Amos & Jonah Test Flashcards
Jonah was during the reign of what king?
Jeroboam II
Was Jonah a minor or major prophet?
What was so terrible about Assyria?
ruthless empire, bad people, pagan practices, known for torturing and mutilating enemies, easy to hate, Nazis of their day, built pyramid of human heads, blinding enemies, cut off libs, tear out tongues, imparing victims on poles
what is the capital of Assyria
Did Jonah’s prophesy come true? Why or why not?
No; because of Nineveh’s repentance
the greatest event in the book of Jonah is what?
Nineveh repented and turned to God
Only minor prophet mentioned by who? (Jonah) What is the bible reference?
Jesus; Matthew 12:38-41
Jonah means…
Jonah was from …….in the…….kingdom
Galilee; Northern
Jonah was the only prophet whose main job was being God’s mouthpiece to a ……nation rather than Israel/Judah
List 4 miracles in Jonah
storm at sea
fish was waiting to swallow jonah
fish spit jonah out
A tree to provide shade
List 3 opposites in Jonah
prayerless/prayer to false gods
List 3 paradoxes in Jonah:
- jonah was a landlubber slept peacefully through storm; the sailors were seafaring pros, they were terrified beyond words
- Jonah a prophet of the one true god didn’t pray during the storm; the sailors, followers of false gods cried out in prayer
- Jonah a prophet was called to lead others to god but was led to god by a pagan sailor
List 4 lessons we can learn from Jonah
- God loves everyone: even the enemies of his chosen people(his love for Gentiles even Nineveh)
- God means his call when he gives it
- -disobedience puts others in danger
- Going your own way instead of Gods way always take more time and uses more energy
Memory verse for Jonah:
“In my distress I called to The Lord, and he answered me. From the depths of the grave i called for help, and you listened to my cry.” Jonah 2:2
What is the purpose of the added story of the vine? What does it teach us?
The purpose is to point out that Jonah was happy and then mad because the tree was gone but he didn’t like it when god went from angry to pleasure; teaches us not to be hyprcrits
We don’t know the ending to the story of Jonah after the vine situation. What do you think happened
Got in trouble by god or died of heat
What is something new you learned while studying jonah?
That Jonah was lead to god by a pagan sailor
What is a lesson you will always remember from Jonah? How will it apply to your life?
I learned that if you go your own way it will take longer and use more energy. I can apply it by riding on the wave of God
Who is the author of Jonah?
No one is certain
What does Amos mean? Why?
it means Doom or Burden Bearer because he was burdened with the task god had given him or his message was a burden to the people
Real religion isn’t just a ….. but treating people with…..
ritual: justice
What were Amos’ two jobs?
farmer and shepherd
What king was reinging in judah at the time of Amos? Was he god fearing?
King Uzziah; Yes
Amos was from the …..kingdom(….). he was sent to the ….. kigndom(…..) to prophesy
southern: Judah
northern: Israel
What king was reigning in Israel at the time?
Jeroboam II
Name the 3 northern prophets
Jonah, Amos, Hosea
Israel was in time of great…..wealth
a sin that keeps being addressed in Amos is the mistreatment of the….
Did Amos want to be a prophet? How do you know? What was his reactiom?
No; he claimed to be a shepherd…..he listened to god
How did amos grab the attention of Israel at first?
by pronouncing judgement on Israel’s enemies and then pronounced judgement on Judah
How did Amos keep their attention after that?
pronounce judgement on Israels lack of justice and compassion, people of Israel never saw that they were doing the very things amos preached about judah
Why did the people of Israel turn on Amos?
they refused to believe the truth he was telling them
What were the 3 visions that god sent amos?
destructive locusts
consuming fire
plumb line
What did god say about the first 2 visions?
he relented
What did God say about the 3rd vision?
Amos didn’t ask for mercy
Who was the local high priest?What did he tell Amos?
Amaziah; to stop this judgmental ranting at once and go back to where you came from
God’s first big warning to the people was an….
Israel fell to the ……army and the 10 tribes of….. were exiled throughout the region, never to be joined as a …..
Memory verses for Amos
- “but let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream.”(Amos 5:24)
- “seek good, and not evil, that ye may live.” (Amos 5:14)
“Chosen ness must not be mistaken as divine….”
Name 4 purposes of God’s message through Amos
- God despises religious behavior that isn’t genuine
- God can use anyone to speak his word of truth
- God’s chosen people are called to a higher standard of behavior than the rest of the world
- God’s chosen people, like the rest of the world, will face gods judgment
List 5 sins that Israel committed
false gods sell righteous and the needy oppress poor cheating crush the needy turn justice into bitterness
What is something new you learned while studying Amos?
Amos listened to God when he was called
What is a lesson from Amos that you will always remember? How will it apply to your life?
If God calls you don’t do something different or avoid him like Jonah did but be like Amos and follow what he says