusted because they are so influenced by his imagination/ expectations then really do we have to question the validity of taking any travel recount as authentic - do we not need to travel ourselves in order to get closer to an authentic experience?
(or do we have to sacrifice this idea of authenticity because all experience of travel will be affected by expectation etc.)
Ye gods! what do I want with this rubbish of ages departed (L2)
- subverted invocation to the muses/ the gods
- reverses the direction of inspiration, more accusatory - better for them to exist in cultural memory or imagination than any physical reminder
- the archaism of the invocation, however, implies the awkward position that Claude finds himself in - he is simultaneously forced to accept temporal progress while striving towards the temporal past
Would to Heaven the old Goths had made a cleaner sweep of it! (L2)
- recourse to the prevailing familiarity of his imagination
- give security
- wishes that the physical remnants of relics were destroyed in order that the enhanced version of his imagination could prevail
- but that also these relics did not have to be subjected to inevitable decay at the hands of time but could be preserved and immortalised in his imagination
- foreshadows the attitude of the futurists - want to overcome the oppressive weight of destruction - give way to modern progression
‘Brickwork I found thee, and marble I left thee!’ their Emperor vaunted;/ ‘Marble I thought thee, and brickwork I found thee!’ the Tourist may answer (closes L2)
- spiteful chiasmus
- summarises the discrepancy between topography and expectation
- instability of language reflects the unavoidable instability of travel
Come, let us go,—to a land wherein gods of the old time wandered,/ Where every breath even now changes to ether divine. (opening of Canto 1)
- imagined legacy of the ancient gods - “changes” as in every human voice turns into a flowing river of praise to the divinity of the gods
- in reality we find that they have been forgotten and superseded (especially in the replacement of the belief systems)
- however - the archaism of the syntactic formation mirrors his admission that the gods as a belief system are redundant
All the incongruous things of past incompatible ages,/ Seem to be treasured up here to make fools of present and future (L1)
- described as its own “Monte Testaceo”
- has the destabilising consequence that this shows us what we are inevitably going to become
metallic beliefs and regimental devotions (L5)
- sinful corruption of the modern Christian faith
- you might have to progress temporally but this is not necessarily progressive
- reference to iconography, financial orientation of the Catholic faith
- religion has become commodified because of its status as a tourist attraction
- discomforting ambiguity between the religious pilgrimage and the cultural pilgrimage
- “regimental” - criticism of the Tractarians - severity of religious observation - perfunctory
overcrusting with slime, perverting, defacing, debasing,
Michael Angelo’s Dome, that had hung the Pantheon in heaven, Raphael’s Joys and Graces, and thy clear stars, Galileo! (L5)
- condemnation exploding into plosive asyndeton
- all three figures - Angelo, Raphael, Galileo - all in some way been betrayed by religion
- the process of reappropriation of the Pantheon has been debased because there has been a religious shift from the point at which Michael Angelo created the Dome of St. Peter’s - was pure, now corrupt
- (Three Graces) - inspiration taken from a Roman statue in the Siena Cathedral - its value as a cultural artwork has been sullied due to the corrupt condition of the Catholic Church
- Galileo - (more explicit case) Catholicism debased his science through the Inquisition
dreams to my eyes, I repeople thy niches/ Not with Martyrs, and Saints, and Confessors, and Virgins, and children but with the mightier forms of an older, austerer worship (L5)
- paradox whereby he is resisting religious modernisation while also witnessing the unrestrainable inevitability of the transcendence of the past
- due to the mode of travel writing and the expectation of some elements of truthfulness, this imaginary scene takes on a feeling of reality even when acknowledged as an idealistic fantasy
- ‘children’ - ie. the followers of these religious figures - relates to Claude as a ‘Great Man’ figure who exists under the pronoun ‘I’ and never as a follower of any single religion etc.
- privileges this ‘older, austerer’ worship with a translation into Latin
It is a blessing, no doubt, to be rid, at least for a time, of/ All one’s friends and relations (L1)
- fits in with him being a Romantic traveller
- enjoys being alone with nature/ the landscape where he can find his morals aside from modern consumer culture etc.
- where really tourism is just an extension of consumer culture
- the epistolary form but with no reply reflects his isolation
- OR perhaps he conceals the replies from us in order to distance himself from being seen as a tourist
(The Latest Decalogue)
Thou shalt not steal; an empty feat,
When ‘tis so lucrative to cheat:
- subversive parody of the 10 Commandments
- peels back the facade of each of the commandments and provides the background or the sub-text to each one
- similar to treatment of religion in Amours de Voyage - commandments are considered the pillars of faith in the same way that the buildings such as St. Peter’s Basilica is - peels back the facade in the same way - casts a critical eye on the reality of the faith